Show us your muscles Sup Forums
Show us your muscles Sup Forums
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linking dailymail should be a perma desu
Considering politics is a mix and match game between your abilities and power this is No suprise
This is why politics sucks, No one is political Because they think a system will work best for all (Afterall society is made up by all) but everyone votes in their self interest , which means its all power and No logic
Acting in your self interest might be Rational , but it sure as hell isnt logical when you live in society, your identity is shaped by society , and your job is dependent on people as a resource rather then nature as a resource
What a huge surprise. Left wing "men" are a bunch of weak pussies.
This has always been the case. Lower test levels don't just result in being a moron in terms of self-interest either - depression, obesity, and lethargy are common, as well.
If you're in power, and want to continue to rule over the sheep, it's in your interest to pacify those who would seek to undermine you. What better way than to depress the testosterone levels in the populace with tainted food and water?
found the weakling
>5 years of gym/powerlifting
It's true.
>bicep size
>body fat percentage
Hmmmmmm really activates the old almonds there
and you know whats more? There are many people, heralds who spout all kinds of crap around third eyes, water filters, and other weird things that could be wrong. Even the jews are somewhat on this and say that veganism (which lowers test because meat raises it). There are many people who maybe try to mean well but dont hit the mark, and many more still who dont mean well and deliberately try to mislead you.
Well testosterone is directly the cause of happiness for men, and also strength.
If you wish to fix yourself, read this ebook that I ripped off from torrents a long time ago.
Found the.monkey
a fucking medkit.
its because leftists are smart and use brain over brawn
the weak should fear the strong
>have held right wing views my entire adult life
>have also been overweight and borderline obese up until a year ago
>often depressed and lazy
What test levels do I have?
>Men who value self reliance and self betterment are physically stronger
Who would have guessed
i can show you my large hypothalamus if you'd like
not true.
>be alpha male
>spend many years getting /fit/ and learning martial arts for self defence
>get shot in the head and die, all that hard work gone down the drain, because some weak faggot had a gun and ended your life
>not smart enough to realize lifting weights is good
wtf physical prowess is racist now
FPBP, fucking Sup Forums tier threads.
Thanks DailyJew, I never would've known
Someone post that infographic that compares Left and Right with r/K selection theory.
youre assuming i lack the mental abilities to predict perfectly the trajectory of the bullet based on the angle of the weapon barrel, of course factoring other minutia like wind direction/speed and weapon caliber. you also assume i lack the physical prowess to take advantage of my mental faculties. you would be wrong on both counts. i would dodge the bullet, close the distance to the kill zone and shatter your arm before you got a second shot off. heh, face it kid, youre outclassed.
That Tinder text made me build a gas chamber...
Now you know why government are so keen on creating legions of cucks and numales.
I am atrophied right now but still right wing
this guys so fucking ugly stop giving him fame
I'm a stick. I have no fat or muscle, yet I have right wing views.
I guess I'm intellectually strong.
>I guess I'm intellectually strong.
Not even that I'm afraid. Yet still more durable than these tards.
You guys don't see the bigger picture
>Estrogen (junk food essentially) makes people more feminine, even their brains
>Estrogen, sugar and empty calories make people less motivated, more beta. You know, the robotic types that are ignorant of everything (really common on imageboards)
>Body fat makes people dumber
>Dumb people care less about their body
>Not even mentioning people with various disorders that are naturally dumber
They fucking teach you that you are what you eat in 2nd grade.
Also unhealthy people are welfare leeches, which makes the left more appealing for them
I guess they're right
Is your name Ethan?
You're a big guy.
The Armen bratan is right. Never felt so much energy since I stopped eating fast food on a regular basis for a year.
4 me
That peaked cap is part of my culture. Stop culture appropriating of the Irish people fuck tard.
But on a serious note you're a handsome fella.
No, but mine is. Im 6 4' and fuck huge. My nickname was Moose growing up.
>That peaked cap is part of my culture. Stop culture appropriating of the Irish people fuck tard.
>But on a serious note you're a handsome fella.
Part Scot of clan Mackay so a mite close! Thanks brother
Uuuuu etc etc
Can confirm, going to the gym made me more confident, which made me care less for virtue signalling.
>high test are more conservative
No shit? Hard work tends to lead to conservatism.
It's why actors are all left wing as fuck. It's an 'easy' career thats ENTIRELY based off your physical appearance while most comedians tend to be right wing due to the fact comedy is hard to create a market for.
Mad dog, I'm only 5'9 kms
I think having a logical mind is what really matters. A logical mind will inevitable come to the conclusion that physical fitness is necessary to some degree which naturally leads itself to a greater percentage of fit people on the right. The mind is what matters.
so right OP, Right Wing is a Powitical constwuct. evewybody is natuwally leftiists
>It's why actors are all left wing as fuck
Not even remotely
They are left wing as fuck because they are the talking heads of the jews. They are not allowed to have opinions, their every "opinion" is worth a fortune.
If the jews would suddenly want to make our society conservative then all the actors would follow
And if they do their career is fucked (Mel Gibson)
>And if they do their career is fucked (Mel Gibson)
Have an opinion that is
I'd say it's both those reasons, they both seem to fit well, and to add to that, any right wingism is seen as racist and misogynistic these days and that'd affect their popularity for sure
Life isn't an RPG. You can be intelligent and strong. Worm.