What are some books that explain why communism can never be achieved and why capitalism is a necessary evil
What are some books that explain why communism can never be achieved and why capitalism is a necessary evil
every history book
Start with this and go on with that
none because capitalism isnt evil
its completely neutral and thats why it works
gulag archipelago
The history of every communist country to ever exist.
Secondary school history textbooks.
why do you keep posting that guy's picture?
Just you having books and the ability to choose what books you want to read is a testament to capitalism.
wealth of nations
>capitalism is a necessary evil
Private property and earning what you deserve is good not evil. Crony capitalism and unregulated monopolies aren't even necessary.
>What are some books that explain why communism can never be achieved
Any modern psychology book based on empirical evidence. Human beings want families and want fairness. Communism is crab mentality in ideological form.
>necessary evil
You can start with killing yourself faggot.
Aye oh
Yup. It's entirely neutral to CAPITALIZE on others
>Being this Autistic
>animals don't capitalise on each other
Anything is possible.
Corrupt people are what is evil. Or "evil" since corruption can only thrive when the people who are being ruled over are stupid. Like most of the world is.
But luckily technology is catching up and soon the governments and banks will be forced to use block-chain to be transparent and finally we can move forward and build the human race further.
The gulag archipelago
Neither communism nor capitalism works by itself. I tend to prefer pragmatism. For example, our government uses capitalism towards communist ends.
the fact humans have traded with each other since we could walk and talk you mong
we even picked up rocks, gave them value and used them as legal tender
>uhh murr paleo capitalism
The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem
By Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company
"The International Jew" by auto magnate Henry Ford, is comprised of newspaper articles printed in 'The Dearborn Independent" during the 1920's.
At the apex of his business career Henry Ford sensed that a terrific effort was being made to take his business from him and manipulate it into the hands of the money-changers. Henry Ford, who had the impression that these manipulators were being engineered by powerful Jewish financiers, called to his office the most intelligent research men within his acquaintance. He commissioned them to make a thorough study of the International Jew and publish their findings in "The Dearborn Independent," which at that time was the official organ of the Ford Motor Company. No expense was spared, and it is estimated that literally millions of dollars were spent by Mr. Ford on this project.
The original articles were carried first in "The Dearborn Independent," and then published in book form. This book, "The International Jew," provides a hard-hitting, easy-to-read introduction to what the renowned American automaker and industrialist called "the world's foremost problem." This influential and much-discussed collection of essays, packed with facts and insights, is an eye-opening survey of the enduringly vexing "Jewish question."
- - - -
Henry Ford's Resistance to Jewish Power
>when your hyper-capitalistic island is so comfortable and prosperous its citizens start pondering about trying communism
Capitalism is not "evil", it's literally natural laws put into economy aka try to achieve the best effort / reward ratio you can
No, trust me, we don't want to go back to those days.
2 things i don't understand
1. why that ugly bitch is continuously posted here
2. why that commie dyke drinks starbucks. not only does it taste of burnt beans, but it also represents an evil corporation, one she probably would demonstrate, were the drugs to wear off
Have 5K in Ethereum can't wait till it goes huge.
But its true. People also never tried a real democracy.
No, communism has been tried several times and it has always failed, not because it wasn't tried properly, but because communism is not achievable.
There's never been "real" communism because communism doesn't work for humans. If we were all mindless drones without individual liberty then it might work, that's why it's so popular in China.
>What are some books that explain why communism can never be achieved
Modern economy textbook that explains marginal utility.
It worked pretty good in Russia
>pension at 55
>free health-care, education and insurance, kindergarten
>no homosex or trans shit
>no freeloaders
>prisons were not a fun place
Yes, they didn't had 100 different types of yoghurt. Cuba has the best quality of life in Latin America even tho they have been blockaded. Yes, they were dead but show me an ideology where there are zero dead.
Bitcoin was around since 2009 and went through all sorts of sketchy periods that I'm sure no investor would've held through without massive balls of steel based on beliefs on the fundamentals of the tech so now we have crypto 2.0 by way of Ethereum that is 1.5 yrs old. I don't judge anyone who doesn't hold Ether through the ups and downs but I tip my hat off to those who will wait for the flippening.
A primary school history textbook.
I think you're forgetting the part where millions upon millions of Russians starved to death or were executed? That's never happen in a capitalist society, partly because we need our people to run businesses.
Only 18 and older can browse Sup Forums, Jimmy.
She has a small album out. Her voice is too pure for this wretched world
Dad Kapital.
Ashkenazi Jews are such parasites they probably had to import Mizrahi Jews because otherwise Israel wouldn't function.
Economics in One Lesson - H Hazlitt
Not about communism at all, but will introduce you to the basics of Economics, which will allow anyone with an average IQ figure out some of the basic errors in Communism.
Incidentally it will also reveal to you what's wrong with a lot of our own economic policy. After reading this you'll also understand economics better than most economics students and graduates, who did nothing hit read leftist drivel fed to them for four years.
I do disagree with him on protectionism though, I think in today's world of rampant (((globalisation))) it's necessary to protect your own industry, instead of relying on shitty goods from cut-price shitholes (for example, that one Chinese speaking user and his woes in buying Chinese metal. Never buy Chinese). Another example of protectionism being necessary is farming.
Mao wasn't retarded enough to be a full-blown marxist
Source on those gorillions dead.
Don't come up with holodomor or some shit.
Capitalism is pro globalism and therefore can be viewed as global fascism.
Ameriburger don't be stupid.
Capitalism , the word, doesn't come from the verb "to capitalize" but rather from the noun "Capital".
>it wasn't real communism because this one thing wasn't like the manifesto
>capitalism is a necessary evil
WTF! I hate having the freedom to own private property now!!!
it wasn't real communism because it never transitioned beyond socialism you dolt. Dumb fucking monkey
Calculation and Socialism | Joseph T. Salerno
Ron Paul Curriculum Sample: The Socialist Calculation Problem
You can also look at this pic of me trying to get an explanation of what exactly is a socialist system from some socialist professors; they can't even explain it themselves.
>hurr has capitalism and democracy
>still lives in a shithole which is only known for traps
he fuckin rips apart the leftists in this book, if you want to purge all the socialist ideology from your mind, this book is for you
Better than living in a shithole full of muslims, faggot.
Start with Carl Menger.
Lmao, we have Muslims because of capitalism. Because they are cheap workers and they kill worker unions.
You live in a shithole not only full of Muslims but also full of niggers and Latinx faggots.
Go suck a cock, monkey.
>hurr communism worked pretty well
>can't even begin to explain how a communist society is capable of creating wealth, that is, how do you know whether a good is worth more than its costs in a true communist society?
If you can't explain how a communist system can even begin to work, then you can't attribute anything good to it, it would be illogical. You can however, attribute bad things and problems with people trying to apply an illogical economical system.
The Road to Serfdom
The Gulag Archipelago
No, you have muslims because of welfare AKA redistribution of wealth AKA socialism and open borders AKA globalism. Also because every alpha German died in the war and all there is left in your shithole are twinkies faggots and their wive's faggot sons.
Animal Farm
All they do is leech off your welfare and rape people.
Are you implying communists don't trade or what?
Look at China and Soviet Union. They both BTFO pretty much every capitalism nation. Americans only live such good life not because of democracy or free market shit but simply because they have the anchor currency which is not bound to anything. They literally can print as much money as they want. Of course this will lead to an inflation and to an inevitable collapse of the USA.
Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell
How has no one mentioned this? This will actually change your views entirely
I see you've fallen for the material Jew. Good Goy.
Haha what? How can you argue against globalism if you are a capitalist? Thats the ultimate wet dream of every capitalist.
Sort yourself out m8.
>confusing globalism with globalization
>communism was pushed by Jews
>not believing in the horseshoe theory
Communism can't be achieved due to human greed, but capitalism isn't necessary and is similarly unattainable, due to business elite conspiring with political elite, thus destroying competitiveness that is required for capitalism to properly function.
Technocratic socialism is the way forward.
They are interconnected you stupid monkey. You cannot have the one without the other.
>implying I don't believe in horseshoe theory
>implying I'm a Marxist
The best economics for white countries are either national-syndicalism, corporatism, or guild-socialism.
Absolutely you can. Globalization is when you can buy a Japanese dragon dildo and have it delivered on your cuckshed. Globalism is having government policies dictate how borders operate in a country-wide level. You can keep borders closed and still participate in the globalized market, see: Japan, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, etc.
So you are admitting that ture communism is impossible and their achievements did not come from communism?
Neither China nor USSR were communist. They were/are state capitalist, and so is DPRK.
State capitalism is true communism. Workers coops are private property.
1. Because some autists are obsessed with her.
2. Implying rebellious college kids aren't all about sound and fury signifying nothing. Of course their positions are inconsistent and incoherent. They rage and protest for the sake of raging and protesting.
>anti-fa, anti-establishment, anti-patriarchy, anti-system
>drinks starbucks
why are lefties retarded?
You should read up those definitions you are throwing around. Because you absolutey have no clue.
They're status signallers, not followers of a consistent ideology.
Not an argument.
Yes, it's a great world where the lives of individuals are sacrificed to a dysfunctional Moloch of a system. Sure is lovely to have platonic Yogurt staring at you from the shelf. Really worth it to prop up the Communist system.
Yes, it is. The workers are also capitalizing on the person paying them a salary. Usually the profit to the shareholders is lower than the money paid as wages to the workers.
>I am right because read a book it says so in a book
And how do you propose a centrally planned economy to work in a country where the average IQ is 90?
Hans, back to the shed. You're clearly running on fumes.
>Pic related: (((you)))
Yeah, because it's better to have 100 of different yogurts on your shelve but unable to buy them because your company decided it's better to move the production to India where people work for 3 cents an hour, and therefore fire you.
Or you can just tax imports.
Thanks, Trump
>capitalism is a necessary evil
quit being a pussy
came to post this. solid read. looks at the humanity side and how communism works against it.
Or you can nationalise them. If you want I'm for state capitalism not for Open Borders or free immigration or other shit.
Your government can't even stop mass open rapes in the street. Do you think it could make yoghurt?
We don't have a sovereign government.
>capitalism is better than soviet russia, therefore it's a necessary evil
Another 1 post by this ID jew shill thread
Read about Hitler and Gaddaffi economy, the most important issue with jews is capitalism with their fucking private central banks vomiting paper at insane levels
Unless our currency is bound to a natural resource, or at least inflation is purged as a phenomenon we can't be truly free
>muh true freedom
>but muh Hitler though
what did he mean by this?
digits confirmed. no one wants communism thanks. The excesses of capitalism needs to be reined in as well.
You are not allowed to post on this board if you don't know how Hitler fixed the Weimar Republic financial crisis.
No, it was much more than kicking out jews.
What people don't understand about communism is that it completely works in theory but does not work on real people.
why do women make that retarded face when snapchatting? my sister does that all the time. is it cool among the younger generations now?