now is the time to make your choice
Now is the time to make your choice
pressing canadians gets rid of the other two
Furries too entertainingly degenerate to kill wholesale.
Blaire too based to take in the collateral.
Leafs are one step too autistic for this fucking board.
Muslims (only because they are smarter)
Next choice would be Niggers,
I would pick both if I could
I choose not to press any button
Canadians every time.
Trannies and furries are bad, but they arent as wide spread a threat as the leaf
of course you can't, can Canada like fuck off thanks
Will removing a group also remove all its enablers?
Will a removed group stay removed forever or will it just pop back up after a year?
Leafs by far, trannies and furries are a niche
Canadians. Free land and you get rid of leftist enablers.
they're gone and if you think highly of the gone group you're also gone
Canadians if for no other reason than all that land we'll be getting.
Think of all the oil.
Aren't they the same?
That aside, trannies. I know a few decent leaf cunts. I know no decent trannies.
You listed sodomites three times, there is no difference.
Get rid of them all.
It doesn't say Muslims or niggers...
Is it even a question?
Trannies. Furries are too irrelevant and i have faith that Canada can be restored to its old masculine self when hard times hit.
I have friends that belong to one or more of these groups. I love dickgirls and furry porn, and two of my most redpilled friends are Canadian.
>Where's the Jew/Moslem button?
Remove Canadians and the other both groups are also gone.
trannies, don't even have to think about it too hard
saw a super fine looking canadian chink today too, i mean 10/10
Who counts as a Canadian? Maybe I should wait a year and push the Canada button to give Trudeau plenty of time to grant as many shitskins citizenship as possible
Canadians hands down. The quality of the board would be increased. That affects me more than trannies and furries.
Goodbye, leaves.
I'd press Furries to rid them from my fetish, but that'd be too selfish, so Trannies.
at least you're being honest
everyone else is remarkably suspect
Canadians hands down...
there are no good trannies
i know good furries and hell even good Canadians
but never a good tranny
Furries, much as I loathe them for shitting on any fetish they touch, aren't a major threat to society, and choosing Canadians would be a meme answer. I absolutely hate trannies and would get rid of them in a heartbeat.
I'm going to go cry now
Go for the tranny occasionally a based furry and even some leaf dudes but lost cause of the trannies
You mean "Leafs" burger.
Aren't all three groups the same thing?, I can't tell the difference.
i suppose i'm stuck in the old ways, where furfags must forever yiff in hell
Canadians. Because then you've killled off about half of the other two groups
Where's the curryshit button?
canadians for sure
Trannies. That practically removes most canadians and furries as well.
you have been voted off please go
TRANNIES. the only one of the three that is degrading Earth and making it a shitty place to live for all involved. Furries are such a small sliver of folks that it would be nonsense to bother, and the existence of Canadians to our north keeps whiteness in North America
cant remove trannies the dick only makes it better and between leafs and furries. theres more godawful leaf posters than furry posters so I'll be sacrificed for the good of Sup Forums
>Furry, tranny, Canadian detected
They're the cancer that killed most of Sup Forums
It's got to be the Canadians.
Then the United States can spread freedom to the north and then turn her sites toward Mexico.
North America will fall into our grasp. Trumpifest Destiny.
Sup Forums killed furries, actually
No furry or loli shit is one of the global rules.
I'd headbutt the Canadian button so fucking hard.