
Japan embraces diversity

>Sup Forums will still uniroinically think Japan is based because MUH 2D waifu

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Even the women have to become men in Japan to be successful.


>transgender man
does this mean it was born with or without a penis

I live here and I'm not even sure this is true, they're like 0.000000000000000000000...1% of the population

Potato famine with the bantz, well at least better a transgender than a nigger, transgender can't reproduce


It's all too confusing for me.

Why're the flags so similar?

country that popularizes traps before it was trendy is ahead of the trend again?

I like more the similarity between flags of slavic and south-east asian nations

Same reason muslims have the same colors on most of their flags. It's a cultural thing. Not that you would know anything about it.

>Romanian culture

Surely theres some literally where town in say Seattle or Sweden where a transgender man has been elected into office.

Does that matter? It's a faggot

>It's a faggot
or a dyke ;^)

Well... our flag looks exactly like Chad's, go figure.

asia is ground zero for trannies

im shocked that it didnt happen sooner

>tfw no reverse trap governor

If the trans-gendered man has good ideas and got elected because of this, then I think that's awesome.

If the trans-gendered man got elected because he is trans-gendered then japan can welcome to the new world order of bullshit.

Either independent is fake news or is the huffington cucks


why is a bloke dressing like a bird = diversity?

>japanese person elected into public office in japan counts as diversity now
Fuck off cuck

>transgender man
Fake news being pushed by jewish liberal western media outlets, the "guy"s a dike and although she dresses manly she still calls herself a woman. Libtard western media's trying to play on peoples' ignorance about Japanese and claim she's transgender,.