Is it starting to fall apart Sup Forums?
Man who attended 45 rallies now opposes Trump
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Totally not a paid shill. this is extremely real and should be treated as such.
Damn, Trump getting cucked from all sides.
Obvious false flagging from Clinton News Network.
I attended every Trump rally but seriously we can't let him get the nuclear codes, we need a proven conservative in the house which is why Jeb! is the only reasonable option.
dumbass never actually supported Trump to begin with.
What they don't tell you is he protested at the 45 rallies.
I agree with you, i am currently in america right now and i have always lived in america and never been outside of it and i am a life long conservative 40 year old man and we cannot let Trump get the nuclear clothes
Either that or he's a paid actor.
Agreed. Nuclear codes and all that.
Or maybe he genuinely opposes the proposed Healthcare bill...
Personally, as an American livijg in America and former Trump supporter I now know that the only rational course of action is to place America under British rule.
Obsessive finds new thing to be obsessive about. He is the history of Sup Forums incarnate.
I'm now a Cruz Missile!
the comments lol
Even as a Finnish man I can see from all the way from here in Espoo that Trump was a mistake.
Trump needs to get off this gay healthcare shit and on to things his base elected him for. Immigration and trade being #1 and #2 respectively.
Isn't this literally propaganda?
They're trying to portray the idea that not even his supporters like him anymore, but the polling among his voters have remained pretty stable from what i've seen.
I love that CNN has finally reported something positive about the President. Oh, wait, nevermind
Your day has come and gone you low-test peet-smoking drunk.
wtf im a jeb pleb now
obongocare is choking the country though
This election has been notable for how content voters on both sides have remained with their choice.
It would be incredibly naive to expect that the mass media, after running fake polls and opinion pieces to isolate Trump supporters throughout the election would change their tactics afterwards.
>peet-smoking drunk.
Great ad hominem but not an an argument
>Trump can do absolutely nothing wrong and he is the glorious leader.
It really is true that every country gets the leader it deserves.
Funny how the narrative changed from "Trump only cares about white people" to "Trump doesn't care about anyone".
I love how they always find these people and try to use them to persuade people into hating their president.
>CNN now trying to do the nuclear codes pasta
Someone please get rid of these fucking clones.
>jump off the Trump Train lless than 6 months after inauguration
That's how you know he's a shill.
pic related every drumpster when he is impeached
>Brave democrat attended 45 rallies so we could write this story.
No, since day one the media's goal has been to create this false sense of Trump's supporters abandoning him.
They control the media, so they control the narrative. It's to give a sense of hopelessness to Trump supporters, making it seem like this massive fucking win...wasn't. They want to create this feeling as if our heads have been held underwater and we came up for a gasp of air, but our heads are shoved right back under. It's bullshit, stop listening to it.
They did the same thing during the election with showing Hillary had a 98% chance to win. They wanted to demoralize Trump supporters so bad that they wouldn't go out and actually vote. Now they want to paint this picture and put it into everyone's mind "maybe this was a bad idea".
yup it's over. drumpft is done. thank you madam president :^)
fake news
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>mfw when I swallowed the blue pill and realize trump is cancer
>CNN using Sup Forums memes as propaganda
this is a shill thread you know what to do
Couldn't have put it better, but Sir/ mam I really don't deserve this.
He has the skillset to be a good president but not the temperament.
Here's an argument.
Your status as the invalid I previously described you as leaves you unbefitting to comment on this social event accurately.
>trump during the election
>we are going to repeal and replace obamacare
>trump now
>we are going to repeal and replace obamacare
sure thing CNN
They should have it stapled to their fool heads. :D
those numbers tho
If both trump and pence are impeached then Jeb will take the throne.
Hit the nail on the head.
What I find disturbing is how overt they are being with this type of "reporting". The press used to do a better job hiding the fact that they were left wing. They are all but compleatly admitting it at this point.
He can absolutely prove he was at those rallies. He even has signed travel expenses forms from John Podesta.
Trump's base doesn't watch CNN. They're only entertaining lefties' delusions.
>those pants
>that jacket
Something doesn't add up.
You're right, It's your dumpster fire of a country.I'll just sit back and watch it burn.
You Trump cucks are so delusional. I'm starting to think you guys are the ones who are actually paid shills.
I wouldnt call what Trump is allowing Ryan to do with healthcare "replacing" anything. Also, Ryan is a fucking traitor who never supported trump in the first place. This all smells like a fucking setup to fuck with Trump
>im a failed parent who raised a junkie that died during Obama's presidency . therefore I hate Trump now
>tell me about this guitar, do you play this guitar anymore?
so fucking cringe. immediately.
maybe the guy has a legitimate point, but I can't bare to watch this pile of filth.
>potato nigger
> berating ANY country
fuck off you insignificant third world drunkard
man I should've never voted for Trump
I feel like a fucking idiot now
>Man who attended 45 rallies
prove it.
It's amazing to see how quickly you people can turn on your own kind.Six months ago you would have been praising this guy for going to 45 rallies.
k, watched it
vague at best
>former Trump supporter here.
>In all seriousness though, we can't let that man get the nuclear codes.
CNN needs to be outed as the liars that they are.
45 rallies?! What a loser. Sad. Not a smart guy.
The fat fuck's lying
The media is finally smart enough to realize the only people anyone will trust are people who claim to have voted for Trump. At this rate it will only take another 14 years and they might be able to stump Trump.
> 3 places above.
>I wouldnt call what Trump is allowing Ryan to do with healthcare "replacing" anything.
>Falling for media shill tactics
Ryan has literally said in public this is the best they can do using Reconciliation, and they are going going to hope that once this bill neuters Obongo's care bad enough the Democrats will finally be willing to play ball and pass real legislation to fix this shit mess. Do you hear that? No, you don't, because the media is crafting a narrative, and this ruins it.
I just want to see the world fall apart.
I voted for Trump.
If he does good, then good.
If he does bad, and pisses conserviturds and libtards off, even better.
Six months ago you faggots were praising Rachel Maddow for having 45 genders, but look how you treated her after the tax return thing.
>he doesn't know there were just as many trump shills as there were ctr shills.
falling for the ((billboarding) tactic
Fuck off Discount Canada
Trump shot himself in the foot with gopecare
When did I ever claim to support that retarded cunt..
Most likely this. His little song/performance are indicative that he has thespianic tendencies.
>cowboy hat
LOL. Are they even trying anymore?
>everybody not supporting Trump is a paid shill
.. must be easy being you guys.
This. But watch all of his minions support him anyway.
>trump pin
>trump sticker
>christian cross
>on a fucking cowboy hat
That, the kike nose and the CNN logos gave this away as being fake news in an instant. They'd have better luck airing this on local news and not trying so hard with the "rural and suburban retard" meme for their next actor.
>my heroin addict son died because healthcare plan wasn't good enough
Wait what? Why would he be a supporter of Obamacare but still vote for Trump in hope of a new healthcare plan?
What kind of propaganda bullshit is this?
>quit playing guitar because trump
false flagging this hard lol
It shouldn't be surprising. The targeted audience for this shit is blue-pilled liberals that eat it up. You have to realize that these guys don't believe that the media is running a narrative, so in their minds they are smugly secure in their belief that Trump is going to fall.
Have you ever noticed how strangely liberals and SJW are overly confident and condescending when they talk to you? It's because they watch news reports like this, and then immediately run out to jerk each other off about it, and then run here to post it to erode away your confidence. It's the political equivalent of someone posting the Navy Seal pasta. It's obviously baseless and absurd, but they're hoping it'll scare someone.
>the sides have become globalists (CNN, Clinton, Maddow, neo-liberals in general)
>vs anti-globalists (Trump, Fox News - to some degree, alt-right in general).
>comes here to shit on Trump after an obvious bit of fake news featuring an actor claiming that he used to be a Trump supporter, but .. nuclear codes.
>doesn't realize how obvious it is that he's a globalist
The facts are, Trump was objectively the best choice for white people. Being white myself, I'm pretty happy he won. Being non-white, you are naturally mad. Thing is, though, we don't give a fuck about your chimping out anymore.
But it's true.
We all know it, that is why real Americans are armed to the teeth and we're ready to remove all commies and shills.
It doesn't matter if they impeach him or throw massive riots. All liberal communists and shills are going to die.
hey wait a minute why do u talk so funny if you're an american
Literally professional concern shilling about the new health bills, even though they're still in proposal stages, and to give detractors a "this one guy who attended all of Trumps rallies is now against him because of the new health bill" line to say at parties when they're drunk as fuck.
>they are going going to hope that once this bill neuters Obongo's care bad enough the Democrats will finally be willing to play ball and pass real legislation to fix this shit mess
That's the most retarded plan I've heard of. Democrats are not going to compromise unless they're thrown a bone and then some and without a more vigorous repeal that isn't Obamacare lite.
Millions of poor white people will die because of Trumpcare
Yes, goyim, I (((attended))) all Trump rallies and now I (((oppose))) Drumpf now.
omg ur so hardcore user
this guy seems like a shill
Are they "interviewing" their own cameramen yet again
If he is opposing trump, why is he wearing that hat?
To proof to us that its a legit trunp supporter? Do they really think they are fooing anybody with this?
is that a fat bill maher
Millions of poor whites are going to die if the globalists get in power and Western countries are flooded with third-worlders, brought in by factory-owning elites for slave labour.
Many will be murdered (as many whites are every day by blacks), some will simply starve to death as they are forced out of the job market - meanwhile mohammed lives off of the taxpayer in his nice new apartment with his 3 wives and 18 children.