Reminder that David Duke

Reminder that David Duke...
>was born into a rich kid family and his "regular guy" persona is pure bullshit
>lied about going on secret missions in Vietnam War when he was really there with his dad on oil business trips
>spent his time there working some shitty job teaching english that his Dad found for him before getting fired
>LARPed as a nazi his way through college
>went RIGHT into politics and founded some KKK chapter
>never worked a real job in his life
>made a living by scamming rednecks out of money
>got plastic surgery to make himself look more "aryan" lol
>finally got a seat in the Louisiana state senate
>accomplished literally nothing and is a running joke in the state
>failed literally EVERY other time he tried to get back into politics and hasnt been in ANY office at all in 20+ years
>despite his "muh chrisitan values" talk has done business with drug dealers and pornographers and other scumbags within the KKK community
>calls himself Dr. David Duke, despite the fact that he went to some meme university in Ukraine that isnt even an accredited or acknowledged university by the countries own standards
>got in BIG trouble for tax evasion and defrauding his supporters to pay off gambling debts and is more than likely some sort of informant for the FBI

Other urls found in this thread:

>a rich kid family
His entire family was chidren. Cool story, bro.

Also, what kind of nigger democrat are you to hate someone for having wealthy parents?

Not that I really even give a fuck about the guy, but nice sources

he also is an ugly fuck, jared taylor and william craig are cuter right wing daddies


>what is google

>william craig

>actually liking that evangelical crap

He was actually exonerated later when they completed his audit in jail.
Fun Fact: the woman who did his audit for the IRS was black and didn't fuck him over
who would've thought?

Rich people can't care about non-rich people?
Oh right, rich liberals are like that, so they think they're all like that.

[citation needed]

who gives a fuck about this edgelord? yeah supporting him will definitely help our cause

Yeah he obviously cares about poor people so much like its on another level damn

Why amerifats so cucks? Willing to suck anyones dick who says "lol im a nazi and rich" fucking asslickers

He literally scammed his supporters out of money and you cucks STILL shill for him lol.

All your talk about "muh jews" and "muh degeneracy" is complete horseshit since ALL of your heros are scumbags who do all that shit. How many times has Andrew Anglin gone to southeast asia to fuck lady boys with his dads money?

Who gives a shit about this controlled opposition cunt? He's only there to discredit the new right

Who Is Really Behind Gun Control In America?


Oh no not david duke he's so widely beloved and constantly talked about on Sup Forums and you showing him to be a fraud has so completely and utterly shattered everybody on this board's world view /sarcasm

In what fucking parallel universe is he still relevant? The KKK are fucking extinct, he's an irrelevant dinosaur just like McCain or Clinton.

if thats true, then why do faggots shill for him in this thread?

Literally who?

Where are the people shilling for him exactly? The closest I can find are people expressing skepticism about the unsupported claims that were directed against him in the OP, is that really shilling? I'm sorry that not everybody just accepts everything you say uncritically OP, thems the brakes.

>The closest I can find are people expressing skepticism about the unsupported claims that were directed against him in the OP, is that really shilling?

yeah, it clearly is. Especially when I give them proof of this shit and then they just make up false excuses for him

like this guy

Sounds just like this fucking cunt. Must be nice to be able torun your racist dick holster in public because you have nothing to lose.

Forgot pic

Jared Taylor is the only one of these people I actually like. Hes articulate and isnt some memeing edgelord faggot.

Duke has dispensed more than his share of revelations about the jews and for that he has my sincere gratitude.
Also, he was performing this service to the white world during a period of time when it has been extremely unpopular to do so!
David Duke is an American Hero, being human granted.

>ultra rare

Hi David

Andrew who?

his daughter Christy Duke was a raging slut who boned every skinhead she came across.

>he went to some meme university in Ukraine