Daily reminder that you're not a special snowflake because you're white

Daily reminder that you're not a special snowflake because you're white

Daily reminder that you're not white

no but at least we're white

You'd rather live in a society of whites than a society of silverback gorillas. Admit it, butthurt Romascum.

>Try to enter 21st centiry by investing in high speed internet
>Only tech jobs created are camwhores

No one even cares about the gypsies that were "gassed"



Whiter than you, kangaroo muzzie.


Holy shit, is this actually white to you?

fuck all crackers. tiny dick having fags

Imma special man...now gimme you ded presidents

No. But it does mean I statistically have a better life.

Higher intelligence and all. And my forefathers were badass and made this a great place to live.

Daily reminder that whites alone are children of god.

Mfw white as fuck

but snow is white?

Then why the fuck did he make all these shitskins?

Why do our doctrines not explicit make it clear we shouldent allow them to buttfuck us?

Don't tell me it should have just been obvious, and god didnt think he needed to mention.

>Daily reminder that you're not white

You where born a nigger and you'll die a nigger.

Now you know and knowing is half the battle. Now Go can in line at the welfare office for some gibs.

gypsy go dance and scum some people

Daily reminder that using insults tailor made for liberals (cuck, snowflake, etc) doesn't make you special, funny, or smart.