It's OK when Japan does it

>it's OK when Japan does it

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Japanese people aren't white, therefore they can't be racist.

Weebs btfo.

Japan is a dying nation.

>Pub Audition
This sounds like fun actually.

I met Arudou Debtio twice his commentary at the time somewhat made sense to me. Since the Japs allowed him to become a citizen he's a Jap in my mind.

sounds nice

Honestly I think businesses that provide non-essential services should have the right to be able to refuse service to anyone for any reason.
That being said I think it's shitty that Japs do this and specifically single out Filipinos lmao

His bar, his rules.

I unironically have no problem with this

>above-mentioned customers with Japanese can enter out pub

completely fine

Any private entity should be able to discriminate against anyone they want. Only the government itself should be unable to discriminate based on anything really, but the government also shouldn't be in a position of such power that it discriminating or not is an issue.


Japan is a homogeneous country with little immigration. Making them still be seen as racists.

>filipino or people from other countries
So, everybody?

oh look at mister fancy over with his big words

>No people or groups from oter countris
>Or Flips
Nippon not like Flip-land?

Yes, sounds okay for me. We have somewhat similar situation in housing sector eg. some people don't sell their houses to chinks and generally non-slavs.

It's ok when anyone does it.

slap that jap

I'm black and I would walk in there like I own the place and they wouldn't do shit or make me leave

Says the toothpaste.

I can't wait to be in Japon.
Legal discrimination is so awesome, i can't really comprehend it as a frenchman.

they wouldn't serve you
you wouldn't even get through customs


Dear US.

I am Japanese men.
Like your opinion, this picture seems strange to me.
May be this is simple reason.

They can't speak English.

So, Please come to this place with Japanese translator.

>It's okay

It's only okay because Japan literally spent billions on making sure everyone understood that they absolutely weren't going to change shit.

Japan was home to the "World's Richest Fascist" who literally overthrew the government of Indonesia out of spite and general distaste for communists.

Shame his organization got raped in the U.S.

He was like a Right Wing George Soros.

Probably an oppai pub or something like that. They don't want foreigners in their p4s businesses because there are usually a lot of rules and foreigners fuck up the flow. Other places that are strict with this shit are very traditional restaurants or bars, especially when they are in relation with Yakuza.

Nice numerals, nip!

its total population is in a dip, but it will still be a country of japanese people in 200 years. can any country in western europe say the same?

I like these guys.

Honorary Aryans.

Japan got nuked twice, they still have more sympathy points for the next few decades, they can do whatever they want.

Not true. They might be beta cuck bois but they will uphold their workplace rules like they're etched into stone. They harness a repressive retard strength, as well. They could beat you to a worthless bag of bones.

can i fuck you?

Also, it's a tiny fucking island that's filled to capacity. No shit their population is in decline.

Dear Westerners.

I am very very sorry.

We are not good English speaker.
99% of Japanese who escape when spoken to by a foreigner is due to English phobia.

Foreigners are so fucking annoying in any retail or customer service oriented business-Anyone who's worked in those industries knows this. It's pretty cool that they're able to do this without any native SJWs sperging out.

>or people from other countries

what did they mean by this.

Anime and NEET culture are to blame for that

Landlord of a pub here

foreign customers are annoying as fuck and make regulars not come in, people want to drink with their friends and family, not niggers and tourists

"No soul brother! Too beaucoup!"

Why the fuck would you be afraid to speak English ?
As long as we understand each other, its all good.

>what did they mean by this.
They mean *especially* filipinos
Or its just that the Philippines are part of Japan in the sense that its where the leftovers go

I have no problem with this

>probably because we do this to them
>too many of us browsing Sup Forums/Infinitechan are weebs

Weebs. I've met alot who are not aware of Japan's institutionalized racism.


I have a job in a pub and I would totally ban the entry of arabs, pooinloos and romanians.

Brits are ugly as fuck and they don't care to learn at least one fucking word in spanish, but they behave. People from USA ara totally cool and very friendly.

I guess japs can do that because they lost the battle of Hiroshima.

I don't care if can come in most clubs or places just please accept me in I will work hard and make japan great again.

All I want in exchange is a qt 3.14 nip gf and a place to settle I will work the earth and make lots of rice I swear.

My offspring will be nips with a bit of white genes to improve your gene pool it is a good trade I think.

Europe is becoming a shithole in 10-20 years so please save me ! I'll be a good nigger I promise !

Japan is overpopulated anyway

The idea that a countries population is not allowed to go down is the result of our international capitalist system constantly needing to grow to support itself

Japan isn't controlled by Jews though so where as Japan is working to address It's ageing Demographic problems, the West is happy to import millions of workers from developing countries to act as a bandaid on our problems; kicking the can down the road and selling out our people and country at the same time.

But it is a good thing. Kill yourself pasty weeb. Sage this shit.

Almost 50% of foreign children in the Netherlands are foreign born. You tell me what's a dying nation because you won't be the Netherlands much longer.

I love you

Almost 50% of Dutch children**

China is the same, does that make China racist?

Europe is a dying continent and America has a nigger problem, meanwhile Japan is still at least 98% pureblooded Jap

all developed nations are dying, some just have immigrants with 6 children to pad the numbers


You fucking bet

That is a cute pokemon.

their country their rules, globalism is a meme that doesn't work, why should locals who have been going to these places for years be forced to mingle with other races of people and be made to feel comfortable because of some pseudo political nonsense about "diversity" and "political correctness"

literally kill yourself.

>countries need to breed like rats to support the money machine
japan should learn how to sustain itself (hint: robots) and they will be happy. japan's streets are already crowded.

When you realize how insular and culturally divorced Japan is, it makes sense.

>No foreigner-only groups means you don't have people unfamiliar with Japanese culture faux-pas'ing the fuck up in your establishments

>If a Japanese person will vouch for them, things either turn out alright or the native is so embarrassed he commits sudoku

>Sealy uses avalanche
>Sealy fainted


>from kikelpedia, as of 2013, the Filipino population in Japan was 182,917.[1]

Psycho-Pass about to be real?

>instutionalized racism

Good. Why should Japan owe weebs and variations of niggers reparations? Thank God they're not bowing down to the shady cultural Marxists that have turned every country they could get their hands on into a cuck nation.

Israel is the same, does this make Israel racist?

Netherlands has a lower birthrate than Japan if you take the immigrants out of the equation. Much lower.

This is it,
They don't speak anything but japanese so bring your own translator,in some places serving and ordering goes fast and is structurized heavily, they don't have time to teach you so bring your own teacher to get you up to speed
Also maybe its a titty bar they don't like tourists in their strip joints for some reason.

Good, they should shoot them on sight.

>filippinos or people from other countries
why did they have to specify filippinos?

this only happens on Okinawa because marine niggers chimp out constantly and rape women

Oh yeah. Didn't Japan also ban Muslims from entering their country? And they love trump.
Japan seems great.

>he got scammed by his 'wife-to-be' for thousands

kek, your fault you beta neek

>Jew is a race
We have every jews from almost all countries.
You name it.
Everyone here admits that we are racist to each other, and its okay and acceptable.
Not for lefty of course.

Fuck this thread. Japan need immigrants

white guy here, is this what it feels like to be discriminated against? I don't feel anything nor does it bother me in the slightest that some guy does what he wants with his ow bar. It makes me think sjws are either mentally ditsurbed or faking for attention when they bith about examples of discrimination in the west.

I would walk into that bar and smoke a cigarette defiantly until they try to remove me forcibly


A lot of them won't understand you though. That's the problem.

Hate bait. ELVIS has a history class version.

As a libertarian, I support this. It is their property and freedom of association is a human right.

Why did they single out flips?

So this is what it feels like to be a nigger back in the day

Gotta say, feels pretty shyte

reread the part where it says in your post "flips"

realize you answered your own question.

They have the right to set their own rules. Forcing them to have an open door to everybody would violate the NAP.

as i have said on this board

japanese are very racist.

And they don't give a fuck

and you know what. I don't have a problem with it. It's their country

don't like it, don't spend your hard earned money supporting it.

Pretty simple really.

I went to japan once. And i was rejected from a club and they said straight out "no foreigners allowed" and this was about 5 years ago.

I had to muscle my way in. The good thing about japan. Everyone is like 5 feet tall. Im 6 foot 2. 232 pounds. You are NOT going to stop me without a gun or a bat.

Sounds like a good idea until you have like 15 little nips with clubs beating your black ass all the way to the airport.

>Japan was home to the "World's Richest Fascist"
>He was like a Right Wing George Soros.
Shit, i'm going to be a rip-off :^(

I heard he's a real fuck head

>i was rejected from a club and they said straight out "no foreigners allowed"
Probably because you looked like a hobo, not because you were a foreigner.

>muh subhuman population growth

>Japan is a dying nation.
I'd rather die than be ethnically replaced.
But Japan is not dying, its preparing for the incoming automation revolution.

Meanwhile the west is importing millions of uneducated hostile people who will be rendered even more useless within a generation or two.

>no foreigners without Nips to handle them
Makes sense desu, most foreigners are rude cunts even when sober by Japanese standards.

>being proud of acting like a nigger

Just bring a japanese friend, what's the friggin problem?

everybody knows that's how it works

here in sao paulo you only get into the best obscure ethnic asian restaurants if you walk in with a friend that speaks their language, otherwise you sit there and nobody attends you

and koreans don't go to the obscure japanese places and vice-versa


your cucked ass would just sit there and be ignored

then when you complain they would go "shoo, we close, no serve" while they sit new people

then you would leave outraged and make a fuss about it on facebook

that's usually how it goes

Lol my nip friend said that they are being aware the amount of OFW.

We are everywhere now

I see nothing wrong with this. I got your back Japan.

you can literally walk in there anyway, japs don't care this just keeps cucks out

Haha the Japs discriminate against you guys

>here in sao paulo you only get into the best obscure ethnic asian restaurants if you walk in with a friend that speaks their language, otherwise you sit there and nobody attends you

that's literally a good excuse to go start punching restaurant staff. I hope you realize that Sao Paolo is fucked