Trump Playlist
>Pres Trump signs s.442 NASA Act 3/21/17
>Pres Trump rally in Louisville KY 3/20/17
>SC Nominee Neil Gorsuch 3/20/17
>Pres Trump meets w/Iraq PM al-Abadi 3/20/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #8 3/18/17
>Pres Trump/Merkel Press Conf 3/17/17
>Pres Trump/Merkel @ WH 3/17/17
>Pres Trump roundtable w/USA-DEU biz leaders 3/17/17
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>The Story behind MAGA hats
>Female Trump vs Male shillary
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
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/ptg/ President Trump General - Joe Posting Is A Forced Meme Edition
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*sips tea*
Finnish gf when
Guys, I just noticed something
Doesn't this count as spam? Isn't spam against the rules?
>inb4 "Hofer defeated easily" spammer
>the atlantic
>without reading it know they mean "whitest" to be derogatory
>read it
>be correct
>author is a faggy nu male who quotes infamous race baiter tanehisi coates
Stay kiked, Atlantic
Yes. That's all he does is shill for 40 posts.
not really, it is just an obvious anti Trump retard
Ivanka isn't as smart as everyone makes her out to be. She speaks well, is pretty and has manners. THAT'S IT. She steals designs from high end designers, claims them as her own and gets sued for it. She has one degree and it's a bachelors. All her businesses revolve around her silver spoon handed TRUMP name and brand. And since republicans like to compare. Chelsea on the other hand has a bachelors, 3 masters, and a PHD. All from Ivy League schools.
lol'd he looks really happy to prep M***s bull
I wish mods would just start deleting this generals because I honestly I hate all of you, shills, shit posters and this Polish proxy faggot alike
Is this the OP of the last thread? Is he the same guys as in this post?
Guys, I thought that spamming is a bannable offense
go find another thread, there are many....
Yes, I much prefer wading through the endless shills and BLACKED posts for Trump discussion.
Thanks for the page view goy! Driving up our traffic to get more shekels!
>when he was going to drain the swamp of Washington insiders?
>Yet his cabinet is filled with [Washington outsiders]
These people are pretty fucking autistic to threadsplit and spam about joe scarborough of all people.
Holy shit.
Chelsea Clinton made spinach pancakes once. That is all that needs to be said of her
Now that's just sad! Why isn't he banned? Spamming IS against the rules, isn't it?
Yes and yes.
Antonin Scalia smoked a pipe during his confirmation hearing
>Spamming IS against the rules, isn't it?
tell that to obamaleaf
Did everyone report him? Mods should notice it and ban him if he really did spam
He also announced a split, another bannable offense
Extremely comfy
The only one splitting threads is you, stop being a fag about this.
I need some Muslim happenings.
A girl raped slayed by an illegal spic isnt going to cut it.
>Why isn't he banned?
Mods don't care apparently because he's been doing it for a while.
>being this autistic
wew lad sometimes you go overboard
joefags need to go, they had their time during the primaries
As I proved, he's obviously been breaking the rules, and he's been doing it for a while. He should be banned for this
The bad news has been bringing me down.
When we due a win?
Is this the greatest post ever posted on Sup Forums? I literally lol everytime I see "bbc&sissy hypnosis"
Joe is a fake ass piece of liberal shit.
Has anything new happened? Are the shills defending the rapists?
I want a Finnish GF as well...
Nice job countering one of numerous points
Spamming, advertising for MSNBC and announcing thread splits is all against the rules
I am surprised the mods here care so little about them
Also, did we forget about this little gem? Is that spamming guy with shareblue or something?
They are, and there is a poster right now who is advertising for controlled opposition. Very sad state of affairs
Take a deep breath dude, your thread is getting posts.... it's gonna be okay
Joe is Joe
>An asylum seeker who forced a 10-year-old to watch pornographic films before raping her is now pleading with the Swedish government not to deport him back to Iraq.
>I will never know the intimacy of sitting 5 feet away from her
The shills are just evil at this point. We can arrest them for conspiracy to overthrow the government right? EvaPoland, pls say yes and you'll have my eternal gratitude.
>tfw you're not getting attention so you have to threadsplit and spam about spammers
What a huge cuck.
>he thinks he's gonna stem the tide of joeposting
how many anons have died now on the altar of joe?
Hey guys see those arrows going across that body of water? Thats american special forces paradropping to establish a beach head.
Don't Fins reproduce asexually anyway?
Except you were the one that threadsplit and is spamming.
I'm not that other guy... frankly I've never seen anons get /enragedbyjoe/ and well, the forbidden fruit is the sweetest
I think our birth rates keep going down despite massive support by government to families who want children
Soon there will be no more Finns at this rate perkele
If he doesn't go Sweden is dead forever. Rangban Swedish posters.
Mornings with Maria is the patrician's choice
>The shills are just evil at this point. We can arrest them for conspiracy to overthrow the government right?
You can kill yourself, that will solve all your life probs.
Advertising for a washed out nobody who isn't even for trump is pretty pathetic. It's even sadder that you have been at it for a while
Like I said, at least three bannable counts so far:
1) Spamming
2) Advertising
3) Announcing a split when a thread has already been made
Well, banning them for breaking the rules is a start. Mods must not be awake yet
Have you submitted fakes news "leaks" to various news orgs. in an attempt to further undermine the media and become a "source" yet? We should coordinate and make up a lie so ridiculous that it just makes them look like dopes even more then leak that to them so they can publish it on their gay twitter
>[X]Defeated Hofer easily
>[X]Blocked cabinet appointments for months
>[X]Blocked first Muslim Ban
>[X]Removed Flynn
>[X]Revealed Sessions ties to Russia
>[X]Forced Sessions recusal
>[X]Blocked Trumpcare
>[X]Baited Trump into tweeting lies about President Obama without proof
>[X]Blocked second Muslim Ban
>[X]Defeated Wilders easily
>[X]Blocked wall funding
>[X]Trump caught lying about Obama wiretap
>[X]Comey unveils wide ranging investigation into Russian/Trump collusion
>[ ]Easily defeat LePen
>[ ]Remove Bannon
>[ ]Remove Sessions
>[ ]Block Gorsuch Nomination
>[ ]Block tax cuts for the rich
>[ ]Block third Muslim Ban
>[ ]Full tax returns released
>[ ]BiPartisan support for impeachment
>[ ]Impeached
>[ ]Tried for Treason
>[ ]Imprisoned
>[ ]Dies alone, poor, and disgraced in Prison
>[ ]Mike Pence schedules a new election to avoid being arrested like Trump
>[ ]Hillary finally wins, as she rightfully should have
>[ ]America lives happily ever after
All those fucking white males man
Trey Gowdy has order that Vince Foster's body be dug-up and examined again.
For those that don't know, Vince Foster was a guy who got """""""suicided""""""" to the back of the head when he learned too much about the Clintons.
Yeah I'm referring to the polish autist, its actually really funny. Threadsplitters trying to get spammers banned by spamming about spamming.
This place is insane than a mental institution sometimes
Maybe you guys need to learn how to be social.
Oh my.
You first.
Brock did say he and his slaves are trying to get Trump out of office by disinformation so that should stick in a court.
give it a couple weeks
Legit or bullshit?
>he thinks drain the swamp means putting different bureaucrats in
>hurr durr, all private industry leaders are like Mr. Burns
I always make threads early, you must be new here. I just wanted people to notice that OP is an obvious shill
I won't be making threads so early if we aren't over run with shareblue shills from joe's own pocket, like we are now
I didn't thread split, my friend. The other thread hit the bump limit, and everyone migrated here, as usual. And you're the shill here, advertising a known anti trump shill in a trump general is something only shareblue woud think is a good idea
Stop posting all this offtopic shit
>all manlets
yeah they're defintely mexicans
look at the fake articles at the bottom
what do you think
>Israel Aguirre
Seemed bullshit at first, but I Google'd it, and it's on multiple sites now.
>the worst one is also 5'3"
>implying I'm giving that clicks
So you think that the joe poster is getting paid to shill here? My my, do the mods know about this? People like him should not be able to post here
You're posting someone who isn't even supporting trump in a trump general, that is the definition of off topic spam
Who is comfy on the curved couch? Discussing SCOTUS nomination,
got a source that isn't meme tier?
i dont like it, but it can be easily filtered. censoring cucks for no reason leaves room for us to be censored, Sup Forums is great because its a bastion of free speech, just filter their IDs
>/ptg/ every single day
>wtf, isnt this basically spam? we need to ban all pro trump stuff.
We are literally losing Finns
If we had no immigration the number of Finns in Finland would be going down right now
That is how anti-social we are
You make threads at 280-290
The last thread you made as at 250. Everyone knows you feel you need to be OP and that's why you did it, it's okay breathe easy and stop sperging out about it.
>So you think that the joe poster is getting paid to shill here?
They're just leftover lackeys from CTR.
>Lindsey Graham on F&F
>said he voted for Sotomayor
What a fucking traitor. Anyone who didn't instantly dismiss that cunt is a traitor. She straight up said she would take her ethnicity into account when making rulings. As a judge, you are supposed to leave your fucking baggage at the door. Law is represented by a blindfolded woman holding scales. Race and ethnicity has nothing to do with law. Fuck that stupid cunt. Hope she dies in a fire.
How does it feel to push cringeworthy f&f shit for months, be the only one pushing it, and literally no one else cares?
>Race and ethnicity has nothing to do with law.
This shit is why the west is dying
Last DNA test to be aired soon on F&F. Is F&F white?
>if i add ism and onian to any word it makes me smarter
I can't end your life for you, user
Which character do you guys miss most? For me it's easily guacman, he was always there to provide comic relief
Wow, look at all those women and children