describe your country's politics one picture
Describe your country's politics one picture
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I can't.
>But fuck drumpf and fuck white people.
brazilian social-kleptocracy
slippery jews stealing large amounts of money but being smart enough to never get caught
Done :) pretty easy you should've know better with shit show we had from lefties lately
I'm sorry user
They sure grabbed him by the balls.
>you weren't born early enough to have owned and "lost" a full auto L1A1
>living in a country were people actively fight against having rights
Germans why Sup Forums is not block,Merkle is doing some bad decisions
fucking this, is there any hope for us? I'm starting to doubt if we can reverse any of this shit
feels bad man ITT: no joke btw literally going to friends to shoot .22 long rifle and deranger pistol etc. im sorry i guess guns that are nothing more thatn a manufactured metal and utilize basic funtions dating back to medieval europe are evil sorry aussie :(
Got a better one for ya m8
What does Italy have to do with Australia?
I think my country deserves a video in the state it currently is
Pretty much this, plus a fucked up healthcare system.
Essa não é uma foto pra descrever a política em Pt, que tal uma foto da Geringonça?
>describe your country's politics one picture
>Australia shitposting
Pretty accurate.
Vive la France
>you weren't born early enough to have owned and "lost" a full auto L1A1
How the hell did you loose it? You handed it in. lol
It says "I'm not a down, I'm a - prime minister."
Everybody's evacuating Lithuania now. SAD
Do you find life difficult while being this retarded?
I meant, a lot of guys reported their weapons "lost or stolen" when they actually just had them buried in the woods or something.
w wh... where are they going annon ?
>webm related is actually your Prime Minister
You name it. Great Britian, Ireland, Norway, Denmark. My country is ruled by puppets, former KGB agents and pseudo-patriots.
Justin Claus Trudeau spreading the gibs
the brother's face always gets me
Does no one that's actually white even come here anymore den ? sad :*(
Yeah, that's definitely the best bit
Our country is 99% white. It's rare to see nignog here. But man. My country ruled by puppets. Back when we were USSR, our government licked Moscow's ass, now, it's Brussel's and Washington's ass. Plus our president is literally former KGB agent and suspected lesbian. It's pathetic.
>you will never be a settler of South Africa in the 19th century
>you will never have enough kids with a qt Dutch to maintain white domination for your descendants
It hurts
Spot on.
kek not having europeans immigrate over here den instead we get asians and latin americans lovely :(
>tfw Northern Irish
One can only hope PS gets more popular this summer when a new sultan of the party is chosen.
It's rare someone who moves to live in US. Maybe because it's far and requires visas, while you can travel freely through most of Europe
>picture of weedman sitting with soros.jpg
I am God.
>multiple people allowed in ballots
That is not democracy
>niggers in switzerland
Oh how the mighty have fallen.
You should bask in the comfort of living in a shit-skin free country.
That's the only reason I keep living here. I worked summers in GB. Too dark in there
Pay up whiteboy
No money no honey
everyone here is verbally walking on eggshells 24/7
wtf i love poland now
lol Thailand
>not sure if pic is satire or not
Your country is too far gone. Rip in pieces
is that picture real life?
The amount of money we spend on sport and music completions even know the average wage for an Azeri is 500$ a month at best.
That was satire of course but this one is a real screencap from Canadian government site
This guy was banned 3 days ago from the EU parliament because he said women are payed less because they are weaker, shorter and less intelligent than men.
Here is a very recent interview with him, by UK "journalists". Please note, mr Korwin Mikkes english sucks really bad, but still this entire interview is cringeworthy, just look at what the journalists are saying.
Thoughts on this?
Ahh. Convincing that freedom of speech can be non-absolute is perhaps the greatest trick the Jew ever pulled.
nobody listen to this cuck.
only depressed alcoholic RIMI market cashiers leave the country.
the weak leave, the strong stay and help build Lithuania.
Where was this picture taken at?
Hate speech laws here are OUT OF CONTROL
It's not even jews, it is unironically because of fucking women
White, Cream, Off-white, a little brown, next to no black.