Obama abused his wife, i'm glad that Trump is now a president. He's gonna make america great again. Heil Trump
And you from Bulgaria are allowed to think? idiot
Trump is sexual Predator
Shariablue go to fucking bed, no one loves u
Melania cucked Trump. Won't even sleep with him .
Shareblue it's not a good strategy to insult countries with different flags. Some of us have citizenship and can vote absantee.
I don't think that Barack Hussein is the abuser in that relationship.
it joke
Did he grabbed her by the pussy?
its just a prank
>Obama abused his shemale husband
Fixed it for you
That is a big arm
Just checking
we /balk/ now
pepe great
that is beautiful.
Trump be put on the sex offenders list instead of being in the White House
Impeach that clown
T. Ahmed
Sarcasm doesn't translate well into text.
And frankly, trump said even more outrageous things and got his ass elected.
Your just jealous because he was more popular than Bush.
Unfortunately, molestation isn't an impeachable offense.
Go for amendment 25 instead.
I think Michelle is far more manlier than Obama ever was. I also think Michelle felt inadequate around more attractive European women whenever she went abroad with the former Pres. I can guarantee if Obama wasn't attached to that chimp he'd be nose deep in Euro poon. Also his daughters are lucky they got most of their genes from the dad, because goddam that would've been a rough life if they looked like their mother.
ik (he grabbed someone by the pussy)
Heil. Moon colony when?
Bulgaria is based, cease and desist your faggotry.
lol i did this to get attention. now go ahead and roast me.