Why do so many posters insist that Sup Forums is a MGTOW board? Then they try to convert Sup Forums away from MGTOW.

Sup Forums is not MGTOW. Many posters here never shut the fuck up about it and will sperg out 24/7, constantly labeling anybody and everybody "MGTOW" in numerous threads. And even if people reply back and state they are not MGTOW, the anti-MGTOW posters will then double down on their autistic accusations.

So where does this idea come from that Sup Forums is MGTOW? Why do so many posters here confuse men being disaffected with society with MGTOW? They are two different things.

Other urls found in this thread:

literally no one does this
shill slide thread

Yes they do, idiot. It's false and it's annoying. It's almost as if they are insisting Sup Forums is a MGTOW board so they can force the meme and make it a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>Sup Forums wants to raise white birth rates
>Sup Forums understands most women would be terrible wives
>not breeding as a male is seen as unacceptable
>marrying an unsuitable woman is seen as retarded
>rejecting women who have ever had sex before is expected (>95%?)
>women will pretend to be what a man wants
>somehow all men have to reproduce using a fraction of women in a monogamous fashion
>existing couples only produce 1-2 children
>the fraction of good couples have to produce a staggering number of children to affect the birth rate

Sup Forums offers nothing but a deliberate ignorance on the state of affairs.

How is anything above meant to work? Are you're deliberately misleading people into failed marriages which leaves the children to degenerate under a single mother and her cuck replacement for you? Or is it just a case of pretending the numbers will somehow work out?

You can't attack MGTOW without offering something of substance to oppose it.

My point in this thread is that Sup Forums is not MGTOW, Sup Forums hates MGTOW. The spergery against it never stops.

Of course, the situation in the west is so damaged that trying to force people into monogamous relationships with the current situation just won't work.

Which is why I believe the best situation is to stop and reverse immigration (something pro-white people NEVER talk about anymore), as well as waiting for a new generation to come of age. And the millennial men who waited and got their shit together can have younger wives too.

We are all guilty of imperfects and it's not good to write off all women as bad, but the current situation is not good.

MGTOW is the counterpart to Feminazi/Feminism ... Same shit different name and gender.

lurk even more, nigger
there is no consensus on "MGTOW"

>demands society changes for the benefit of women
> doesn't make demands, suggests how men can avoid societal risks

Completely the same.

All I have to do is type "MGTOW" into the archives and I get result after result shitting on it. From autists that browse Sup Forums too much and want to create another enemy.

For the MGTOW crowd who forgot what its all about.

difference between a beta virgin and MGTOW. MGTOW are natural pussy destroyers, they just don't wan to deal with commitment and abide female mental issues. girls' panties drop to the ankle the moment they see their alpha body language. a significant population in MGTOW are beta cuck virgins who think they are too cool for women (they would actually give away their souls to touch a girl)

We don't have to agree on 100% of things to still hate liberals and muslims.

MGTOW is just more social engineering to make whites go extinct.

I hate feminism but I also don't support actual misogyny. I've seen the majority of MGTOWs express pure hatred and bias on all women. All women fo this, are like this etc.... They're the same level of extremism but on the other end of the spectrum. They are exactly like those they oppose. Extremism leads nowhere good.

Do this*

>888 woah

999 whoa

Please provide a solution to this: rather than just posting an ebin Jew meme.


National Socialism.

it's roasties+white knights+delusional white nationalist sperging out. women hate mgtow so much it's like the antithesis of their existence. then you get white knifes+white nationalist who are thirsty and desperate for anything attacking you since it's their dream and you're saying their dream is shit and they're thirsty trash.

any normal sane guy would say "more women for me cause i'm still interested in playing my odds".

You might as well write "magic".

This isn't something that is foreseeably going to happen.

MGTOW is for Beta male Millennials with no sex drive or ambition.

Why would you want said betas to improve and provide you with more competition?

The standards of women are always relative, so if every man passed a hypothetical alpha threshold, then the threshold would just be raised such that former alphas are now betas.

Hence why women don't perceive every man alive to be hyper alpha, despite every man being physically superior to the best men possible of tens of thousands of years ago who would be considered ugly manlets now.

user just stating fact, mgtow is for betas kek.

i got 2 white babies on the way. I aint goin my own way.

Two isn't even above replacement rate.

have we ever figured out (((who))) exactly started this movement?

Another problem is that a) Sup Forums thinks that traditionalism can co-exist along modern women's rights and privileges and b) Sup Forums thinks that men owe it to women to take them in once they hit the wall.

Both options are flawed, and having men and women in society as "equals" is bound to lower the birth rate since women have to work and do other things men do, and thus they are not as free to have kids.

Who could it be???

>celibacy is now a Jewish conspiracy but degeneracy is also a Jewish conspiracy.
k mate you are reaching too hard.

Yes, I've also noticed that, Sup Forums is extremely bitter about the idea that young men aren't going out and having casual sex with women. It's so weird.

MGTOW - a great way to weed out beta genes.

Thanks MGTOW-ers, doing the world a service without even knowing it.

>divorcee just weren't alpha enough.
Half of marriages end in divorce, are you saying that it happens because they weren't "men" enough?

true true.
Men need to buck up and start having nuclear families again. 1950s status... gnome sayyin?

half of marriages end in divorce because the Man didn't square his broad away. You let the leash loose on those women you're asking for trouble.
-Problem is most women these days are brainwashed by kike media and believe some fairy tale bullshit or think it's okay to whore around and divorce is normal.

step 1 : be over 6ft
step 2 : lift weights, be fit
step 3 : lower your standards
step 4 : have your shit together
step 5 : swipe right to everything on tinder
step 6 : get viagra, because you will literally be fucking a different girl every night, and then getting them all together for orgies

mgtow is a faggot movement

>step 5 : swipe right to everything on tinder
>step 6 : get viagra, because you will literally be fucking a different girl every night, and then getting them all together for orgies

This is truly what the white race should strive for. Not degenerate at all.

>it's the fault of men for not being the best possible man should could ever meet out of a pool of potentially millions

Yeah, lets just spontaneously revert to social attitudes of the 50s (which were completely different in Europe due to lingering effects of WWII, eg: food and electricity rationing, but just ignore that) despite completely incomparable social conditions! Very realistic plan. Thanks for saving the west.

pol is not feminist.
it isnt mgtow per se but a good number here are or sympathize with it or know about it so don't split hairs

literally no one talks about it but you when you're shamelessly supporting your own meme "movement".

we don't need a catchy slogan, we need common sense.


you punch at a ghost. mgtow doesnt say that. Even remotely.

I'm still somewhat surprised to find vile misrepresentations like this on pol. This is not supposed to be reddit and tumblr where bs like this is expected. Yet you find hostility towards it and people who intentionally misrepresent it

ride the tiger nigger
this shit is going down
aint nobody going to stop it

Wow, look at all the sliding this thread is doing...
Sliding strait to page 10

>ride the tiger

That's something people tell young men in western society because people inherently know how much it sucks to be a young and how so much responsibility is forced on our shoulders in a way that nobody else has had to experienced before.

Sup Forums endlessly chases the MGTOW boogeyman to the point of accusing each other of being "MGTOW" when nobody even said they were MGTOW. It's very strange, I find.

Things are already bad enough as it, nobody needs to invent another enemy so we have something to stab at.

All I see here are retarded virgin betas saying mgtow is for betas.

I'm going to try and put this as simple as possible.

>when you get fucked over by a girl, you'll understand why mgtow exist.

Ah no I don't mean by her breaking your heart I mean her fucking you out of your house, your kids, your money, when the relationship failure was due to her fault entirely.

But I'm sure these inexperienced white knights will still blame the guy.

And to the fake alphas here: you're not fooling anyone, you're not getting pussy.

when i see a literal somalo nigger working as a security guard when i cant get work as a 100% white male you bet i am just going to collect welfare and fuck tinder whores

you literally just have to do this for pussy, i wouldnt even call it alpha

>fucking you out of your house, your kids, your money, when the relationship failure was due to her fault entirely

My Dad was left in a position where he couldn't own a bank account for almost two decades after, due to the financial position he was forced into.

Without a bank account, you can't have any kind of regular job.

Why would you risk everything for pussy? Your women in Britain are beyond ruined! Aren't they even passing a law there where if you verbally assault them you can get jail time?

When you get jailed for something dumb like a false rape claim or child support....

Exactly and it scares the shit out of you to even try again, this is what breeds mgtow. It's more defensive. People say they're crybabies but the reality is they are just trying to protect what they can. At least real mgtow are

That's DEGENERATE though.

It's not just MGTOW. There are also "childfree", individualist self-proclaimed alpha types, herbivore types, asexual whatever so on and so forth. NEETS too.

MGTOW specifically gets hate more than all those other people combined. It's as if MGTOW is being propped up as a collective punching bad, an excuse everyone makes as to why everything is so degenerate.

You should still work though. It's unacceptable that minorities get gibs and we have a hard time getting work, but you can also blame that on our own inaction and how whites are so passive.

>Why do so many posters insist that Sup Forums is a MGTOW board?
This thread is the first I'm hearing this. White nationalists tend to dislike the manosphere and all offshoots of it. They're just playing into the Jews' hands in their own way.

They insist that Sup Forums is a MGTOW board in a bad way.

>waaaaah you guys aren't all 10/10 alpha guys that have sex with women and all these women are lonely stop oppressing women waaaahhhh

It's an autistic self-fulfilling prophecy. Sup Forums may be full of young men that are disillusioned and don't participate much in society, but that does not mean those guys are "MGTOW".

what has britain got to do with anything