To become will and to be or to become will and not to be?
That is the question.
To become will and to be or to become will and not to be?
That is the question.
Other urls found in this thread:
Embrace your will and let it harmonize with your beliefs imo.
Become what you are imo
Both god teir and Wittgenstein
What did Witts add?
I didn't read him.
He mostly did his own thing. A lot of philosophy of language, "meaning is use" etc.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
He was a great man, his ideas are something we should all consider.
his thoughts on antinatalism is a great topic for debate.
Don't forget "on women"
Develope a theory of logic, onthology and language with some elements of a theory of mind. He wanted to create a ideal language of logic, which enables you to solve all or nearly all philosophical problems.
This was his late philosophy, where it turned out to be impossible to create a ideal language of logic. Alltagssprache, Sprachspiele, Privatsprache etc.
please explain your views, I simplified it as "women are childish"
All the great philosophers were males. I don't think that's a coincidence.
Women are more childish than men.
neither do I.
I find his views on suffering much like the Buddhist.
The antinatalism goes a bit deeper and is the topic I'm move interesting in. However while I won't breed myself I'm a supporter of the 14 words.
Neitzsche had some decent points, but he was a moral relativist and supported government, thus he was fundamentally flawed. When someone looks at you and genuinely says authority is a valid, moral, institution you can immediately know they are chemically imbalanced in the brain and have the cosmic abandonment issues of a child.
I don't plan on breeding either but I'm in favor of cloning human beings if it is possible to create a perfect, healthy clone.
your use of the word 'prefect' is at question as it depends on how perfect is defined. -- For myself it would mean a thing without suffering and currently that isn't possible. -- I think that was Schopenhauer's point (as far is this point goes)
Try not to get wet.
>To acknowledge liberal individuality as a distillation of modern experience, and thereby to recognize the historicity of liberalism itself, is to relinquish the pretensions of doctrinaire liberalism to universal validity.
>It is in its insistence on recalling to us the local character of our experience of individuality that the strength of conservative philosophy lies. It dispels the hallucinatory perspective of abstract humanity, and draws us back to the narrower, but more substantial standpoint of real human beings, in all their quiddities and miscellaneity. conservative thought has inestimable value in correcting the illusion that we are, or can ever be, dispossessed or unemcumbered selves, free-floating sovereign subjects, distanced from all social convention and heirs to no tradition. Conservative philosophy contains, then, an incisive critique, not only of the stupendous delusions of Marxism, but also of the lesser, but no less mistaken errors of the dominant liberalism.
Philosophy is an academic circlejerk, no philosopher has ever been truly happy. All you need to do is reproduce, provide, live a simple life, sometimes have fun with some friends and then die.
>presuming we all need the same thing
that implies a life without question, the will to be a slave.
He didn't add to anything, he ended it. You should read him but skip Tractatus.
Nietzsche is more enjoyable for his literary skill and imagination than anything IMO
Its just that philosophy is a profession people who want respect do and men want more respect than women.
>then die
Don't you believe in eternal life?
I like the way you think but I do not agree.
I don't. Both positions are logically very feeble but since consciousness if a product of your physical brain, I believe it will shut down when your brain stops functioning. You don't remember anything before you were born, do you?
Don't you believe in reincarnation then?
Personally I say become what you are, forever.
what is there to reincarnate
This guy gets it you seem to have bought into the "muh mind/muh soul" meme, you think of yourself as some kind of a transcendental entity not bound by your physical body, when the reality is, everything you ever knew or know is a product of your body and your mind is nothing but a very complex but also a very mundane system created by thousands of years of evolution whose only goal is survival. Literally everything your mind does can be traced to evolution, hormonal reward systems and survival. There is nothing to be reincarnated, other than your dead body that will lend it's fabric to other beings of nature, but it will no longer be you, since that construct of "one Swiss user" will long be deconstructed and forgotten.
I am becoming what I am. Nothing ever ends.
>Philosophy is an academic circlejerk.
Academic philosophy might be a circlejerk.
But when you think about what you have to do to be happy, like you did, then you're already doing philosophy yourself.
No, I am not in favor of stark materialism. It only makes sense to talk about things you can point to.
If the mind is a function of the body then we can just point to the recycling of energy and there is your reincarnation. If the mind isn't a function of the body then we've reached the end of useful discussion.
Values and beliefs are illusions. You are a puppet at the master of will. Nature created an abomination through consciousness, creating an illusion of separation.
Submit and breed. Submit and program yourself to believe life is quite alright
>Philosophy is an academic circlejerk
it may have become that, but wasn't always so. Also, we modern people don't know how to do philisiphy right.
Problem is few did it right even in the past. I myself when thinking about god and the world often fall into the habbit of highly analytical, abstract and out of touch - rambling about very specific problems. Many people who do this and write books filled with their ramblings give philosophy a bad name. (at least I dont write books)
though to be fair not all of those books and the ideas expressed in them are without value. They have some merit but it is tucked and buried beneath a pile of big words and pretentious attitude.
Are you a molymeme?
I did mean academic philosophy, but I'm a layman, probably don't know shit and am just a victim of the Dunning-Kruger effect. But I agree with what this guy said Yeah, it's reincarnation but not in the sense that the Swiss user meant, I suppose. I guess if it makes you content that your material will be used after you die and you see it as reincarnation, by all means believe in reincarnation. But I think he meant the reincarnation of consciousness. I fyour consciousness does not remain after you are dead in one way or the other, I don't think we can talk about life after death.
inadequate reading comprehension detected! While he did believe morals were relative, he was not a moral relativist. He absolutely believed the Germans and French culture were better than everyone else. Also, ya he supported govt. but so should you faggot
>Sup Forumstards masquerading as refined philosophers
kill yourselves
do you believe in miracle of međunožje?
I sure do
Get it through your thick fucking skulls and repeat after me.
Now bend over and eat the puke out my ass.
>kill yourselves
I'm already smoking a pack a day.
>be a christian
>literally thinking vintage jewish capeshit is real
The will of God is the will.
That's white magic for you.
Not pure enough for me.
All white magick is black magick to some degree.
It's never purely white magick because white magick is so pure it exists beyond the physical realm and is constantly tainted by humans.
But I get what you're saying, pretty dope.
You must slay your father and rescue the dragon!
(or is that putting Descartes before the horse?)
I know nothing and so do you.
holy sevens
Schopenhauer's Will is absolutely one of the most important advances in philosophy and is severely underrated.
The Principle of Sufficient reason, however, is a kind of mistake. But it's one that I cannot fault him for making, he is a product of his time. It would not be until Wittgenstein that such mistakes could be grappled with in the analytic tradition.
The candle flame casting dancing shadows onto the wall echoing a lonesome message reverberating since before the beginning of time leaving an independent preface to the unknowable future we all try to predict inaccurately entertaining our losses to be forgotten forever in a wave of molecules bumping into each other for no reason other than just because we can in an attempt to amount to a quantifiable number without realizing the microcosm is the macrocosm and when we restrict ourselves to the confines of language we won't remember how we will end up will end up being how we began.
Screw this continental bullshit
Drop the coin to join the few,
We'll take a step back before we call it a crew,
I'll take off my shoe before I shoo you away,
Don't return until you come back a new day,
Play up the game of the red, white and blue?
We were expecting claps but all we earned was boos,
Drink up because you know the next loss to lose,
Is dropping yet another key then drinking the booze,
Or pushing yet another key then hitting the snooze,
We choose to confuse and to refuse the muse,
Why did we leave all the rest at the end?
What goods it do us only pretending to defend?
My soap box is cardboard and I fell through.
All because I started thinking of you.
The only flashback worth rewinding,
The only memory worth refining,
The only past worth the timing,
The only search worth the finding,
The reminding of the signing,
That paper after all,
Might be worth the call,
If not I will fall,
Stand tall,
The wall.
I bet user is actually an architecture major and therefore has no clue about philosophy.
There was a time I waited near almost a decade for my one and only high school sweet heart. It was the ease of access Facebook made communicating that turned us away from each other. We were in fact "friends" the whole time. Either way, no one will ever take her place in my heart even though she's gone forever.
I sincerely pray she finds someone who will actually be there for her and get's married to that person and live a happy life together. I failed as a friend to tell her how much she meant to me.
So with the remaining few friends I have left. Know that I appreciate at the very least your digital presence in my life. It's comforting knowing that I have some really close friends that only need my minimal participation to fulfill these subjective definitions of friendship.
Just know that the less you're involved in my life the less I'll be involved in yours, its very much reciprocal. Anyways, I'm bad at writing about my emotions because they've been compressed and archived and stored in a location far from my physical embodiment.
I've gathered all of my memories in a near by constellation, and I made sure that this cluster of stars shine brighter than the rest of the night sky visible from any place on this earth. I know it might sound insane, however it may be presented. This is how I am.
As if philosophy was a region-specific thing like religion.
My brain interprets environmental signals.
My soul decides to accept or oppose nature.
I've made up my mind, my body will integrate.
Entropy and decay are my only constants.
My knowledge counts for responsibility.
My expressions adjust adaptation.
Dead or alive, I'm permanent.
Do you know who I am?
My accountability.
Continental Philosophy is actually a category to discern the thoughts of Nietzsche and Sartre from the more analytical, anglo-american approaches. I guess you are more of a layperson
Why was I born into this body, philosophy people? Is there a plausible argument for experience after death as a different entity or are we all fucked?
I mean I don't want to be a space slug or fish anyway but it's better than nothing.
Why can nobody explain what consciousness is apart from "being" and why we feel different from nonconcscious stuff?
Basically can someone convince me not to fear death
In this very moment a transition unfolds. Astonished by light each day as all nights bring comfort. Every breath defined by wondering where the rest begins. This movement never ended nor began as reactions from the past. Remain content and continue drifting among the cosmic echos.
No mind nor matter disrupted by conflict as every second ends up behind. Forget the shadow of time and celebrate life forever! Upward stares from downward falls will reap the earth below so climb north from hell.
Repeat an anthem of humble scrutiny and rinse all darkness from the soul's wrist watch where lay hidden beneath a sleeve's heart an ace to finish the job.
Listen man you sound insane and didn't answer my question
Follow-up question: why was I dead for thousands of years and am now me instead of still just nothing???
this thread looks mighty spook'd
Because the universe willed it to happen.
To some the universe is God.
The others the universe is their playground.
Guess who's having more fun?
Here we are in the middle of nowhere in this moment without any time to waste, without any clarity on our uniform destination and yet we want to get there as soon as possible. Obstacles are challenging but are seen as interruptions. We despise these mortal reminders distracting us from discovering our true collective purpose.
This reality is far more subjective than we'd like to give ourselves credit for and in the midst of it all we question why we continue to plan ahead, to exist beyond our immediate obligations. We are well within our right to demand answers to ancient questions already explained by those who continue to remain formless.
Representing everything before as we attempt to become everything after do we acknowledge our choices were already made. Will there be any essence to gather once nothing becomes the carcass of existence? Are the very boundaries defining this momentum the reason for the absence of darkness surrounding us with echos?
Together we are an unstoppable force powered by dilapidated faith separating our desires to die alone. Our conscious wavelengths synchronize every thought with every feeling currently happening simultaneously in everyone. Our actions outside our mind run autonomously while we escape into this connection, our digital heaven.
Forever we survive in this struggle to surrender our identity. Motivated lost souls where our awareness has been hidden to be consumed by what can be forgotten. This next occurrence, our final endeavor, will be met by the convergent chaos when the singularity between deems routine.
Does existence really exist if it's preceded by and succeeded by an eternity of nothingness?
I am an anonymous door knocker.
I'm terrified of the opposite, having to exist forever.
I sure hope the reincarnation folk aren't right, I want liberation from existence as soon as I die.
A question veiled by the limits of the human mind.
Take refuge in this: the only thing that matters in the world is you. Not me, not anyone else - only you.
There is no meaning to life, which should not depress you but rather liberate you from the search for meaning and any code which prescribes the meaning.
To me, I am God. To they, they are god.
Death is mysterious because it gives a name and character to oblivion. There is nothing. 0. Nothing at all. It is impossible to describe this effectively as there is nothing to describe. You shouldn't fear death because there is nothing to fear.
Another walk in the park to start before the beginning of defending the pretend end.
I know ofc you're not conscious to fear or experience death, but from a living perspective it still sucks ass.
Who says there isn't a meaning to life?
Also, wouldn't a void imply something can fill it? Like getting born again? As a fish or space slug?
why is it impossible?
language is merely an information vehicle
I'm actually curios I've never understood his conundrum on the issue
That's only within the delusion of freewill,
I think there are no question just functioning and malfunctioning systems,
be it mechanical or biological
>all the crazies in this thread ignoring my profound, sensible and logical questions
Back to suppressing existential dread and being a normalfag then. Thanks boiz
I expect nothing from my friends except for them to expect nothing from me. I know it may be difficult but believe me, I'm not worth anything, not even your time.
If you need me I'll be online, but sure as hell ain't following anybody anywhere. March to the beat of your own drummer. My songs are all mine and all mine to keep to myself.
Addesing one of your points: There is no void to be filled.
Yeah but there was a void before I existed mate, how'd that one get filled?
ignorance is bliss
if you realize you're a slave you're usually pretty upset about it
No there wasn't. Oblivion is not a void. It's nothing.
There are no void
So how did something come from nothing without my soul being there already? Checkmate, m8. Why can't it happen again?
I do not give a FUCK about preserving my identity, I just want to experience more.
"Effervesced Towrope" meaning to be pulled along enthusiastically is the anagram for one of my companies named, "Overpowered Effects"
It does internet stuff and stuff.
Ooooo.... So Deeeep...
We can't know the answer to every question as some are simply unanswerable by us.
Cop-out? Sort of. Truth? Yes.
>implying existence
This was your first mistake.
Nice user, thanks. Gives me a bit of hope that it won't all end with my death.
I'm right here friend, maybe you're the philosophical zombie ;)
I thunk before I dumped.
ayy lmao.
I want therefore I am.
I want not therefore I am not.
To become will and to be or to become will and not to be?
Ugh damnit. Are those my only options?
Can't I be sometimes and not be other times?
I'd consider not being getting stoned and staring at the tv for a countless hours.
Sometimes that's good for you.