ehm.. guys?
Ehm.. guys?
um... guys?
she's been wanting to impeach since before he took office, she's just another dumb nignog that perpetually gets voted in because her constituents are california retards
Ted Cruz will save Trump in the last moment.
Impeachment means formal proceedings brought against the president. Bill Clinton was impeached.
Get ready to die, bitch.
maxine is my favorite
You and which Congressional majority?
It's so fucking retarded and it's going to happen. You would need undeniable proof of a crime worthy of impeachment, which there is none. The media and liberals bitching about alleged Russian ties and conflicts of interest is just baseless allegations. Furthermore, the Republicans control the House and the Senate, and there's an 87% approval rating with Republican voters for Trump. There is no way in Hell they are going to vote to remove a Republican president from office.
i hope they blow their wad early so they can get laughed out of town every subsequent time they think they found the nail in drumpf's coffin
They will never impeach him, hell they may even start the process, but they will never remove him from power. Their goal is simple. Never let the campaign stop.
literally who dat nigga up on dat twitta
She's talking about the president of West Korea right?
It seems to me to be just a political stunt for Democrats to stay relevant. They've lost political power are just running their mouths to keep liberals hopeful of some last minute save.
They really want Pence,huh?
>90 IQ points negroid
>being capable of accurately predicting something somewhat complex
Didn't know who she was but she comes up on No Agenda all the time.
She's mentally retarded, I'm almost certain.
>Democrats are the party out of power, literally locked in the trunk, and pounding on the door to please let us out
Wow, it's nothing.
ehm.. guys?
Dont count on it. There's a small percent it COULD happen, so dont put it completely out opf the picture (after all, many thought Trump couldn't win and yet he did). But I don't think this would happen so early into his presidency.
If impeached.
she is one of the stupidest niggers in government, definitely top 3
errr... guys?
wew lad
Did they really think Texas was going blue? Holy shit they are more delusional than I realized. lol
She thinks GWB is still in office, and that the Russians are fighting the Koreans
They were at "dinner" which means they were all drunk as fuck
Could you please get a trip, obamaleaf?
They thought their plan to import Mexicans and make Texas turn blue would work
There was definitely a tactic used to demoralize people. If the media kept parroting that your state was going blue there were some people on the fence who would say, oh well what does it matter if I vote then.
one of the most corrupt pieces of shit in the united states government. she belongs in a fucking jail cell.
>disliking someone is grounds for impeachment
You fail to understand these people are commies to the core. Amassing a fortune in business is evidence of a crime in and of itself, and it's guilty until proven innocent.
Despite being percentally closer than other red states, there's still a distance of over 800k people to cross and Dems only gain about 100k more than Republicans on average each election, which means Texas could go red for another 8 elections or until 2048
Oh you want some proof sweetie? Heres some proof:
>He lost the popular vote
>The FBI is investigating him for ties with Russia
>His approval rating is 37%
>He is a cheeto colored retard unfit to be president
Do you really need more than that honey?
Sadly it's not so inconceivable anymore since whites are less than 50% of Texas pop now. It'll flip in our lifetime. Sad
Oh you want some proof sweetie? Heres some proof:
>He lost the popular vote
>The FBI is investigating him for ties with Russia
>His approval rating is 37%
>He is a cheeto colored retard unfit to be president
Do you really need more than that honey?
Check again, retard.
are you finnally going to impeach all those black people ?
It will go blue pretty soon. Honkeys are minority in tx. We whities are fucking toast
She's just a worthless welfare nig-nog.
It's not so much that they want Pence is they want to stop Punished Trump.
got any more pham? Concerned lolis are top tier for my reaction folder
Honey shilling is my favorite. It's like a nice little self destruct sequence at the end of every post.
Fuck off you concern shilling cuck, Texas is far from going blue anytime soon. White voters are growing at a constant rate and the newcomer spics don't vote at a high enough rate.
fuck off shill faggot
>muh Gallup polls
Scroll down from here.
what the FUCK was their problem?
Is this new bait? I haven't been on Sup Forums for a few weeks.
>>His approval rating is 37%
according to the people I work with his approval rating is 100%
go fuck yourself
Punished Trump breakdown and why the globalist desperately want him removed.
A concern shill, huh? Such a variety of shills. There's also a big variety of blind /pol users
Stuuuuuupid faaaaaggot
What Maxine must missed during her Civics class was that a sitting President can only be impeached for actions committed while in office. What she also seems to forget is that if they were to somehow find something to charge Trump with, as long as the crime was "committed" prior to him taking office, he can pardon himself, and anyone else he decides to.
Woke balls
Fuck off you concern shilling cuck. Texas will stay red until way into 2040. I have the numbers, you have a /blacked/ fetish.
Man-Child president Angry Cheeto is going down!
I actually don't have that much, most of my lolis are smug or have question marks.
>dumb affirmative action nigger thinks she knows how the gubmint works
Again, it will go blue but that will only happen late into the 2040's.
>The media and liberals bitching about alleged Russian ties and conflicts of interest is just baseless allegations.
But of course chanting "lock her up" about emails and a manufactured benghazi scandal that was investigated numerous times by hyperpartisan committees is totally legit.
This is why no one respects Trumpcucks. It also underscores why Trump supporter-dominated states are 3rd-world tier shitholes while "those gosh darned libtard" states make up the vast majority of the US' GDP and dont scrape the bottom of the barrel in virtually every HDI metric imaginable.
PROTIP: Let the adults talk politics, you should concentrate on getting a job so you're not a drag on the yankee tax base
I just made it up on the spot for some (you)s, like most shill posts.
Also, Texas elections aren't decided by the big cities but by their suburbs. Although they have been trending blue too, but not fast enough.
>dumb affirmative action nigger thinks she knows how the gubmint works
This is why affirmative action needs to go.
Aww sweetie, you think you're well informed because you caught the latest on CNN? You don't know shit honey.
>This is why no one respects Trumpcucks.
No, you Clinton supporters are the cucks. Trump supporters have testosterone, Clinton supporters don't.
> "those gosh darned libtard" states make up the vast majority of the US' GDP
So do Texas, Florida etc. and at an increasingly high rate.
>PROTIP: Let the adults talk politics, you should concentrate on getting a job so you're not a drag on the yankee tax base
Adults vote Republican you faggot.
>[X]Defeated Hofer easily
>[X]Blocked cabinet appointments for months
>[X]Blocked first Muslim Ban
>[X]Removed Flynn
>[X]Revealed Sessions ties to Russia
>[X]Forced Sessions recusal
>[X]Blocked Trumpcare
>[X]Baited Trump into tweeting lies about President Obama without proof
>[X]Blocked second Muslim Ban
>[X]Defeated Wilders easily
>[X]Blocked wall funding
>[X]Trump caught lying about Obama wiretap
>[ ]Comey unveils wide ranging investigation into Russian/Trump collusion
>[ ]Easily defeat LePen
>[ ]Remove Bannon
>[ ]Remove Sessions
>[ ]Block Gorsuch Nomination
>[ ]Block tax cuts for the rich
>[ ]Block third Muslim Ban
>[ ]Full tax returns released
>[ ]BiPartisan support for impeachment
>[ ]Impeached
>[ ]Tried for Treason
>[ ]Imprisoned
>[ ]Dies alone, poor, and disgraced in Prison
>[ ]America lives happily ever after
the crime they want him impeached for is taking office
> execute order 66
>GOP are commies to the core
this will work perfectly
Thank you kind stranger, hope you have a fantastic day
Do you work at a mental hospital? Is that also where you live?
>doesn't know that op is talking about the democrats against making money.
You too!
i like peaches, who doesn't?
No impeachment will happen, instead drumpf will die in a fire, kek wills it
Oh shid, does he accept the call?
>watching too many bad films
>larps online
you're one step away from larping on the streets, like an idiot.
>He lost the popular vote
matters not
>The FBI is investigating him for ties with Russia
Yup, they'll find dirt on him aaaany day now...
>His approval rating is 37%
According to which corporate media online poll?
>He is a cheeto colored retard unfit to be president
I know you're just shitposting, but lurkers need to be ducated