Other urls found in this thread:
>Want to teach post-colonial history
>This triggers the Sup Forums
>Somehow they link it to black [not african] historical revisionism
Oy vey
>make Africa Yuge
>kids start asking how Europe beat up all that.
>how a Continent ~5 times their size couldn't stand for itself
>suddenly white supremacy
>A smaller area conquers an even larger area on a non-linear map.
>American studants are too fucking dumb to learn about TWO different projections with different uses.
>Or even use a fucking globe.
Heh, american education.
>Using worst projection
Why like?
the map is accurate though, Africa is huge.
this. look how tiny great britain and germany are. pretty cool they were able to project that much power (and still do) despite their size
wuz continents n shit
This is a direct result of black on white porn seeping into the public's subconscious.
YAAAAAS pol finally
peters projection ftw
>makes it look like arabian peninsula is bigger than continental europe
Literally just niggers and leftists.
>size of arabian peninsula: 3.2 million km2
>size of continental europe: 10.18 million km2
yea this map is fake news
The whole fucking Sahara has less inhibitants than the Netherlands. Now you can check.
>that tiny India
>that fuckhuge SE Asia and Indonesia
Do liberals honestly believe this bullshit?
It still makes the poles more squished than they are. Could use the Boggs... wait bogs?
thank you
this new map will do more for white supremacy than the other map does, also the other map isn't as accurate for classrooms
plus this new map makes Australia look bigger :3
A+ saggy tit map.
>"Germany is in the middle of the picture, not to the north"
what did he mean by this?
the ironing
>inb4 google earth is jewish propaganda
Robinson projection was the standard when I was at school are we going backwards?
>muh racist maps
>muh gall-peters
I want this meme to die. Mercator was developed so that explorers could accurately navigate over large distances. It maintains shape but has a trade off of distorting size. Europe just happens to be larger than Africa because it's closer to the poles.
Gall-Peters is for literal subhuman retards. While it represents land area, it bastardises the shape and proportion of the continents beyond recognition. If you really want size properly represented, use a fucking globe.
Well it is. After all, the earth is flat.
well google just so happens to be run by jews. nice try reddit
>Mercator was developed so that explorers could accurately navigate over large distances
these students arent explorers you autist
whichever flat map best portrays a globe should be used
This is good news. Mercator scale is shit. We are a minority and Europe is not that big.
You gotta accomodate the niggers you know
Europe is not one big landmass but there's some sea between here and there. That makes it look smaller than it really is
They could buy a globe but it would trigger the flat earthers
Congratulations for missing the point. Gall-Peters exists for no other reason than that leftists can complain about colonialism. Mercator (which is what they usually go for, hence why I brought it up) has a practical reason to exist.
Personally I think they should stick to a non-rectangular projection like Robinson.
Europe is only six million km squared when excluding European part of Russia
>Mercator has a practical reason to exist.
doesnt apply to classrooms
also i would just rather they use a globe or whatever flat map best displays the earth, neither to be bias in favour or against colonisation
Isn't it actually true, though? The Sahara desert by itself is as big as the US, I was always taught that. I don't think changing an inaccurate map to another inaccurate map is anything political, it's always been impossible to map the Earth correctly.
>"Forcing" him to apologize
>"Western knowledge is very pathetic"
>These master suppression techniques
What the fuck is this?
>these students arent explorers you autist
Their ancestors were though
Plebs swerve
Bad meme
>"85 percent of our students are students of color"
>this is how big Africa really is in relation to Europe
if their ancestors being explorers is enough of a reason to show the Mercator map then they should also apologise for slavery while theyre at it
>make the poles a shapeless blob
>make africa smaller than it is
Its not so easy a choice that educated would ever pick the peter over the Mercator as a primary projection.
so are the jews and arabs going to apologize for slavery as well or would that be the equivalent of another shoa?
read my point again you retard im against it
They were the enslaved ones. Crack open a history book sometime
what are we even talking about im confused now
We should be proud. We are so small and yet we dominated the world.
>Decolonize the curriculum
Course not, you had a colonized education. White people enslaved black explorers before they could claim the Americas.
Autagraph is better imho
why would using the gall peters projection be decolonization? I mean it's more accurate than the mercator yes, but why would it be 'decolonizing'? because Europe is bigger on that projection?
This. And we had these motherfuckers in school, I learned about that shit and how it preserves relative size best on a 2d field and shit in k-12.
>what is surface tension
>Our students are too retarded to learn about different projections, so we'll just settle on the one that makes whitey look tiny and call it a day. It's not like we use globes or anything, also.
really made you think, huh?
Many keks. I haven't been to xkcd in along time.
ah i was waiting for someone to post this. also that map was on an episode of the West Wing
>What is gravity
>What is basic surface tension
All matter on Earth is attracted to the core. Since Earth is spherical (technically elliptical, but everyone says it's a sphere and that's not too wrong so fuck it)
A liquid settles at the lowest point possible that fits all of it. In this case, the oceans, seas and other river beds and lakes
The curvature of water surfaces on a macroscopic is just a natural conclusion of the curvature of the Earth in general with gravity added as a controlling factor
Did you know : The Moon's gravity actually pulls up water facing it and opposing it. This is what we call tides. This is the same effect as on Earth, except the opposing way (otherwise, all water would just sink all the way into the basins they are in. Which is its natural behavior)
it was bait but im glad you atleast explained it
Genocide is the only solution.
A lot of maps cut antarctica off.
We wuz penguins and shiet.
(Just trying to help improve board discussion :))
>hijacking the thread with flat-earth bullshit
Take this shit to /x/ you fucking niggers
earth is flat
>James Gall was a white Scottish clergyman
>Arno Peters was a German historian with Eurocentric biases
If they actually want to decolonize, they should use a map projection made by non-whities.
Sorry, didn't mean to add the reply.
because sjw teachers want to instill white guilt into their students by any means possible
the west wing got it right about this bullshit map years ago
i sincerely hope that none of you faggots believe in this shit and are just b8ing
Mercator gets relative distances correct, with is far more important than getting an already distorted size.
God shut up you flaming retard
>They voluntarily take an L on this one
>Then leverage this to defend (((Common Core)))
Use your synapses.
Many such cases...
'Alternative world map'
>1 post by this ID
>black magic in uganda can kill people with lightning strikes
>can science explain that?
>all start mocking him and laughing like baboons
>this is not an antagonistic space
lol, why is Saudi Arabia bigger than all of Europe?
If they're so confident in nigger magic, then the whites can take all that they've brought to South Africa with them and let the blacks use their "magic" to "make their country prosperous" :^)
Lost it at Africa included inside Africa.
>Isaac Asimov is hipster now
Guess, that's why Hollywood bastardized 3 of his novels...
>Yfw you realise it s the same mindset as the one behind the nigger dick hoax.
fuck and there i thought we were behind it all along to set niggers for failure and us for success
in fact, they are really THAT insecure.
Honest question, do you live in Malta or is that a proxy? If you do live there, what's it like? It seems like one of those places invaded throughout history by niggers and/or sandniggers so now it's a nation of rapebabies. I'm only using geological location to make this assumption, is it at all accurate? I mean, isn't Sicily a bunch of Ottoman rapebabies? They had to have stopped in Malta on the way, right?
>Even "educated" Africans believe in witch doctors.
Truly a continent of mental midgets.
But that's the more accurate map if you want it out flat.
The one where Greenland is just as big as Africa is the retarded one
Cool, now we get to see just how much whole lot of nothing there really is in Africa.