Why are men so easily offended?
Why are men so easily offended?
looks like the women (see: fat dykes) are the ones with fragile femininity
Is this your post OP?
Because it's just edgy, and amy shumer level of comedy
>can't take banter
>no you're the fragile one!
>Getting humiliated on Plebbit
>Coming to Sup Forums for emotional validation
It's amusing that you can't turn "fragile masculinity" round on her because they've abandoned femininity almost entirely.
I would look at the first post and immediately be able to tell that a slut made it. She most likely bangs Chad as much as possible and then spends a large chunk of her internet life devoted to bitterly hating betas. Probably because she realizes that Chad will never settle with her and betas are the ones she is going to have to shame into a relationship when she hits the wall.
I know the type, they are very common.
This post is really old, doubt op posted it
But it's only 7 hours old
I really dont get this
>Insult men based on their genitals
>Turn the post around and insult women based on their genitals
Im pretty sure not taking shit from retarded bitches is the opposite of fragile but alright
It's a picture
The OP obviously WANTED to offend - mission accomplished - cant' take what you dish out.
redditters get the fuck off this site
you know what to do
It was a funny joke.
HAHAHAHA tge poor little man got EIGHT downvotes vs. 18 upvotes from one of the best replies I've seen
Cry more little boy!!! Go play with your tools; we'll be playing with our books.
Why did I just sage and report your thread?
Is it because your a faggot?
>The patriarchy is real
>Masculinity is fragile
So are we going to do that thing in this thread where we pretend we can't see why people find the dude's reply more offensive?
It's not a strategy I really get. I mean, aren't you just lying to yourself?
>make joke
>someone changes the pronouns and gender of genitals from male to female
>get offended
>it's their fault I'm offended
The real issue is you still thinking the left can form coherent arguments
Every person in this thread can explain why calling a woman a 'cunt' in this context is going to be unpopular.
Yet some of them are going to pretend like there is a perfect equivalency between the two comment and then feign outrage and confusion at something they understand perfectly well.
>going to reddit
>being surprised when they act retarded
you should stay there
God bless Methonium.
cunt is more offensive to women because they are weak and cant defend themselves
their own fault for being worse than men in every way except child birth and choice of mate
But it's okay to call a man a dick, and at the same time say that the dick is his best part?
That sounds like something only a cunt would say though.
go back to plebbit op
Why are women such hypocrites?
Sorry, I came from le_donald. Any we're really not going anywhere, fagget :^)
>Okay girls, the worst thing about a guy? They are dicks. But the best thing *raises eyebrows cheekily* their dicks! I guess the cuddle after after is nice too.
>Yeah well, all women are cunts and the only good thing about them is their cunts. That's what you just said and it's not nice is it? Wah wah wah
You can see the difference between these two comments quite easily. The first one is clearly just make a silly wordplay that is intended to be salacious and playful. The second just wants to call a woman a cunt.
It's somehow worse when men do it but also men are the special snowflakes who can't handle their fee-fees getting hurt, which is why he was downvoted below threshold on plebbit.
Let's not pretend that this is anything other than women being coddled, and getting away with the same kind of behavior they whine about because of inherent biological factors. Suck my dick, plebbit-tier islandnigger.
Can't tell if beta GB cuck or bait
I'll go with bait
Holy shit this level of retarded shouldn't be possible.
>Not fair play
>It's only fair when I feel like it's fair
You didn't even try
That is some troll-tier sophistry
>The first one is clearly just make a silly wordplay
Calling someone a dick is wordplay?
>The second just wants to call a woman a cunt.
And this is not?
Fucking dumb cunt.
I just don't get it. Why are you pretending as though you don't understand how communication works?
Who are you kidding when you do this? You know why the guy got downvoted and it's not because "women need to be coddled."
is fragile masc a new feminazi meme?
The wordplay is in the use of the homophone 'their' and 'they're'. The second is using the same wordplay but its intention is clearly different.
He said he liked it. That's the opposite of being offended.
Faggot detected
The double standard is amazing. Women train us to be sensitive boys and punish us when we act masculine but when we express out dissatisfaction over a sexist comment suddenly we're not masculine. Women are fucking retarded.
did you only read the highlighted post? He literally said the EXACT same joke as the post above his, just replaced dicks with cunts.
>insult men
>get 40 fucking points in 11 hours
>insult women the same way
>get -8 points in 7 hours
Women are a mistake.
they're not retarded, its intentional designed to fry your braincells
woman does x, it is empowering, justified or forgivable
man does x he is less of a man, a weakling or butthurt
you're discriminated against in society: 'what are you bitching about stop being butthurt'
woman discriminated against in society: thousands of support organizations, hotlines, muh glass ceiling
this is not done because they are stupid rest assured.
Stop holding women to same standards as men.
While I didn't mean they're literally retarded, women aren't nearly as intellectual or intelligent as most men. They lack something in the upstairs department if you catch my drift. It's society, both men and women, who designed it this way. Women aren't smart enough to conspire against the male gender, rather, it's how they were raised and told what they should expect from men through years of conditioning and suggestive reasoning.
My friend is getting married to a post-wall bitter feminist. Shit's going to be hilarious.
Why don't you try to warn him? You cannot in good conscience sit by and not warn him!
Fucking elaborate.
Because she's his first gf and he's 33. Would you listen in those circumstances?
We men are egomaniacs, if you insult our ego our instincts will tell us to break your jaw regardless of what your physical form looks like, this is why men can beat the shit out of kids that insult them for too long.
ew you have gross friends
Men and their fragile egos lol.
it doesn't matter if they have a perfect equivalency, they're equivalent in this context. the joke is functionally the same - the opposite sex has an intolerable personality but they're sexually attractive.
/r/Sup Forums is great. Normies see all the highlights and think Sup Forums is like that all the time.
Then they come here until it dawns of them that 99.9% of posts are nothing like what they see on that subreddit.
They get disillusioned and leave forever.
That is one of the most pathetic things I've ever heard on this board.
If I was in that position with my current mindset, I'd be fucking enraged that only now does a woman want to settle with me now that Chad is gone. Your friend has no balls m8ey.
We aren't, actually. We get that beaten out of us quick. Only women get to be offended and throw tantrums at every perceived slight, real or imagined.
What that means is that when we do make it clear we're offended, we mean it.
Reddit is so full of hypocrisy and projection it's rediculous
All those reddit fags have some twat ass names.
He spent his 20's in various friend zones, he's beyond saving. Nice guy though (obviously) but he'll only side with her if I say anything so it's his lookout.
Goddamnit you just gave him a reason to stay now. It's going to reverse psychology his naive newfag brain into proving le big internet baddie wrong.
> whine on Sup Forums
> whine on Sup Forums
> whine on Sup Forums
How is white masculinity so fragile ?
I am blind i cannot see
A big thing about the SJWs that annoy me is their inability to understand their own phrases.
I think that the people that come up with things like institutional racism and fragile masculinity start with a good point, but then their retarded followers reduce it to nothing because they don't understand how to read academic journals.
Fragile masculinity certainly exists, but it isn't that. It's supposed to be a way to show that our society's treatment of women hurts men to by their fear of being associated with femininity. An example, albeit a trivial one, is you're out with the lads and a drink on the menu catches your eye. It's full of stuff you like and it looks really good but you don't order it because it's called "miss kitties surprise" and all your friends would make fun of you. That is fragile masculinity, because your lowering your quality of life in order to not appear feminine. But responding to an insult is not that whatsoever, so the term becomes cheaper and cheaper until it means nothing at all.
this is reddit we're talking about
>be japan
>dont have sex
>japanes die out
The problem is that you consider women your equal.
In fact women are golems that mirror the form of humans.
Their only role in life it to have a master and please them
Their current state is because men refuse to take a women and they instead find media conglomerates to watch over them
Why the fuck would SJWs read or understand anything?
One post by this ID.
Saged, faggot.
This is nothing more than biological factors i.e. women inherently more valuable than men because sperm cheap, eggs expensive. That's why these disgusting double standards go largely unnoticed and you have the gall to pretend that this isn't the dynamic at play. Gas yourself.
Women literally rage and get butthurt if you call them females, true story
Nice comedy germany.