Intergalactic space Pepe thread part 2
Previous thread:
Another thread with some info:
This is somehow piecing moloch together.
Intergalactic space Pepe thread part 2
Well this is bonechillin stuff
Intergalactic space Pepe confirmed
that looks more lik a cookie monster face to me than anything else
or globox from rayman
Migrate to this thread. Do not post here. Let it die
globox will consume all
Whats this going on here?
I feel as ive missed something
Relevant pic posted by some Germanon. What do you think, Sup Forums?
fuck it's coming
It's the cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland you silly willies
>What do you think
I think he's shilling for those websites and utilities
If you guys wanna have some more fun, here's a sky map better than google's
It has twenty different sky surveys to look at, other IR, MW and optical
Some serious shits about to happen and (((they))) are at the forefront of it.
Fake. Nothing to see here.
Toasting in epic bread
What the ever loving fuck is that?
Some weird type of double super nova with sparkles
Or a nebula of some sort
>those digits
the lyrics of shadilay come to mind.
Kek is sailing through the stars to find us
Eat shit you fucking happening cuck.
It's Shemitah all over again.
WW3 with Russia over Crimea
It exactly is.
What are those flags ?
Looks like something Jim Henson would conjure up
There's a difference between random anons making something up and a literal physical sign in the sky that is occurring right now and set to fulfill in September. The other findings in jewgle sky are a bit alarming since it's something new that either a. the space agencies don't know about (bullshit) or b. they're suppressing knowledge of for as long as possible.
can someone tell me what this evangelion thing is?
m8 only because something in the nature looks weird it doesnt mean IT"S HAPPENING BIBLE PROPHECY, DEVIL
inb4 thread is pruned because it's 'not pol related'
posting important stuff
>shills are already working against this
jej'd desu familia
Everyone will be liquefied into Orange Tang
You'll love it!
What is this
yes or no
is it the japanese anime?
this unpossible level of autism.
Lock this thread.
Revelation 12 dragon
when Sup Forums became /x/?
>Born a while back
>Grew up watching preachers on TV with grandma
>Seen all the predictions from 1980 on
>Been to Benny Hinn "Miracle" tours
>Year 2000
>Stock crashes
>Mayan Calendar
>0% interest to keep us all from being impoverished
>Now this shit
You fags, as well as the religious community, lost all stock in the Y2K wad blowing. Real world problems take precedence over speculative astrophysical nonsense.
Seriously, you folks need a job so you can stop ruining my hobby.
> point out that previous shitty happening especially Shemitah 201 didnt happen
This wouldn't be so creepy except that google is blacking a bunch of shit out so we can't see.
>The other findings in jewgle sky are a bit alarming since it's something new that either a. the space agencies don't know about (bullshit) or b. they're suppressing knowledge of for as long as possible.
The truth is, I'm your actual God-Emperor.
But I don't think I'm going to attempt to rule anyone - just order Israel's military funds turned over to me.
I'm just here to show monotheists they still have no divine power.
i opened a thread on eightchin
Sup Forumsres/9552804.html
Reminder that Moloch = Saturn = Cronus
And we all know what he is into.
I don't. Could you redpill me on Cronus/Saturn?
It is the face of god.
"The background of Saturn worship goes back to 600 BC with Greek poet Hesiod’s ‘Works and Days’ where he discusses the various ages of man. One of the ages was referred to as the Golden Age. The Golden Age was referenced in several prominent ancient cultures, similar to how the cultures would adopt each other’s gods and rename them. The ancient Romans worshipped the god Saturnus, who was the god of agriculture and time, and his reign was known as the time of Golden Age of peace and harmony. The Greek god that was the same as Saturnus was Cronus, the youngest of the Titans. The Carthaginian god Ba’al (or Moloch) was the same god, and devoured children (similar to Cronus who ate children)."
It's time for me to post in this thread. I'll give you a basic gestalt on what's happening and why.
I'd like to say that I don't agree with all of Isaac Newton's theories on theology but he did make some points which are relevant.
I have understanding of some of the parts of the Book of Revelation, specifically regarding a part of Revelation 13, which refers to a Beast that rises from a Sea. Thanks very much to the key that Isaac Newton provides in his book explaining how to interpret the prophetic language of St John and the Prophet Daniel.
But first you must have a basic understanding of Daniel and how prophecies work in the Bible.
So in the Book of Daniel there are 4 beasts in the same way that there are four empires being shown in the statue of Nebuchadnezzar.
Four metals = Four Kingdoms
Gold = Babylon
Silver = Media and Persia
Bronze = Greece
Iron = Rome
Same thing with the beasts.
Four beasts = Four Kingdoms
The 1st beast is Babylon
The 2nd beast is Persia and Media
The 3rd beast is Greece
The 4th beast is the Roman Empire.
Each of these beasts had control over certain domains and had certain traits.
So I tried that NASA query with other filters, and IRIS 100 gave me this block too
What the hell???
The 1st beast is like a lion with the wings of an eagle, and the wings were plucked so that it could no longer fly. This is Babylon, Babylon today was where Iraq is now. Babylon will never be rebuilt, and throughout history people have tried to rebuild it, but they have always failed.
The 2nd beast is a bear holding three ribs. Persia gained it's strength from the three areas it conquered. Sardes, Babylon and Egypt. That is what the three ribs represent, and Persia(the Bear) feasts on the flesh of these ribs.
The 3rd beast is like a Leopard which represents the Greeks and their fierceness, and it has four heads and four wings, and this shows that it will be divided into 4 kingdoms.
Greece after it falls out of power divides into kingdoms which were ruled by Cassander who controled Macedon, Greece and Epirus, Lysimachus over Thrace and Bithnyia. Ptolemy had control over Egypt, Lybia, Arabia, Ccelosyria, and Palestine, and Seleucus ruled over Syria
The 4th beast is exceedingly dreadful and terrible and represented the Roman Empire, and it's exact animal is not shown, but it has great iron teeth, it was larger, stronger and more formidable. This beast has 10 horns which represent the 10 kingdoms that it splits into was the Kingdom of the Vandals, the Kingdom of the Suevians, the Kingdom of the Visigoths, The Kingdom of the Burgundians, the Kingdom of the Franks. The Kingdom of the Alans. The Kingdom of the Britains. The Kingdom of the Hunns. The Kingdom of the Lombards, and the Kingdom of Ravenna.
>But first you must have a basic understanding of Daniel and how prophecies work in the Bible.
Daniel says Jews don't catch on fire or get eaten by lions...
It's that new autistic muppet
Now in Revelations 13 it is written this.
>"Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”
Okay the symbolism is important here. The Beast which rose up from the sea, which many believe to be the metaphorical "sea" of politics, or politic.
It has similar traits to the last 4 beasts you see in the Book of Daniel.
it has the Body of a Leopard, the Feet of a Bear, the mouth like a lion, but it is The Dragon that gives him his power, his throne, and great authority. The Dragon is usually a reference to Lucifer of course.
The Beast in Revelations 13 is not just similar. It is a COMBINATION of those beasts.
Notice how it has 7 heads.
The Leopard had 4 heads.
So if you add the other 3 beasts you would have 7 heads.
This represents the territory and dominion that this new combined beast has. It is powerful and nobody is like it. Nobody is able to make war with this beast. It rises up and it's able to speak great things and blasphemies.
and it is granted to him to make war with the saints(believers) and overcome them. Anyone who defies the beast and is found will be executed.
uughh. those pictures (left and middle) show a old man devouring a child, the symbolism is that Cronus (time) the planet for which is Saturn, takes the youth of things and brings old age and death (also wisdom). the main archetypes being age (old age), restriction (laws), structure (social and political) and death.
we couldn't live without these principles.
please do a bit more research before jumping to such childish conclusions like "oh wow a man killing a child this is a evil picture and must be what the elites do"
the elites don't just worship one being, they have and understanding of the occult system and use all of it to there advantage.
and so should you.
Did I say any of that? I simply connected the three figures of their various traditions.
And authority will be given him over EVERY tribe, tongue and nation. His political power will be unparalleled, like nothing we've ever seen.
In the next half of Revelation 13 it is written this:
>"Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly would was healed. He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed."
it is repeat
> !
further mockery comes further down in this passage. It is written:
"He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom, let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666"
The number 666 is a mockery of the Holy Trinity of course. The symbols for the 666 number also is three crosses. , these crosses of course are meant to be mockery of the three crosses that were brought up during the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Some also have speculated by using the mathematics of numbers, that in Greek the number of the beast is ΛΑΤΕΙΝΟΣ.
I went ahead and took ΛΑΤΕΙΝΟΣ. and saw it's Greek for "The Latin Man", and the rough translation for this is Latium.
galactic doraemon confirmed holy shit!
That's all I have for now. Will be lurking and I hope any information I gave is useful
>childish conclusions
The devil lives in space and you can google him!
>and a literal physical sign in the sky that is occurring right now and set to fulfill in September
It's a fucking supernova it won't "fulfil" jack shit. Do you think lightbulbs control the universe too? Because they're affecting you a hell of a lot more than an astronomical explosion from millions of years ago.
Are you talking about Nebuchadnezzar's Dream in Daniel II? That vision is about cyclical time, and its appearance in the Hebrew Old Testament is most likely because it was borrowed from the Babylonians or another nearby tradition. As another poster pointed out, in diverse ancient civilizations there are four ages which cycle and repeat themselves - gold, silver, bronze, and iron (to the Hindus - Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, Kali Yuga). The statue is composed of these four metals, and while Daniel explains these as four successive kingdoms, it is better to use the Traditional method of analogy and correspondence than to guess at which specific human kingdoms he is talking about. I am giving you the esoteric meaning, which you could probably find also in the works of Guenon.
The divine stone which overcomes the four metals and becomes a mountain is more clear Traditional symbolism - the polar mountain, the giver of spiritual orientation, the remote island, surrounded by water, which "cannot be accessed by boat nor foot." It appears in the Grail Cycle, in Celtic myths, in Lamaism, and many, many other traditions.
Now, remember that traditional symbols lend themselves to many interpretations which may simultaneously be valid (this is the beauty of using symbols and not mere words). In an exoteric sense, the statue in the dream may well refer to four real, distinct kingdoms in human history. The esoteric meaning is more interesting. By Daniel's time humanity already was living in the Iron Age (Kali Yuga, Age of the Wolf, etc.). But recall that this a cyclic structure, and that eventually primordial unity is achieved and a new Golden Age comes after the Cataclysm which destroys the Iron Age. This is precisely the meaning of the divine stone which overcomes the statue. It is the promise of God that the cycle will continue, that the Iron Age will not last forever, and that after the dissolution of the spiritual dark age we will have a new
i posted pic related in the other thread, check out how africa is buried and there are now pyramids in the north pole. this came from /faggit/mapporn
terrestrial paradise, which itself must be an echo of the celestial paradise - this being invisible or closed to man during the present age.
If it was as vague as that, the exact consistency of Daniel's prophecy concerning the 4 Empires, Babylon, Persia, Greeks and Rome would not have been as precise as it was.
The 4th beast is exceedingly dreadful and terrible and represented the Roman Empire, and it's exact animal is not shown, but it has great iron teeth, it was larger, stronger and more formidable. This beast has 10 horns which represent the 10 kingdoms that it splits into was the Kingdom of the Vandals, the Kingdom of the Suevians, the Kingdom of the Visigoths, The Kingdom of the Burgundians, the Kingdom of the Franks. The Kingdom of the Alans. The Kingdom of the Britains. The Kingdom of the Hunns. The Kingdom of the Lombards, and the Kingdom of Ravenna.
Kingdom of Ravenna was never a thing, you'd make more sense if you just mentioned the Byzantine Empire
>Now, remember that traditional symbols lend themselves to many interpretations which may simultaneously be valid (this is the beauty of using symbols and not mere words). In an exoteric sense, the statue in the dream may well refer to four real, distinct kingdoms in human history. The esoteric meaning is more interesting.
I'm getting so utterly sick and tired of American (evangelical) Christians who don't know there arse from the elbow, idiotically making vast and sweeping statements about the occult and esoteric system.
i can't even be bothered anymore.
i will say this then leave it.
The battle is within you, all effort to destroy or block anything you consider evil only serves to increase it's power.
Suffering is purely resistance. if you embrace that which brings you pain or fear (without identifying it as anything) it will appear too vanish from your mind and view. that's because the evil you so vehemently oppose, was in fact your own response to something.
please, stay away from Americanized versions of Christianity, there so full of shit it's hard to comprehend.
I know the occult can seem like a difficult thing to approach, so just find one thing that interests you, lean that, then move on to other areas.
Wait for the Catholics to start talking about this constellation linked to papacy of pope.
This is just a waste of time mate.
Show me in the bible where it said "Jupiter's orbit will circle Pegasus' leg in the sky" or some shit and maybe this will have some credence.
I bet myself $10 it's some vague, arcane """"prediction"""" that you're interpreting to mean this, can't wait to win $10 from myself :^)
About 6gorillion hours in mspaint
The very word "occult" scares off 99% of American Christians, unfortunately. They want one specific system which is easily understood, which isn't shocking or in any way upsetting, and which fits their conditioned reflexes and biases. There are verses in the New Testament which they just ignore, for instance, the multiple verses in which Jesus refers to men or angels as "gods" (θεός not άνθρωπος or αννγελος).
im not the author of these
It doesn't help that a lot of what "the occult" means at least in the US is furfags buttfucking their totally-not-gay Dungeons and Dragons friend
shut the fuck up shill and praise kek
why don't you have digits then?
Busje komt zo!
so we've got beasts from the sea, some red dragon in the sky, the antichrist, Moloch and some Draconians
who will win?
good will win this year, and we will fight for it
read about the personality of the cheshire cat. it's very symbolic.
good lies in the eye of the beholder
of course you want yourself to survive and your enemies to fail, therefore you are good and they are bad
this is the worst lamest psyop I've ever seen, this is way more retarded than flat earth
is there any proof Jesus was a real living person outside the gospels? NO
is there any evidence of the census ordered by Caesar Augustus in the story of Christ? NO
just stop with this bullshit, nobody is ever going to believe in anything but anime ever again
>you are good and they are bad
what if we are all bad?
simply because we are selfish for our own survival? and hence, harboring negative feelings for others automatically makes us bad?
you will discover that good and bad essentially is objective. even from an atheist viewpoint you will be able to see that.
Go to the root cause, what makes them your enemies and who is right? Are they harming you or others? then they are bad. Are you doing that? then you are. Are you both doing that? then you both are.
Same goes if you turn the sides around.
>believe in anything but anime
i'm downloading evangelion right now.
that arctic thing got me interested.
thats how good Evangelion is, even real life makes references to it
"Ate children"
didnt he just ate his half titan sons like he tried to eat zeus etc pp?
He just ate his offspring.
kek believes so too.
i guess i'll start watching it right away.
>Total solar eclipse occurring in August 2017
>First time since 1776 that one of these eclipses occurs only in the continental US
Fucking spooped senpai
>selfish for our own survival
conflict is natural and good. carnage is natural and good. survival -- by any means necessary -- is natural and good. what universal truths are we to look towards other than what is to be found in nature? we are those natural laws made sentient. to survive, to grow, to flourish, to protect and cherish what is given -- that is what is good. modern conceptions of "selfishness" are nothing more than bedtime stories liberals tell themselves at night so that they may sleep.
looks more like cookie monster from sesame street
O latinos malakes mou. Sas to elega egw.
FBIanon here. False flag incoming soon. Just a heads up anons. May the be the "alien invasion" one. Serious shit. Thanks and may there be an afterlife.
>Thanks and may there be an afterlife.
I know there is an afterlife because I am Ben Skanklin reincarnated to decimate the whores of earth yet again!