Two men who police believe planned an attack in the city of Göttingen have failed in their bid to avoid deportation. The Algerian and Nigerian will be repatriated to Africa despite both being born in Germany.
Two men who police believe planned an attack in the city of Göttingen have failed in their bid to avoid deportation. The Algerian and Nigerian will be repatriated to Africa despite both being born in Germany.
They shouldn't be only deported . They should be deported and jailed in their shithole countries
tfw you can rest assured Germany will deport troublemakers even if they're born in the country while America is getting more and more Mexican
Let's remember mexicans play banjo, instead of bombs like isis does
Oh they most certainly will.
Ghana and Nigeria have a particular hatred for islamic terrorists.
Oh no, le germany striges bag XDDDD
You do know that they can legally come here and demand asylum in as little as two years time? And the best part is, that the fuckers weren't sentenced for planning a terrorist attack. Meaning that they can't use that against them because there was no legal sentence.
Effectively meaning that Mohammed and Abdul get a free two year vacation before coming "home" again. I sure hope that you are NEET, because otherwise you get to pay for these fuckers with your taxes very soon...
>airsoft AR15 still in its packaging
>cap lock black powder single shot pistols
>a machete
Fucking great may they rot in hell for their shitty beliefs
ISIS starter kit
Even comes with a paper back Quran
or hard labour, only feeding thrown away stuff
Slaves times best times
The cool thing about those countries is their prisons barely take care of them. They will be bitch boyz if they dont have family or friends to bring them food and medicine.
>imports 1 million per year
>deports 5 once
S-see, guys? We're not c-cucked
> In the case of the Algerian, the court made his deportation conditional on assurances from the Algerian government that he would not be tortured or subjected to any inhuman treatment.
> assurances from the Algerian government
They have not yet been deported. Meaning that they never will. There are literally tens of thousands of people in germany that would theoretically have to fuck off (legally speaking, just as in this case).
The police in lower saxony does a pretty good job.
>geert will rule the world
>he cant lose!
Because it's hard to get back into Europe.
Also, what happened to the word "exile"?
Is that not PC anymore?
>literally every arrested terror suspect has his hands on automatic weapons
Fuck the EU, fuck it hard.
explain, ghana seems the least hellhole in africa
Thats only step 2. Now if they are smart they will go to the EU court of human rights. Literally nothing you can do to deport them after that.
The schulzzug has arrived in this thread, it seems...
Well they showed that their loyalty doesn't lie in Germany so let them fuckoff.
Firing squad would've been better though
wow, the weapons and flags prove nothing, they were peaceful brothers living their religion
let them stay!
They can demand all they want. They're known terrorists and won't get it.
No actual firearm there But the fake news and the police are pretending it's the case, just like with the school "shooting" that happenend in France very recently, no deaths, only a few light injury from pellets, the kid had nothing but a break barrel air rifle and an airsoft revolver, and in both cases hundreds of policemen were deployed, anti-terrorist units too, and the media are like "hurr what an arsenal they had, several guns of war and ammo, and grenades and shit"
What they are aiming at is obvious, they want to terrorize the general population with the threat of fake guns in order to justify the ban of real guns.
Like the (((14 year olds))) that demand, that they are recognized as minors?
With self-proclaimed minors you usually don't have proof they're not minors, but with these guys you do have proof they're terrorists.
>defending terrorists
>french flag
kill yourself. or leave my country
i don't give a fuck if all they had was a butter knife, if they're mudshits and intended to do harm, i would kill them myself and throw their bodies in a lake
they owned an isis flag, therefore they're enemy combatants AND traitors and should be executed on the spot. this is the only way we're going to get rid of terrorism
Proof that they are not minors? Are you retarded?
> big
> bearded
> bulky
> totally 13 xDDD
I thought guns in Europe were already banned though?
What a bunch of retards. God I hate our governments.
You're such a retard. If a nigger can't prove his age, you kill him because he's obviously not in the system and doesn't exist.
Perfect they will starve and get killed like the shitskins did to the Armenians in ww1
>s-see, I care for ethnic Germans
>vote CDU in September
Don't fall for the old hag's tricks.
Not even rapefugees are dumb enough to claim they're 13 when they look like 20+. They will claim they're 17 or something, which makes it more believable. But either way, the things you listed aren't proof in a legal sense.
I thought the Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge has to believe stated age because doing otherwise would be racist?
>Algerian and Nigerian
>born in Germany
I'm so sorry, Germany.
They will go to Sweden
You should try stepping out of your meme bubble once in a while.
>Algerian and Nigerian will be repatriated to Africa despite both being born in Germany.
Germany NO!
What were these Africans planning on doing in Goettingen anyway?
Reading comprehension doesn't seem to be your strong point. At no moment I wrote anything that could hint I am "defending terrorists". I am only explaining the general trend with Euro governments and media, in the wake of the EU gun ban that was voted a few days ago : pretend that every fake gun is a real gun, in order to scare the average person so that more anti-gun laws can be passed without any protest.
Back a few years ago, if some sandnigger was found with an airsoft toy, no one cared, he would been sentenced for whatever crime he had comitted or planned to commit, but the media wouldn't be trying to make it look like he owned a real gun.
That the sandnigs were arrested and are going to be deported is obviously not what's bothering me. What's bothering me is that the government is using lies and sneaky tactics to disarm me. Get it yet?
>repatriated to Africa despite both being born in Germany.
>This is Germany waking up
This happened countless times this year. The police have deported a lot of terrorist, but that doesn't mean Spain is not cucked. Specially Cuckalonia.
> things you listed aren't proof in a legal sense
refugees welcome!
bring your families!
kein mensch ist ilegal lololol!
There is no such thing as terrorism!
German people are inbred and need more 14 year old refugees from syria, or else they will die!
They should have been eviscerated first and then deported.
Our gun laws are much more based than your gun laws though. In most European countries at least
how so? Schulz will never deport anyone, he needs their votes
>despite both being born in Germany.
Since when do natural-born citizens get deported?
If there is no proof, it's in dubio pro reo. Our bureaucracy is to slow to adapt to another standard for immigrants immediatly
Yeah right! Don't worry goy, just stay at home! The government already takes care of it...