Erdogan warns Europeans 'will not walk safely' if current attitude persists
Erdogan warns Europeans 'will not walk safely' if current attitude persists
I don't understand Turkey's end-game here. Can someone explain their strategy plz.
He is attempting to throw around what power he has because he won't have it for long at this rate.
Be friends or we kill you
My impression:
- EU cucked itself with refugee deal, grating Erdocuck power.
- Now Erdocuck is trying to make turks living in germany mad to cuck us more.
I think it is his way to get a say in world politics, and as mad as it is, it is working.
Germany could have a real problem if he sends more refugees and stirs up conflicts in germany with turks living here.
psychopatic megalomania
That's it, it's time to fucking bomb the shit out of cockroach land.
This would also lead to a civil war in germany.
No only with angry turks, but also with the left.
Anatolia will be cleansed from islamic filth if the current path keeps. He is trying to avert it. He cannot.
This wouldn't be a problem if your people had any balls. You send them right the fuck back. Inform them and NATO that the next time it fucking happens, you'll consider it an attack and invoke the mutual defense clause.
He's literally talking about exploiting democracy by using demographics to conquer Europe. Seeing it as anything but an invasion at this point is cucked.
>a hissing cockroach
bring it bitch
What are they going to do?
He must have some secret powerful support. Otherwise he'd be mad to talk shit to a nuclear power. As powerful as Turkey is, it doesn't measure up to France, let alone the entire EU. The guy must have some insurance.
he understands that we are cucks and uses trump techniques to dominate us. it's jihad
I really don't understand what the fuck is his endgame.
>Libshits don't like him because "muh strict dictatorship"
>Neocons don't like him because "muh strict interpretation of Islam" and holding refugees as a bioweapon
>Kikes don't like him because he broke the EU agreements
>Right-wing and white nationalists don't like him because he wants to rally up roaches into terrorism in the west
Literally EVERYBODY is against him in the west. What the fuck does he even hope to gain from this warmongering? Is he full retard?
he's prolly been zuckin' mean dicks
we also don't know
Its called bluffing.
No endgame. Only saving the day by spouting anti west populist diarrhea.
Turkey wants easier access to the EU for it's citizens, because Turkey is a shithole and people want to work in the EU. He wants the EU to stop requesting visas for Turks.
The EU said ok, we'll do that eventually, but for now we'll give you some money if you keep holding the refugees back because honestly, we have no fucking idea what we're doing.
He said fine, but I also want to be in the EU at some point.
The EU said yeah, sure.... you just have to fix everything about your country and then we'll talk.
He said no problem and did the exact opposite by proceeding to give himself totalitarian powers and reinstating the death penalty.
So the EU said yeah, look, if you do that the EU membership is not fucking happening and no termination of visas for Turks and we'll stop giving you money
So he freaked the fuck out and is now talking shit because without the EU money Turkey is fucked
I don't really see an endgame here... Turkey is never getting a EU membership one way or the other.. He can maybe pressure the EU into giving him more money, but that's also probably not happening..
Creating a European Caliphate clearly
>>Libshits don't like him because "muh strict dictatorship"
wrong they like him. only libshits in turkey hates him, all others likes him for how he treat refugees.
>- Now Erdocuck is trying to make turks living in germany mad to cuck us more.
Now you've identified the problem, you know what you have to do
its always a kike plan, turkey is going to get destroyed by europe and then given to israel as a vassal state, this will repeat until the whole world is under Israels direct rule
let arab refugees go to europe. they explode, you die, beg us to stop them.
Sadly, we can't send them back so easily, since they got a dual pass and are both turkish and german citizens. Biggest mistake that was ever made.
People around him worship/fear him. He thinks whatever he's done is the best call ever so now he thinks he's untouchable, trying to bully eu.
It's not pay as you go, m8
Are there things that in our time do not scare the EU? This is a dead union, he has already died, it's just that not everyone knows.
Half of his country hates him and he has to win the elections to sultan no matter what so he has to appear strong.
>Turkey sends in muslims to Europe to fuck shit up and drive up anti-immigrant resentment
>EU-Army is created
>EU-Army invades Turkey and wins
>EU now has a strong, nationalised state with a battle hardened army. A mild swing back for Nationalism with the expulsion of muslims from Europe and a new wave of pride for the United European Union, while more far left/outright communistic legislation comes from government, eventually promising them power long term.
>Now, we have 3 Superpowers, The USA, The European Union, and Russia.
Lucky for us this would never happen
Those two words cancel each other.
european politicians should just ignore him for maximum keks
referendum coming up in april, he has to talk shit so the populace votes him to be dear leader thinking he`s the shit
But only the minority. A lot of our turkish people choose the turkish nationality.
europe is an overglorified retirement home m8. china is next superpower and they will beat you in 2nd cold war. i hope we switch side before this happens.
>wrong they like him. only libshits in turkey hates him, all others likes him for how he treat refugees.
All the libshits are buttblasted about Erdogan though, they wanted Gülen to win the coop, for example.
I know of this Greater Israel theory and even though I dislike the kikes and Israel, I don't buy it. They did stop Israel from invading Sinai peninsula in Yom Kippur war and gave it back to Egypt. If the american ZOG really would be on board with Greater Israel theory, they wouldn't have given Sinai back.
They want to ressurect the Ottoman Empire
If we could focus on a larger enemy (Islam), maybe not. Since our intellectuals are all cucked muslim-lovers, it will never happen
What a disgusting vision of the future.
The sooner EU collapses, the better.
I would not sacrifice a single strand of hair from a head of a Finn for the causes of non-Finns.
>"If Europe continues this way, no European in any part of the world can walk safely on the streets. We, as Turkey, call on Europe to respect human rights and democracy,"
>no European in any part of the world can walk safely on the streets
>respect human rights
It's impossible to be an EU nationalist.
Nice to see all this shittalk, but yet all the roaches and shitskins can't stop coming to west.
Hold on, Germany. I promise in you in 50 years you won't find a single living Muslim on this earth.
Soviets did the same thing already with Afghanistani war to unify the country and to resurrect the pride for Soviet Union, the result was that their retarded system collpased regardless.
sounds like a threat to me. the filthy turks need a reality check.
Just let him talk
He's convincing the few who still believed that Turkey could be integrated to the Eurosphere, that Turks are not fit to join the free and modern Europe
He's just like a little dog, he's showing his little teeth, growling and barking, thinking he's a big dog
He's also proving that the Christian World is not compatible with the Muslim World, and that we'd better live far drom eachothers
Erdogan is a tool and will take his country to the felt, unless Turks start reacting
The Turkish army is not that strong, the Turks in Europe are not that convinced that he's agood leader or a good man
fucking turkish sleeper cells remove please
Thank you for this
Not correct.
Erdogan is messing up his own plan. He worked so hard to get more power, staged a coup to jail all who could stop him. And now he ruins it because he wants to do some campaign bullshit abroad. Turks abroad read Turkish newspaper and and watch their propaganda on TV. He won't lose many votes if his cockroaches can't campaign abroad.
This idiot just reinforcing the danger of immigrants. Our (((media))) shilled hard for migrants/refugees. How we need them and we do not need to fear anything.
And now Erdogan the idiot threatens us with them. Talking about how cockroaches should get more kids. Spread islam. Bla bla bla.
Fucking beautiful quotes to meme for our upcoming election. Confirmed the fears even normies tried to ignore just to be political correct. Destroyed the narrative our media still tries to paint.
He has no power. A few weeks ago he asked EU for financial help. Turkeys prosperity is in our hands. Just wait and see how he returns to sucking Merkels dick, just like he returned to sucking Putins dick. If he sends those migrants to Europe there is no need for the billions of Euros we pay him to accommodate them. EU is going to cut its support. Guess how Trump reacts if he uses migrants as a weapon? Guess how Putin reacts to a weakened Turkey? Is there any country in the world willing to help Turkey without major concessions? If Erdogan really does this shit the only question is whose dick he will be sucking first.
>staged a coup
Stopped reading here, putin saved his roach ass
Just get Wilders to say they will never be Europeans and then shoot them when they gather en masse to waive their flags in the city square
visa free agreement is only for tourists. we arent joining schengen. no work, residence permits.
> Destroyed the narrative our media still tries to paint.
wat. at least since Cologne media is criticizing Islam and immigration.
This. Just let him talk.
Mostly true. He can't follow up with any of his threats because without financial eu help turk8sh evonomy is fucked
Yet, Turkey is still in NATO. Get these fuckers out already and let the Russians restore Constantinople.
By being an asshole to everyone?
I mean this isn't Trump level shitposting, it's just throwing insults
>is criticizing Islam
Not true.
Of course there are media outlets criticizing Islam and immigration, but the major outlets, the ones with the biggest reach still shill for immigration/Islam. And nobody calls out Islam for what it really is without a major pushback.
There you have it. Shows how much power he really has.
Like I said, every move in regards to foreign policy implies Erdogan has to suck someones dick. He is seldom on the receiving end.
Is he trying to secretly redpill yuros or something? Or does he know they're far too progressive to say anything bad about rapefugees?
IMO he is escalating this brawl purely to get Turkish people feel more patriotic and thus mobilise them to vote in his favour on the referendum by giving an image of a tough leader, who protects them against the Euro nazis.
I fail to see how this would help the accession of Turkey to the EU in any way.
Is it catching dikish though, that's the real question here.
How popular is Erdo in Turkey? We hear a lot about his chimpouts but the size of his following/approval is never discussed or revealed.
>Turkey wants visa free access to EU
>Turkey wants to join EU
>Turkey says Europeans wont be safe to walk teh streets
Yes... these are the people you want to let in.
send more you fucking pussy, i want these cucks to grovel
I just hope he opens the floodgates.
Not really.
They still bow to the muzzies.
He looks like the product of a slav that race mixed with a goblin
"Let us in or we will fucking kill you"
Well EU? Let those good fellas in.
Actually I can see a reason there too. Strong EU isn't good for Turkey if it's not in it. And by this points, Erdogan probably realised he's not getting in anytime soon, because half of EU will block them. Thus he seeks to undermine EU by sparking nationalism and hate towards immigrants and most anti-immigration politicians in Europe are anti-EU as well. If countries like thr Netherlands and France would happen to leave, EU would collapse. It could only be saved by further expansion. 80 mil country would be a pretty good reinforcement.
>Make a deal with Turkey to keep refugees in Turkey
>Turkey wants to start the process to join the EU in return
>That would eventually give Turkish citizens the right to free travel within the EU
>Erdogan gives all refugees in Turkey citizenship
>All refugees held back now can legally move to the EU
>Turkey gets money and EU membership for this deal while having to do nothing than act as a refugee holding pen for a few years
Axel-Springer Verlag has the biggest reach and I wouldn't say they are shilling for immigration/Islam. They are shitting on everyone as long as it brings money. FAZ, Die Zeit or Süddeutsche are criticizing the refugee crisis but in different perspectives. I would say leftist media like Die Zeit is criticizing the failings of the government while conservative media like FAZ write more about what's wrong with refugees.
Well yes, what do you think that we have been doing all these years?
Fuck him i hope he floods Europe with kebab and brings on the race war. Every last brown face will be dead or driven into the seas or the world will die in Atomic fire.
yeah kebab is fuckin tasty. i hope so
Those are newspapers.
But have a look at the countless comedy shows and the polit talks. They have a far greater reach and are 90% of the time leftist propaganda.
Kek, turkroaches will get utterly BTFO if he keeps this up
>Turkish president literally threatens to kill Europeans
>media ignores him, talks about how Trump should be impeached for being mean
In the war to come, remember to target all news Jews first
Don't worry too much, Constantinople will return to its faithful owners soon enough. Time for kek to eat the roaches
Also qt gf by end of year for everyone in this thread
Praise kek and shadilay
Turkroaches to get STOMPED
Kek wills it
Only correct analysis so far ITT
because we were stupid
>We will fight you in your homeland if you don't respect us
>We will fight you in your homeland if you don't respect us
Day of the Raid™ when?
"Greater Israel" is a meme designed to discredit legitimate criticism. Jews can barely populate the land they already own, how would they ever populate that massive stretch of land and how would they ever depopulate it?
Israel using neocons to push America to attack Russia, Syria, and Iran because Israel wants to be the only militarily capable power in the Middle East, unfortunately isn't a meme.
kind of agree
how come?
So, should they air rightist propaganda?
what are you talking about? he is going full truth mode.
we shouldn't have done it, we've got a useless land of desert, without the advantages of having a massive amount of oil on it, whilst Sinai did, we have little land and the little land we have the balestinians want
Why can't the EU collectively tell Turkey to go fuck itself? Erdogan stirs up shit, migrants riot, so what. Declare state of emergency, citizens lock up in their homes. Police and militaries get uncucked during this mode and can equip themselves with guns. American troops help if needed because the kebabs are like a roach infestation and outnumber you. Incarcerations and deportations of all active rioters begin, the more violent ones are simply neutralized. Leftists can't do shit but whine on the news, nothing to fear from them. Turkey can't do shit and you remove kebab. The remaining kebab are demoralized when this happens because they only dare to start shit when they have strength in numbers. Some may leave voluntarily. The less kebab you have the less rapes and murders you have. The less tax money the citizens lose to feed barbarians who view welfare as payment of the jizya tax. These parasites have to be removed and that's exactly what they are. This is not a symbiotic relationship and 80% of them are on welfare. Anyone who believes they have any intention of leaving when the middle eastern conflict is over is delusional. They have to be forced out.
Bruh haven't you seen how wet Merkel is for kebab?
Muslims are generally retarded due to inbreeding over the centuries. They see how good the west is at Machiavellianism and they try to do the same thing.
He is posturing and trying to force something he wants to happen but because he's so retarded about it no one really understands. So in his failure to communicate a demand the left thinks we need to kiss his ass and the right thinks we should just nuke him.
I can only think of two instances where the media in Germany wasn't explicitly Leftist, and that's back when Blokkmonsta got arrested for threatening someone with an AK-47, and that singer chick who wrote a pro-AfD song. Both instances caused the (((German media establishment))) to collectively shit itself.
In America, we at least have outlets that pretend to be conservative. You don't even have that benefit in Germany.
Why does any country in the EU bend over for Germany? Germany doesn't even produce enough food to sustain itself and has to import. They want their leverage there they have it. If a majority of EU members refuse to play her game she has no choice but to give it up. She's a small dog with a loud bark. The EU needs to be dissolved anyway.
Lol at crusaders.
How any times did you try to Anatolia?
7 times.
How many times did you succeed?
0 times.
>By being an asshole to everyone?
Congrats, you just described the Ottoman Empire
No. It should be unbiased or at least balanced.
If you film countless AfD and Pegida demonstrations, interviewing the poeple there and making fun of them because they say stupid shit, you should maybe do the same with the left. I assure you you will find countless leftists saying stupid shit you can broadcast. But this is not happening. Humor is a powerful tool and right now it is aimed predominantly against the right.
Shades of those campaigns for Vienna
You're preaching to the choir here m8