For the longest time Sup Forums has been split between libertarians and natsocs
Let's see what faction is in the majority
For the longest time Sup Forums has been split between libertarians and natsocs
Let's see what faction is in the majority
Other urls found in this thread:
>this divide and conquer shit again
I guess the media is accurate when it describes Sup Forums a board of Nazis :^)
>implying thousands of people browse this board within a couple hours
We don't move nearly fast enough for that to be true. This is just two guys with vote-bots having a war. That explains why it's so even.
fuck off, we belong together
lolberts please go. This will always be a natsoc board.
That's probably true.
How come it has over a thousand votes?
I can't imagine why someone would bother building a proxied bot for fucking strawpoll
Yes, because anonymous equals role-playing.
This is where allegiances and ideologies are defined, tested,solidified. All the circlejerking and arguing with shills/leddit is stinking up the board, anyways. Besides, the two sides are completely different ideologies, with different perks/approaches. National Socialism is about collective unity and big government, while Libertarianism revolves around individual responsibility and a decentralized government.
For all its differences, it has a lot of things in common.
We should leave this discussion for after we have purged all the communist.
I think Sup Forums may not be a natsoc board but it is definitely in favor of Fascism or Dictatorship
Posting for other thread.
>It's not about the cost
It absolutely is. Those who self-destruct cannot survive in a free market.
>By letting people vote who shouldnt be allowed to vote
Believe it or not this has nothing to do with liberatrianism. Early USA had very restricted voting rights and it was very free. It's socialists that want to expand franchise.
>Also we dont have self defense with guns in Canada because Liberals took it away.
And you think big government will let you have them? It's much more likely to keep your right to self defense under libertarianism.
>just find some patriots who served in the army, police or other actual public service and allow them to be dictator.
So just like every dictator in history? Sounds like idealistic garbage still. One completely contradictory to history.
>inb4 Hitler worship
>Also if you think immigrants that are flooding the West right now are of the Libertarian flock you are sadly mistaken.
No. And that's exactly why the government should libertarian. It's the commies that are letting them in.
>pol hates commies
>calls itself national socialist
Nazis get thrown out of choppers with the commies desu.
>We should leave this discussion for after we seize the means of production.
Sounds familiar.
>Nazis get thrown out of choppers with the commies desu.
This, they're two sides of the same authoritarian coin, Eisenhower should have listened to General Patton, took Berlin and destroyed the exhausted Soviet Union before they had any chance to rebuild strength, which would result in the death of both communism and nazism in Europe.
the alphabet agency datamining project of the century
good job guys
satire and maymays
>there are people here who are unironically NEETsoc
They have access to EVERYTHING electronic that run's any type of software by fucking with the programming. At this point, they are at the peak of their spying powers
I hate liberty and freedom as much as total control and restrictions.
all modern ideologies including libertarianism are bad.
natsoc is better because we're too free and global right now.
it's all about balance
Im the leaf from the other thread. I think were misunderstanding each other I'm not against Libertarianism for its beliefs, I'm against it because in my opinion it is to blame for the rise of degeneracy eg Liberals, Socialists, Communism all that shit.
I think Libertarians laid back approach it not enough to combat degeneracy and that is way I am in favor of dictators.
Freedom, Liberty, Democracy all sound good in a perfect society but the West right now is definitely not a utopia.
Because of the way the world is right now Im for Fascism but if that were to change and the world went back to how things used to be I could go back to being Libertarian.
>no arguments
>it's all about balance
>Some robbery and abuse is fine.
That's left libertarians co-opting the movement.
>sound good in a perfect society
No it's exactly now that you need those rights that libertarians respect. Hoping the government will fix things is naive.
United we stand; divided we fall.
One can dream ;_;
Libertarianism was created by the Jews as a method of controlled opposition to communism.
It is engineered to lull people into a nihilistic slumber of apathy as they watch their nations fall apart before their eyes.
>Some robbery and abuse is fine.
aren't they??
John Locke was a Jew?
>Pinochet asks Friedman for help with the economy
>economy improves
>Haha Pinochet based!
>Fucking Jews
>nihilistic slumber of apathy
Maintaining libertarianism in universal suffrage democracy is nigh impossible. It's hardly apathy.
U is trollin
All the founders were kikes.
Google the names in the pic I posted.
The government is the root of degeneracy you simple-minded fuck
>kKikes invented liberty
wtf I love kikes now
>John Locke was a Jew?
No, just a cuck.
>assuming the edge lord nazi larping tweens wont spam the poll
>Some people were born to serve the Jews.
>Not submitting to a strong leader is cuckoldry
That irony. Whatever helps you with your daddy issues.
I think that most national socialists call themselves that because muh Hitler (PBUH), but in reality they are FAR more nationalist than socialist.
I suspect that they're basically nationalist libertarians that understand racial differences.
I think there's decent evidence of this because whenever natsocs are criticized for being dirty commies, they say...
>implying national socialism is socialist lol you retard i trick u gud
...because they are not in fact socialists, but they wanna call themselves nazis because 14/88 and all that.
I'm pretty sure that if most of Sup Forums really examines their beliefs, they're more like Hoppe Libertarians.
Nice ad hominem pic there.
Why do you hate the jews? Does your answer apply to the people on that pic?
>“When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.”
—Matthew 27:24-25
>1 Thessalonians 2:14-16King James Version (KJV)
14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
16 Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.
>Acts 3:13-15King James Version (KJV)
13 The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go.
14 But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you;
15 And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses.
>Titus 1:10-11King James Version (KJV)
10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:
11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.
>Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
>Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
A fiery oven awaits the kikes.
With the Soviets defeated, the Nazis completely gone and the Japs nuked to oblivion, the West would hardly ever have to worry about another world war again, would be a brilliant world.
>u is trollin
How do you expect to completely eliminate crime? A little crime will always exist.
Yea I know. Just trying to get a discussion going.
Ebin meme friend!
>they're more like Hoppe Libertarians
So they're the exact opposite of what they say they are?
>So they're the exact opposite of what they say they are?
Only economically. The nationalism, race realism, and Western morality/culture are all the same.
Yea but should it exist? That was his argument. The government can steal as long as it's "balanced".
Hoppe is extreme individualism. Natsoc is extreme collectivism. They are complete opposite despite some of their values being the same.
Hitler's socialism really wasn't socialism though, he was never against property and he framed his struggle around nation instead of class. I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone here who calls themselves natsoc and also belives that taxes are theft or that the free market doesn't inevitably end with giant multinationals.
You know why we are like we are now? This 50% split?
Because in each and every age, new elements, new variables allign that are hostile to our communal DNA (of the white race)
and in each age a new "ideology" has to be made that counters these hostile variables.
Them being
But we also want to strengthen our white sciences and white adventures in general, and the free market allowed us to do that to some degree.
So what we are going towards is towards the strongest points of both of these ideologies.
and we more or less are merging together as seen in pic related.
Even I like the idea of the NAP, and of the government only serving the purpose of enforcing contracts. Well, maybe not completely only down to that purpose but a lot of the fat should indeed be removed.
30% libertarian and 70% natsoc here.
I miss Moot
>CAPTCHA : Voie vespucci
and the best thing with all of this is that it also brings into the fold the americans, and even the slavs through pan europeanism.
Literally all the strongest and best elements can come together in one super strong block. Strongest of them all. Truly nothing could even stand against such a beast, not from a natural science perspective, not from a religious one, not from any weird philosophical or mythical ones even. All the stars are aligning towards this mythical new thing.
>large bureaucratic governments are inefficient
>large bureaucratic companies would take over in a free market
Inb4 economies of scale. If companies are huge they need to be very decentralized even now under a regulated market. More competition would mean more decentralization and a break up of overly bureaucratic companies.
In terms of ideology, Sup Forums is far more united than we are divided. E PLVRIBVS VNVM and all that.
>mythical new thing
Retards have been waiting for a messiah in the form of a politician for a long time. It's not a new thing. And it's completely stupid. That's the point of the NAP you claim you like. You decentralize the decision making so idiots can't fuck your shit up.
>there are people here who unironically STILL believe in (((Free Market Capitalism)))
there is even room for true libertarianism within the pure natsoc lore. At this level we may not get to the autistic "lol is a baby a consenting person, who is a consenting person? Am I allowed to sell crack cocaine to kindergartner kids?" But it will get pretty close to it. But obviously the natsoc part of it all is still protection of the people and the bloodlines.
But in the way of freedoms, gun rights and rights for self defense, yes libertarian tards, I actually unironically think that you should be able to own a tomahawk missile.
Oy vey !
This is actually true, and I suspect that NatSocs will become much more libertarian once our countries are White again.
We don't really have any issues with helping out our fellow man, but we don't want to waste our hard earned money on welfare niggers. This is where Libertarians and NatSocs agree; except Libertarians want to eliminate this kind of unfair taxation by reducing government, NatSocs want to eliminate it by eliminating welfare leeching shitskins. The result is the same: Keep the fruits of your labor and live in a more just and peaceful society. Libertarians are still bluepilled on the race question and have deluded themselves into thinking a multiracial society can work in the long run. "As long as everyone abides by the same rules and does honest work". This is where they enter fantasy land.
Niggers, spics, jews and other assorted mongrels will NEVER care about White people's welfare, only about their own, and they're glad to abuse the White man for all he's worth. This is where people become NatSocs and tell shitskins to just fuck off from our countries forever. This is when it becomes about race and our people's survival, and isn't about money anymore.
Paleocon all the way!
Not everyone agrees with your ideology though and they are not always willing to concede. That is why the other ruling, and opinion holding elements that matters may align with you tards though. You gain favor through education, but also through appeal to the human senses and we as a large block are extremely effective at doing just that.
Because do you really think that people will willingly become liberitarians if they realize that you guys want to erode ALL of the social safety and fall nets (when those started they did start off a good base, and more still, things like healthcare... subsidies in the US and the absurd prices...they also form from monopolies and what trump is doing is socially using his power to break them up and force competition.)
so face it, if you really want to be accepted you need us, and if you are not willing then the more clever libertarians are even willing. You arent even the majority in your own group.
and we natsocs want to give to you your ability to own tomahawk missiles, sorry about the child prostitutes though lol
Yeah... some libertarians unironically get enriched weapons-grade autistic. Two guys who 100% agree with each other will viciously argue semantics for hours on end.
Interestingly, America's 2nd amendment would/should cover heavy artillery and missiles; it was written specifically concerning armed militias. In fact, it covered the heaviest-duty weapons available at the time because it allowed US merchant ships to have full-blown cannons on board to defend from pirates.
DESU I think this thread just highlights how natsoc and libertarians will be close allies in The Happening.
the second amendament was indeed probably written with other whites in mind, because people saw that the intent behind the gun, behind any weapon was similar for their race, and thus it was never needed to be removed. As some sort of communal good will existed even then. The white race was generally speaking good and virtuous.
Obviously when you introduce hostile elements that all changes though.
But once the natsoc part has played its part and we add a "no jews or browns, lefties smell bad and kinda suck" to the constitution it should be nearly tactical nukes for everyone lol.
>they are not always willing to concede
And I should care why? They can eat a bullet.
>appeal to the human senses
>by announcing yourself as a Nazi to the normies
>willingly become liberitarians if they realize that you guys want to erode ALL of the social safety and fall nets
>heh, look at me I'm against degeneracy...M-MUH GIBS
>they also form from monopolies
No. It's due to market restrictions.
>you need us
No. You're baggage. Why are you trying to align yourself with Trump? You'd just sabotage him. Unless you're just larping as natsoc. In which case the joke is getting old.
>You arent even the majority in your own group.
Look who's talking. You think the 1488 crowd is a majority anywhere? At least libertarian ideas can actually get popular again like they have been in the 18th and 19th century. And they're known to actually work unlike natsoc which so far has a terrible track record.
>we natsocs want to give to you your ability to own tomahawk missiles
>Trusting a massive overreaching government to defend your right to self-defense.
>Obviously when you introduce hostile elements that all changes though.
I disagree. I think that when hostiles are introduced, owning and training with weapons are even more important.
Th-thanks user, I-I love you t-too. No homo.
Night Sup Forums. Sleep comfy.
Like I said, even in your own group you are a vast minority, the super autistic level that you guys get to is not for 100% of your people lol. The funny thing is that other libertarians would probably shoot you themselves.
and you wanna know why we can appeal to them? Because we are going for them through science
and this field of battle has been fought so much upon that pretty much all of the lore around IQ, race and all the other crap is settled. We can thank the jews, liberals and other assorted scum over the years for that for challenging us and allowing us to create bulletproof ideology.
What if I'm anal-communist?
not for the hostile elements though, because they use those weapons for crime and racially motivated killings. Terror attacks and other things.
Imagine the society right now. There are chemicals of all sorts that are just lying around that can be used to build bombs. To kill countless. Most white men have the mental capacity to do so. Literally millions of white potential literal mass murderers out there.
But why hasnt it happened? Why is this nation still existing? Its because not a single one of them wants to.
But introduce something from a mud nation with a lower IQ and the first thing he does is go allah akbar.
or the niggers who are too dumb and too aggressive to actually hold any human values.
>waaah autism
You actually think people are gonna be on board with exterminating blacks because they have a lower iq? You're fucking retarded. In fact it's ironic cause if it's iq based you're fucked.
>We can thank the jews, liberals and other assorted scum
Nationalism was destroyed after ww2. Guess who started it?
NatSoc: 1,421
Libertarian 1,379
lol yea they are. They are following the truth lines and they are leading to us. Its not like you even stand a chance lol.
Congratulations who know nothing about national socialism
It would be interesting to know what countries all these lolbertarians are from
No. You're fucking delusional. Those stats only make normies think that other races aren't victims of the system. So why do think they'd start exterminating them and literally turn them into the victims? Like I said. Fucking retarded.
>oh vey I cant get the goym to hand me over their children to feed upon through liberitarianism by trying to create somekind of weird child slavery arguments around consent
one large order of gun, heavy ordinance and all sorts of other types of weaponry pls...oh but pls hold the child slavery/prostitution, you libertarian tards lol.
>Civic """""""""""""nationalism""""""""""""
newfag, lurk moar.
> I don't bother integrating people to the mainstream society, thus civic nationalism is a meme
>implying the niggers have the mental fortitude to intergrate (they dont)
Should we also give rights to dogs, to monkeys, to dolphins?
The thing with criminal elements is that they will be violent regardless of restricted access to weapons.
In places where guns are illegal, they use knives, grenades (like in Sweden), trucks, cars, etc. and the native population has no defense.
IIRC, in the US, all but one mass shooting took place in areas where guns are banned. That one was in Texas, and armed citizens laid down cover fire so the police could kill the shooter.
Using the law for banning or restricting weapons access only keeps guns out of the hands of people who would follow the law in the first place.
There are precious few attacks on police stations. Why? Simple: they all have guns and everybody knows it.
Now if every law abiding citizen had guns, and everybody knew it, few people would start violent shit. And the ones that do, will be promptly killed.
A few years ago, again in Texas, a small town held a draw Mohammed contest. Two kebabs showed up with guns and opened fire. They were immediately killed by the Texans, and there were no other casualties.
So, yeah, you're right. It's bad for bad guys to have weapons. But they will always have them. However, the more civilians are armed and dangerous, the less chance those bad guys have to use their weapon to maximum effect.
It's a slippery slope mate.
You can't integrate 60 IQ people into a sophisticated European society, but ~100+ IQ ? Why don't you try get them to think and act like you first?
If there is no incentive to integrate, most people just don't. Unless you get those rare cases, when immigrants are just in love with the local culture in a first place.
>systematic program of job creation
>government employing people to dig ditches and fill them back up
It's government gibs that allow parasites to grow in number. Instead of scaremongering maybe use logic.
Ironic. The "red pill" is actually a red herring. It's a years-long running joke. If you actually fall for the Nazi crap you're a dolt.
Just a reminder that a Islamic Socialist (Ghadaffi) was protecting Europe more than a low taxation, atomized individualist in Germany (Merkle).
Socialism > Capitalism
> too cool 4 roads
>assuming any sane person wants to be connected to nazis
fuck off idiot
It seeks to expand the private sector you retard. In order to expand their wealth through production, there must be work, and no unemployment. No gibs me dat, and no filling holes.
man you have no idea how much ignorance you have inside of you. You know we used to ban people like you for spouting that garbage for a month so you either learn all of this or you gtfo.
You have been lied to and they filled up your brain with garbage. You are not useful and you have no value to us here. Go to the info threads and learn more on race and then you may have some moral argument for being allowed to type here.
read through my stuff, go to the threads and then come back, otherwise just gtfo.
The problem already is choosing after IQ, there are propably dozens of millions of Africans with a 100+ IQ.
Enough to water down the ethnic integrity of the receiving population beyond recognition.
I don´t reject nonwhite immigration because they might be inferior, but because they´re different.
>It seeks to expand the private sector
>No gibs me dat
And how does the government expand the private sector with no gibs?
>Ancap and side by side with Hoppe
>Not a dumb, almost illiterate faggot who unironically sucked Allende's dick until (((someone))) offer him money.
>remove any power structures above banks and companies.
What could possible go wrong?
High IQ is not everything, there is also the regression to the mean (since they are mixed)
there are also of secondary importance things to civilization.
The poo in loo's for example have enough IQ points, but their culture which stems from their genetics is literally shitty, as in they dont have proper hygiene and thus improper development.
The nigger genome will not rise up, it is by nature incapable of grasping concepts like the past or the future, it has an almost dismal ability to grasp as other concepts still. To evolve them would take 50 thousand years at least and in that time we can just better eradicate them and replace them with whites.