Discuss this clusterfuck of a nation, and how /ourguy/ will fix it.
/auspol/ Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>our guy
> a fat cunt
try harder
>hating Clive "Shitposter" Palmer
He's a true Australian. Taken from his official political kikebook page.
Wtf I love Ric Flair now
Didn't he go to jail for embezzling money from his own companies, or is that from tomorrow's news?
Who here /youngliberals/
You forgot noam chomsky
Australian """""music"""""
posting hot fresh oc
I R8 M8
Fuck off poo he wants to import heaps of chinks and poos for their cheap labour
Clive is our only hope now.
literally the only fucking glimmer of hope
Clive Palmer is a fuckwit. Fall of big ideas that never happen. I remember he was going to build a replica of the titanic or something...fuckwit.
this fucking guy
any ADF guys here? im waiting on my enlistment date for full time rifleman, ADF recruiting said 6-12 month wait so is it worth going rifleman reserves or should I just work a shit grocery store job until they call me a year from now? I heard it can be a long process transferring over to fulltime
Fuck off cunt. We don't need another shitty adf thread
cry more faggot
Why would you want to join the ADF? I can understand you like the military maybe but serving that shithouse government...no fucking way.
I dunno if i actually will join full time, most likely will just do the gap year thing and see about reserves, but i mostly want to just be trained and disciplined
Maybe one day join some mercs if wars start popping off
>young liberals
fuck off gay cunt go suck off zhang in the bathroom you poofter
Who the ducks this cunt? If he popped up outta nowhere he's a shill.
Heard anything good about the ADFA? I just booked a YOU session with them
No idea, still in highschool (Yes i'm 18)
I would become an officer if i could, its just the 7 year contract doesn't sound too appealing. Id probably do a 5 year one but ill see how the military life suits me with the gap year and decide after
>No idea, still in highschool (Yes i'm 18)
literally autistic teenagers
Fair enough man, I kinda fucked up with uni so I'm hoping ADFA will turn out to be a good alternative
Anyone seen that god awful bunderburg advertisement? Holy shit we neeeeed to nuke all major cities.