Average wage of $15 CAD - $11.25USD.
*160 /month = 1800 USD/month.
- average take-home taxes of 40% = 1080 USD = $270 USD/week.
Thanks Cuckdeau!
Everyday over 2,000 3rd world migrants arrive in Canada
Average wage of $15 CAD - $11.25USD.
*160 /month = 1800 USD/month.
- average take-home taxes of 40% = 1080 USD = $270 USD/week.
Thanks Cuckdeau!
Everyday over 2,000 3rd world migrants arrive in Canada
I should add every day 2,000 permanent residence class migrants arrive, and 5,500 overall migrants a day. Every single one is non-white.
Every fucking day.
That's 2 million a year, for a country of 35 million.
So what are you doing here? Move to America if it's better.
Literally false
plus your housing market is cntrolled by chinese. A shitty 5x5 appartment is probably already 800 per month
In 2015, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada processed more than two million temporary resident applications and extensions, which was an increase of more than 18 percent over the previous three years. Temporary immigration represents a significant contribution to Canada’s labour market and to our economy in general. We are committed to improving processing times and meeting the challenge of more and more people applying to come to Canada.
>2 million
As of December 31, 2015, citizens from 149 countries and territories required temporary resident visas to visit Canada. In 2015, IRCC processed applications (new and extensions) from 1,588,590 persons seeking temporary resident visas to come to Canada, 82.3% of which were approved. IRCC continued to be successful in promoting the use of multiple-entry visas, which are valid for up to 10 years and allow applicants from visa-required countries to travel to Canada more frequently and on their own schedules. In 2015, a total of 1,231,041 multiple-entry visas were issued, which was a 21% increase from 2014. Effective February 6, 2014, a policy change automatically considered visitors to Canada eligible for a multiple-entry visa. IRCC also introduced a single fee for the processing of a temporary resident visa applicable to both single-entry and multiple-entry applications.
>Literally 1.2 million shitskins get unlimited live/work visas / year for 10 years that can skip straight to PR or citizenship.
Are you this fucking stupid?
And you wonder why a coder in SF can get $250 USD / hr vs $20 CAD / hr in Toronto
Toronto rents are about $3000 for 500 sq ft, up there with Manhattan
except wages are in the $200-300K USD range in Manhattan
where as they're $60-70K CAD in Toronto, aka $40-50K USD
Did you ever hear of 2 million shitskins being let into Canada a year?
all you hear about is
>"muh reasoned immigration, 300k, all highly skilled"
What if I told you the most critical labour shortage program, Express Entry in Economic Class, had "COOK" and "FOOD PREP SUPERVISOR" as it's top 2 express entry categories?
Hey buddy, you NEED those kebab shops.
I should mention those states are also minimized because each of these shitskins is getting multiple-entry visas, so instead of having to reapply every 3-6-12 months, they're getting one visa that's good for 10 years so they can keep the stats as low as possible while pulling the wool over your eyes
Amazing how Canada has gone from 25M whites / 6.3M non-whites in 2011 to 24M whites / 11M whites in 2016 despite muh reasoned immigrations of 250K/year.
Wait, but it increased by 950,000 non-whites/year? How can that be when Canada is only letting in 250K total immigrants/year lmfao.