Teacher accused of improper relationship with student smiles in mugshot

LOCKHART, Texas - A 27-year-old science teacher at a Texas high school has been arrested after being accused of having an improper relationship with a student, the Lockhart school district announced Monday.

Lockhart High School teacher Sarah Fowlkes, a school district employee since October 2014, also was suspended from her job. The district said it was alerting the State Board for Educator Certification about the case.

The district said it first received a report about the relationship on March 10, before the start of spring break, and alerted Lockhart police and Child Protective Services. Police said the student was 17 years old.

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THats a 1000-cock-stare if ever i saw one. The dead eyes. The crazy eyes.

I figured it out guys. They will use women to slowly brainwash people to accept pedophilia.

Dumb people be like :
> Oh she had sex with a 15 years old boy, that's a lucky young man!!



>Police said the student was 17 years old
Only a dumb American would consider this a crime. Sure, it is unprofessional to fuck a student and she should be fired. Arrested though?

she fucked a 17 year old you fucking retard.

Proud she fucked a nigger too
