The hero that Russia needs

Quick rundown:

>One of the youngest male members of the Russian Imperial Family and heir to the Russian throne in pretence.
>Born May 21, 1985 in Illinois and is the eldest son and second child of Prince Rostislav Rostislavovich.
>Is a highly respected artist.
>Prince Rostislav belongs to the Mihailovichi branch of the Romanov family as a male line descendant of Grand Duke Michael Nikolaevich of Russia, the youngest son of Emperor Nicholas I.
>He is also a descendant of Emperors Alexander II and Alexander III, being the great grandson of Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia (sister of the last Emperor Nicholas II) and her husband Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia.
>Is also in line of succession to the British throne
>Lived in Chicago until the age of 6, when his father relocated the family to East Sussex in the United Kingdom
>In 2006 after attending memorial service for his great-great grandmother the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna he announced that he was considering "coming home" to Russia.
>Only descendant of the Romanov family to return to Russia.
>Upon returning he has converted to the Russian Orthodox faith and has studied the language, which he is now fluent in.
>In 2015, Vladimir Putin stated that he wants to reinstate Russia's imperial family and the Tsars as a means of unifying the Russian people and preserving the country's heritage.
>It is rumoured that Putin will introduce a law granting the Romanov family "special status" in Russia in July 2018 at the centenary of Nicholas II's death.
>The royals would be returned to one of the great Romanov palaces in St Petersburg, or the grand Livadia Palace in Crimea.
>Prince Rotislav would be named as Tsar of Russia in the event of Russia re-instating the family and would be the first Tsar in Russia for 100 years.
>The family would be given a similar role in Russia as the British Royal Family.

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One can only hope.

Please Papa Putin make it so

Do it faggot

he looks like diet jahans

Who is this cute little lesbian and how tight is her pussy?

>Putin welcomes the Tsar back to Russia
>arranges a series of accidents to wipe out all the other claimants to the British throne
>Russia conquers the UK by inheritance

>>In 2015, Vladimir Putin stated that he wants to reinstate Russia's imperial family
that is very interesting why would he possibly do that
he would wish to preserve his power not give it to someone else
And putin is a kgb and a smartass - though a good smartass for his country - not an honorable traditionalist. What is his business reinstating the russian monarchy?

In principle it sounds good but it is suspicious that he would want to do that.

Russia YES!

He gone die at some point.

This is another notch on his belt

I don't think Putin wants to get cucked by an American faggot

There are quite a lot of claimants in line for the british throne.

Same as the british royal family? You mean essentially doing nothing and spending the tax payer dollar?

Yeah, nah.

>t. commie

>make an American that barely knows the Russian language or culture into the emperor of Russia

Just cuck my shit up?

We have quite a lot of polonium.

Mine included. Well to be honest, we're claimants of a peerage just below a Duchy in the UK.
But in absence of a royal line a new monarch is selected from among the Duchies. If one cannot be found then they go further down the line.

Isn't the king of Norway 48th in line or something?


You better do it irregularly

Dudes a mentally unstable bernie bro( check the bobble head)

Don't expect much from him.

C'mon just for lulz.
It's actually could've be funny af, especially if they will promote (((western))) life style and gay faggot lesbi trans shit and crazy religious fucks will murder them.
But nah not happening.

No one here cares. Restoring monarchy means reorganising the federation into an empire which is difficult to pull off.
>lived in the US and UK
No way Putin will alow some american/british spoiled kid on the throne

Honestly though, there's nothing wrong with a constitutional monarchy

The most ideal balance of power was right before Nicholas II abdicated (which was a big step down from where he was)


Is there a video of him speaking Russian? Let's start with that...