Redpill a Leaf on the US Civil War
Was it really just about slavery? Is Confederate pride morally wrong?
Redpill a Leaf on the US Civil War
Was it really just about slavery? Is Confederate pride morally wrong?
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north needed workers for their factories
wanted south slaves
ask south to free them
south doesn't want to
It didn't start out as all about slavery but after the emancipation proclamation it became mainly about slavery.
Fun fact: the emancipation proclamation endeavoured to free the slaves only for the south at first. It was basically a "fuck you" to the south. And of course the south was like "fuck that." And although northern "slaves" were treated better thy were not afforded freedom immediately from the emancipation proclamation
The north leaned on the south during industrialization and tried sucking them dry through bureaucracy. South left. Civil war. Blah blah blah. South lost. What was left was taken by force.
I wonder if using mass immigration to fulfill that labour need would be less damaging to the USA than freeing the nigs (and not deporting)
Shit, that should say "freeing (and not deporting) the nigs"
I'm sleepy
as long as the immigrants are slaves
South was afraid that the north was slowly consoldating their power against them and trying to take away slavery
Which to be fair they probably wouldnt if they didnt rise up
Just don't fall for the revisionist meme that slavery wasnt an issue of the war, it was the root and cause of it.
But then you just become brazil
weren't slaves freed in brazil too?
>dude we needed the biggest war on US soil to end slavery the south's biggest trading partner who was anti-slavery wouldn't have ended it in a few more years without a giant war!
There were others contributing factors but this is true as far as I know
It was about making blacks citizens. Lincoln actually wanted to send the freed slaves back to Africa, but he wasn't vocal about this enough. The south assumed that they were to be freed and given equality etc.
Most people in the south never wanted blacks in the country at all, but since they were there, they preferred them to be slaves than citizens.
It's like the illegal immigrants, most Republicans don't want them to be here, but they prefer them to be illegal than to be citizens.
Freeing the slaves was seen as something like giving the illegals amnesty. The blacks were a foreign people that a small rich minority of plantation owners brought into the country, and now these foreign slaves were going to be given citizenship and equal rights.
The word "slavery" as most people have come to know it today is loaded with negative connotations, that's not to say it's not negative because it is, but it has been misrepresented as some horrible vestige of the past that we as humans have risen above. This is just not true. Jew semantics have convinced people that are for all intents and purposes slaves, that they are free, simply by loading the word "slavery", and then isolating it in the modern lexicon, the vast majority of slaves don't even realize they're slaves simply because they are not called such. The Jew has perfected slavery, and there are different levels of slavery. I'm essentially a modern day slave. If you do not own land, or are not self employed, you too are a slave. You may be a rich slave, but you are still a slave. Being "free" whatever that means nowadays isn't always easy or sweet. I've met poor ass free men that struggle.
There are, but slavery had been an issue since 1776, it was bound to snap at some point
>South gets super spooked their presidential candidate lost to Abe
>Union now needs to retake Sounth (now Confederacy) or risk losing its credibility as a nation
>Big war
>Slaves get freed at some point as a "We're all in" action by Union
>Union wins
>People now think it was 100% about slavery
Every fucking time.
What's the definition of slavery.
It was both about slavery and state's rights.
The South's economy heavily depended on slavery and Lincoln's policies would've heavily buttfucked the south's economy.
It would be the equivalent of the government saying goods can't be transported by trucks instead of trains and all goods that are, will be heavily taxed.
The south saw this as gross government overreach and seceded.
Also to add on what said, during the first half of the war the Union was doing horribly. They barely won any victories if any at all and many northerners wanted to reach a ceasefire. Union morale was also low. So Lincoln writes up the Emancipation Proclamation turning the war from one over states rights to one about enforcing the Emancipation and freeing the slaves. The Union finally got their break at Gettysburg.
Confederate pride is not morally wrong the same as Irish pride or Scottish pride is not.
It was about representation. You know why niggers were 3/5 a person? For the census which determines the amount of reps a state gets. For a while once we started making new states we'd add a pro slave state and then an anti slave state. When they added one more anti slave state AND Lincoln won the explosion happened. Lincoln suspended haebeus corpus and literally had a bunch of people killed with no evidence. He's also one of the first presidents to make a big power grab which set up the precedent for future presidents.
>The South's economy heavily depended on slavery and Lincoln's policies would've heavily buttfucked the south's economy.
It really didn't. That's like the current myth about the economy depending on the illegal immigrants.
The south was poorer than the north because of slavery. Slavery is a bad economical model. Anything in the north using free white labor was more efficient and productive than the same thing being run in the south with slave labor.
>that fucking id
No, OP, the American Civil War was not "all about slavery." Primariliy it was a "state's rights" issue. You see, here in the U.S. we pride ourselves on our independence, unlike the rest of cuckolded world, especially the Leaf Kingdom to our north. The framers of the US Constitution understood that they were creating a nation of loosely federated individual states. This little thing called the 10th Amendment assured these individual states: Hey, if it ain't specified as a power relegated to the FEDERAL government inside this here Constitution, then, buck it, we gonna leave it up to a state to figure out what to do with it.
It worked that way for a hundred years. Then, boom. Issue becomes: Should we as a nation be allowed to hold slaves. South says, yes, we need em for our industry. North says, no, you're a bunch of degenerates. South says, fuck you. North say, oh yeah? Well fuck you too!
Boom. Civil War.
By the logic of the 'mericans who claim they won in Vietnam, the Confederates won the civil war due to the KDR.
>Was it really just about slavery?
>Is Confederate pride morally wrong?
yes since slavery is morally wrong. And even if you are some edge lord nupol faggot, you should at least realize that America is better off with the union winning because if the south had won, the US would have balkanized into a bunch of various shitholes.
Also, this is a really good speech on the motivations of the south
We did win vietnam, we signed a peace deal and everything, we just decided to not do anything when the north broke it
States rights to own slaves, slavery wasnt some new thing, it had been an issue since the conception of the united states
>States rights to own slaves, slavery wasnt some new thing, it had been an issue since the conception of the united states
You right. That user posting red pilled me on the Civil War.
why were paintings so cool back then?
This really cant be applied because the Confederacy lost because their military was crushed. It wasnt some complicated political cluster fuck that ended up falling out like Vietnam.
Confederate pride is kind of dumb since it's essentially just celebrating a failed rebellion. But no one would feel the need to cling to symbols of the confederacy if the north and west wouldn't have gone way out out their way to humiliate southerners for the last century and a half through the force of government and Hollywood created stereotypes.
Yes and Yes. I know Sup Forums likes to be cute and stroke their boners to white controlled societies, but seriously fuck the old south. It was a slave-driving hellhole filled with an aristocratic upper class so evil they were comfortable STARTING a war against their own countrymen, letting their retarded under class die by the thousands for "states' rights", all so they could continue raping black girls and drinking sweet tea on their front porch or fucking whatever. And beyond that, the south have got to be the only losers of a war who were allowed to write their own history. Kids in public schools in the south very often aren't even taught that they lost. It's referred to as the "War of Northern Aggression". They're not just taught that southern men fought bravely for their homeland. They're taught that their cause was just. They have monuments to mass murderers in their town squares. Imagine if Einsatzgruppe soldiers were memorialized in modern Germany. Fuck the south. Fuck confederate flags. Yes the civil war was entirely about slavery.
>all so they could continue raping black girls and drinking sweet tea on their front porch
thats a pretty good reason tbhfam
Expecting people to watch a 45 minute video are you nuts?!
...I'll probably watch it I'm not busy
Have some more.
You guys should build a statue for Rommel.
Rommel wasnt that great, hince the reason hitler sent him to the boonies, the allies just considered him an honorable foe
We did use mass immigration. That's why we're called the "melting pot" or whatever, because we brought so many European cultures and they all got along under one flag. But the main immigration was from white Europe, but liberals think is means "a nation for everyone" while screaming in your face about your white ancestry
It is morally wrong to be a confederate. The fact that they were rebelling against a democratic decision to end slavery is disgusting.
Not as about slavery as you were told in the media.
After the U.S. Mexico war in the 1850s, the US acquired new vast territories. Before that, free states and slave states were an equal number, thus both got equal saying. However, after the new territories were acquired, the south wanted them to be slave states because they wanted move west. North refused because it would have made the south too powerful. Things got really heated and in the 1860 elections, the democrats threw a hissy fit about Lincoln saying he will free the slaves. When he won they did the whole he is not my president, and south Carolina left the union. Lincoln tried to calm the south by sending a treaty promising them that they can keep slavery permanently if they want. However, they can't extend slavery to the newly acquired territories. The south responded by attacking a fort (fort Sumter) like cowards. The officer in charge said he took joy in being one of the few that tore old glory (the US flag). That pissed off the north and war was declared. The south, once realized its getting its ass kicked, tried to get help from Europe (mostly England), so Lincoln made the war about slavery.
>Enslaving sub-humans
I seriously do not see the issue with enslaving niggers.
Yes and Brazil had taken way more slaves than the US ever did. Check their demography. Nigger-tier country in most parts now.
It was fought to expand slavery and reform its structures, applying the system covertly to the mass of the population and not just blacks.
t. Wartime and post-war industrialization transformed a nation of economically free small holders into a nation of dependent "employees."
Employee law in the West is still called "Master-Servant" Law.
Pay attention, retards. The chains are internal, now.
That eventually they may get free and turn your country into a mulatto shithole. Also the fact that it crushes your lower classes and causes all sorts of economic and social problems for anyone who isn't the slave owner class, the same way offshoring, outsourcing and mass immigration do today for anyone who isn't part of the wealthy-enough-for-gated-community class.
Anyway Lincoln wanted to repatriate the nigs but was murdered before he could be given a chance to carry that plan out. Shame.
England at the time was very anti slavery. So the war being about slavery kept them from interfering. The most important plan the north used was to blockade, and embargo the south. England interfering would have destroyed said plan.
The south had a good general, Robert Lee, who despite the odds kept up the fight. However, even he realized it was impossible to win and surrendered. After that the war was pretty much over. Grant and Sherman finished up and the south was forced to end the rebellion.
After it was over, Lincoln freed the slaves in the south, but not in the north. He was also planning on sending the slaves to colonies in Africa. However, a butthurt democrat (Booth) shot him during a play. And with that the plan to send slaves back ended.
It was about slavery but not the way most people think when they leave high school history class.
Most Northerners and Lincoln himself did not give a flying fuck about niggers. They really couldn't care less. As with everything, it was about politics. With the Western Frontier really expanding, the Republicans didn't want to South expanding slavery into those territories because it would make the Democratic Party way too strong. So the North tried imposing arbitrary laws that they couldn't make anymore slave states, even if the people in said territory wanted them. So when Lincoln won the election, the South REEEEEEEEEEE'd hard and said "Lincoln aka DIShonest Abe is not muh prezident, he is a yankee and probably an abolitionist too" and left the Union.
Then they attacked Ft. Sumter and kicked off the Civil War when they told all federal troops to leave Southern territory and the garrison at Sumter refused.
The end result of the War was the freeing of the slaves, yes, but that wasn't its intention. Its intention was just to bring the Southern states back into the Union and prevent the *expansion* of slavery. But once the North really started picking up momentum, Lincoln realized his opportunity to cripple the South's political power and made his Emancipation Proclamation speech (which didn't actually free a single slave, by the way, it only applied to slaves in rebelling states not yet liberated by Union troops; slavery in pro-Union slave states was still legal and would be for several years after the war)
Make up your own mind about it but the Civil War doesn't really have a good guy or bad guy. Both sides were shitty in their own ways. The average Southerner didn't fight the Union for their right to own slaves. Most of them didn't own slaves and some were smart enough to realize that slavery actually fucked over white people (kinda hard to compete with free labor). It was more a national pride sort of thing.
So much wrong in here, don't know when to begin.
First, Lincoln wasn't going to free the slaves. He only did that after the south declared war and attacked the north. He wanted to let the south keep the slaves, but they didn't accept it. They wanted to blacked all of the US.
Another thing, the north was a lot richer and produced a lot more because its production used machinery, not outdated farm equipments.
Third, you do realize you're using the current liberal argument for illegals, right?
Finally, you do realize once the north declared war, the south was fighting a defensive war and the north were an invading force. Once supply lines were set, competent officers took control, and operation Anaconda took effect, the south were getting beat. In fact, Lee even saw it was hopeless and surrendered.
Before anyone bitches too much more on slavery, understand that the actual history is nothing like that "Django" documentary everyone seems to base thier opinion on.
Northern factories treated thier workers far worse than slave owners treated thier slaves.
The actual life expectancy for southern slaves was 36 years versus fucking 24 (for both white and black!) factory workers.
The suicide rate for slaves was a third that for northern workers.
Since a home and clothing and food were provided, slaves didnt go hungry, or homeless.
Laws required masters to provide for thier slaves when they became ill or old.
Slaves were also normally cooperative, the average slave in a given year had only a .7% percent chance of needing corporal punishment (compare with a blacks chances of arrest today!)
If the union really cared about slavery, they could have bothered feeding the freed slaves, as about a quarter of then died after the war of hunger and disease. (Liberty or death doesn't sound as nice when you make the decision for someone else)
Fuck yankees. You destroyed a good thing.
Also. Every other country in the western world got rid of slavery without a war. The other European countries just bought thier slaves. Which was cheaper and didnt kill thousands of people. The war was unnessesary unless the gosal was government power, not emancipation.
Also, look up actual post war interviews of slaves versus how abolitionists described it. Most slaves describe it as a protective parental relationship.
>Northern factories treated thier workers far worse than slave owners treated thier slaves.
This, factory workers are easily replaced, slaves are your own property, therefore, they have more value to you
Northern ships with troops were already headed south. Sumpter was preemptively attacked.
So you really believe that a bunch of people too poor to own shoes would have fought tooth and nail, bleed, and die in order for the 1% to be able to own a luxury good?
You are quite retarded.
You are right, I didnt know they still had slaves in union areas.
The ship had food and other supplies. No troops or military equipment on it.
>I didnt know they still had slaves in union areas.
Search up Lincoln on whites and blacks. He didn't think the two races can live together, and wanted to send the slaves once freed to colonies in Africa.
>Confederate pride is kind of dumb since it's essentially just celebrating a failed rebellion.
>On a Nazi LARP board
Are you retarded? Rommel was the best and was sent to the boonies but Hitler after he tried to help assassinate him because he went crazy from all the drugs administered by his kike doctor.
I knew about the deportation idea. But declaring southern slaves freed, while having them in thier own territories should put down the idea the war was over slavery.
The (((North))) started treating the brave true and honorable southmen as an economic possession.
Basically the North started taxing the south to death, for their own (North) pleasure and gain.
South said "fuck that we don't need you cucks" and bailed.
Then the (((North))) kidnapped the south and chained her in their basement, where the brave, true, and honorable south remains today, chained in a basement of slavery, called the USA.
>Was it really just about slavery?
Yeah the only major issue was slavery. 600,000 Union soldiers went to war and died so they could save a bunch of niggers because that's all they cared about.
There's this desire to turn everything into a conspiracy, or to make things more complicated than they are.
Slavery was at the root of the problem. We can talk states rights or northern agression all day but any way you cut it, slavery was a problem we had kicked down the road since the constitution, and it was bound to become an issue.
It was entirely based on slavery.
So why did they still have slaves in thier own territory then?
>first post is already historical revisionism
Good god
The civil war was over a a whole bunch of shit but the main thing was the south's inefficient way of life becoming out dated, a big part of which was slavery. Southerners were pissed off about tariffs and felt that the federal government was encroaching on their states ability to make their own decisions, however the straw that broke the camels back was the election of Lincoln who they believed was "an abolitionist disguised as a republican" which by the way they were right about.
Good fucking riddance though. Anyone who yhinks the Confederate states and their slaves were an idea worth keeping is fucking dumb.
The blue collar south was cucked into defending the 1%'s 'right' to have slaves to drive down wages.
Try this book. Pretty interesting. People like Henry Charles Carey (Lincoln's chief economic adviser) sure as shit didn't think the war was about slavery.
Really? Lets see what Abe Said before he even ran for president.
Lincoln believed that Black people living in close proximity to white people would ruin the image of the pure white family that he found ideal. He felt the birth of mixed race children would cause family life to “collapse.” He said, “Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man.”
Meanwhile, southerns continued to breed whites with blacks to increase the price of their slaves, and because most were degenerate. So yeah, keep believing the north were the cucks, and south were the proud defenders of the white race.
In the end, that's what they died for, because the (((North))) are cucks.
And only 300,000 (((Northrons))) died. Similar number of brave proud and true Southmen died, killed by Northern SJW cucks.
Politics, greed
I'm not saying the north marched solely on the moral authority of crushing was just the issue that was the spark to finally start the fire of an inevitable civil war.
We knew since the continental congress that the north and south were two different societys who would one day clash over the slave issue.
It was the necessary evil we knew we'd have to confront one day, and then we did.
At the time, individuals did not pay tax to the federal government. The citizen paid taxes to the state then the states paid taxes to Washington. Southern states were incredibly rich then, much more so than Northern states. Southern money was being used to finance Northern improvements/railroads/factories. Southerners didn't like that. The hatred of a dominant, genteel, white society also played a major part in the war. Northerners didn't care about slavery, northerners didn't care about farmers and plantation owners. The war was nearly ended in 1863 because New Yorkers were tired of sending their people to die in a war they couldn't care less about, so they rioted. The North could not have survived without Southern money and agriculture, so there was no way they were letting rich states secede without a fight. Was it about freedom for Africans? Absolutely not. Was it about slavery? In a way, yes, because it was about what 99% of wars in human history are about: money, territory, and resources.
Who killed 600,000 white men you cuck?
Oh that's right, it was you Northron SJW faggots. I forgot.
>south acts like niggers
>chimp out and secede
>north uses immigrants and blacks to win the war
>south throws poor whites into the meat grinder
>most of them die to infections and illness from not having shoes or proper care/food
>north burns the south to the ground and forces them to suck their dick
South was the cuck and still has the same shit mentality of poor people being used as pawns to further the 1%'s agenda
>They all got along
Holy shit, you're retarded. The Irish were treated worse than nigger slaves. The Italians were extremely contentious. Hell, Ben Franklin didn't even want the fucking Germans in Pennsylvania.
Your understanding of early American ethnic interaction is very flawed.
>We knew since the continental congress that the north and south were two different societys who would one day clash over the slave issue.
>It was the necessary evil we knew we'd have to confront one day, and then we did.
Absolute retardation. If the (((North))) didn't tax the South to death, there would have been no fight at all. North had slave states too.
Even if the conflict over (tax/tarriffs/slavrey) was insurmountable, they could have just split up on the Czeck/slovakian model. Say goodbye, with no bloodshed whatsoever.
The cucks of the (((North))) just went on a white-genocide chimpout. Almost makes you wonder who (((they))) were working for.
I have a friend who doesn't believe the industrial revolution took place before the civil war or that factories existed then. Smh.
Sjw always say slavery is how the us became rich, so it's hard to redpill people that it was a net loss for america. The south is still poor, ironically, and brazil poorer yet.
I liked Manstein better, Rommel was great, but the best? Maybe for the tasks he was given, but North Africa was a meme theatre
>Says the side who killed 600,000 white men.
Your side is basically Pol Pot, and you won and now you build a propaganda justification for your mass - genocide.
Who started the war that claimed their lives?
Who fought to protect the 1% (majority of which were non white) to own human beings?
Who enslaved white people (yes the south had white slaves, they just changed the name of it)?
Who forced white middle class people to pay high taxes so slave owners (majority of which were not white) don't have to pay the full price for their slaves?
Who send young white men to die because of a lie?
Why don't you go protest Trump ending slavery again, you fucking faggot.
The south consisted of free traders that wanted cheap labor and thus slaves. The north wanted special prices for goods made in the US and not pay the same as Europe. The north didn't want slaves as they didn't want blacks taking jobs from whites or mixing with their women. The north attempted to increase taxes on the South, the south said "we're leaving". The resulting fight was only about slavery to the extent that slavery was part of the economics. It wasn't about the morality. But the war was fairly bloody and tactics edged pretty close to outright terrorism. People's views of blacks also changed. So it was better to Disneyfy the war and make it out to be about freeing people. But it wasn't a civil war. The south didn't fight for control, they fought to leave. The controlling states invaded them. So that's why it's often called "war between the states" rather than "the civil war".
Yes, they were resupplying a fort that commanded the most important Atlantic port for the south. A fort that SC had politely asked the Union to vacate once they declared Independence.
Resupplying Sumpter was an aggressive act against SC's newfound sovereignty.
The south and north had completely different views (all of south didn't vote for lincoln, all of north did) so the south succeeded (which they're supposed tonbeallowed to do) so they could represent themselves, and then the north screeched autisticly. Idk about where the Jews come into play, but they were certainly present at the time
Tariffs >30% that were used similar to if trump raised taxes in every area he didn't win for programs in places he did.
But, it was mostly fought over slavery, even though the emancipation proclamation was aimed at the southern states he no longer controlled, and didn't free the slaves in Maryland (which was allied with him)
He was a tyrant but good things came from it. I like pinochet too, though
>my side
Born and raised in the South but the mythos behind the Civil War is such a joke.
The South deserved to get its shit pushed in and anyone that worships this stupid war is a retarded kid that probably dropped out of highschool and works for $9/hr and the only thing that brings him pride in his sad life is his skin color and his pickup truck.
The South should have been legally allowed to secede. (((Abraham))) "dindu nuthin' and also gay" Lincoln started it by invading foreign land.
That being said, slavery was stupid and we're still dealing with the fallout. I wouldn't mind having lost the civil war if we got rid of the blacks.
From what I heard it was about central banking.
There was no plan to send slaves back. They proposed it but then scrapped it because it was untenable.
Your knowledge of the causes and events of the Civil War is that of a particularly dumb, middle schooler.
What the fuck are you talking about? Only 14% of slave owners were jewish...
Its better than the 43% in the 1% today...
The slaughter of 650,000 white men is a far more severe crime than enslaving blacks. If it resulted in mass castration/deportation it might have been worth it but as is the conflict has no redeeming qualities and is a blight on US history. Anyone that isn't a pacifist in regards to white infighting is a traitor.
It's had little to do with slavery. That was just a political focal point for moral justification.
Sort of how like the left says people who want strong borders and controlled immigration and vetting and rule of law are really just evil racists.
Same idea.
In reality northern commerce was built on trade and manufacturing and most northern politicians started off as or became businessmen invested in this. They wanted a strong centralized oligarchical government (like now) where they held power.
Southern commerce was based in agriculture and was heavily dependent on slave labor. They also tended to be amicable have more popular support plus they kept everyone fed. Southern politicians were often plantation owners.
The plan was simple, pressure the southern politicians and business to ditch slave labor, wait for them to go bankrupt (banks were owned and influenced by northern politicians), sieze assets and political power.
It didn't go over so well. So they vilified them base on slavery (which everyone disliked, saw it as an eyesore at the very least, and everyone was racist, northerners likened slavery to animal cruelty at best) and used it as moral justification for tyrannical action, South fought back, rest is history.
Set precedent for supremacy of federal authority, later manner through which state legislators and representatives came to power was changed such that states are basically puppets.
And that's a brief history of how we got to the point where we are on the brink of blatant shadow government oligarchical dictatorship with at best civ war 2 or Trump as our salvation.
What race do you think they were?
Taxes going to slave owners? Wut?
Search it for yourself if you don't believe me.
At the height of slavery in the US only 1.6% of the population owned slaves. 40% of which were whites. The remaining 60% were non whites.
The north was not richer. One of the main contentions that led to the war was the implementation of tariffs on agricultural goods being exported (a policy that pretty much exclusively affected southern states) in order to force the south to sell to the north in exchange for the manufactured goods that the south didn't want and the north couldn't export.
Those tariffs being enacted over the objections of southern states (because the heavily urban north had a huge population advantage) was the first indicator to the South that they were losing any say in their governance. The fact that Lincoln was elected president despite not being on the ballot in many southern states was the final straw.
It was sarcasm
I have looked at it, what race do you think they were? There were a few jewish families, but otherwise they were pretty much normal whites dude...
Yes there were. Booth fucked it up, and congress and the new potus couldn't do it. Lincoln didn't like the idea of whites and blacks living together, he thought it would be the ruin of the US. I posted one of the quotes about it, here:
He spoke multiple times about sending the slaves to colonies. Once even he had multiple black intellectuals ask him not to do it and to give the two races living together a chance.
Although there were also black owners. But it was mostly normal people.
>it had little to do with slavery
>tried to get rid of slavery so they went to war
I love the hoops people jump through to make it look honorable.
The South ignited the war that killed 620,000 people so that a few politicians could try to make a better profit margin on their plantations.
I bet you think all the American Revolutionaries deserved to be hanged for treason against the Crown, too, fucknugget.
>Who started the war that claimed their lives?
You. You fucking invaded the South with your massive SJW armies you faggot. Then you killed 600,000 white men. Congratulations are in order (((Schlomo)))
Who invaded who? Answer that question you gigantic cuck?
They did. It's immoral take up arms against lawful authority.