why do you hate your country?
Why do you hate your country?
Can't get mental help, queues are too long
We're full and we keep importing more people. At this rate I'm gonna kill myself soon
too many rural and suburban retards
>tfw want to live in japan
What's bad about it?
English speaker. Want to live in an english speaking country.
Because of liberalism. If we could eradicate liberals our country could be great again.
You can understand if you live in Japan as native japanese
I love my country, Japan. Do you love your country?
Can you give specifics?
I don't.
I don't
I fucking love Scotland mate
Bunch of fucking cucks here who think they're doing and saying things for the good and betterment of humankind when they're falling for (((their))) trap
Makes it really easy to use all the free systems we have here though
Ultra feminist hellhole.
anime, retard tradition, low education standard etc
Ultra feminist hellhole.
Mate you're one referendum away from being Ukraine.
Give us examples, familia. All I know is your childhoods are miserable and suicide inducing, and your apartments are small. What else is there?
>he hates anime
>he hates traditions of his people
Aye and we'll still keep free education up to university/college, free healthcare, free prescriptions, grants for students
Call it what you want mate, fucking heaven on Earth here.
>nip who hates anime
now I've seen everything
What kind of mental help do you need? I spent years trying to find the right kind of help. Only as recently as a few weeks ago did I get the right help and i've been struggling with depression all my life.
>shit isn't better in Norway
People are fucking dumb.
>At this rate I'm gonna kill myself soon
>This isn't a good thing
I mean, if you need mental help and too poor to get a private doctor. You should find a Muslim waifu and blow yourself up. It's simple.
Too bad you will never have any money, or any liberty.
Enjoy your gilded cell, your silk gag, and your diamond shackles.
>>One chance at life
>>Born into a Brahmin family
>>Middle-middle class
>>No affirmative action for me
>>Non Brahmins talk about killing Brahmins a lot
>>Pretend not to listen
>>affirmative action for women, other castes is increasing % wise.
>FML Sup Forums you guys are my only friends
Find you a Christian church. I think there are Catholics in India.
Praying for you. Poo in the loo.
>free everything after england ends the gibs
No if he's gonna kill himself he needs to take at least 20 mudslimes with him to hell.
>no money
>get paid for going to university
I'm £20,000 richer just for getting a train to Glasgow mate
Also my course is in huge demand here for like a £90k/year starting salary ya cuck
avatarfagging is against the rules my friend
>There isnt good things here, I live in a truly shithole worst than me only India
All Muslims go to heaven, don't you know. It's the youngest and largest monotheism which proves it is the last word of God.
We have the second highest incarcerations per capita.
"Land of the Free"
Because it's a young culture-less nation filled with 50 shades of shitskin whose childish and irresponsible behavior has forced the state to implement a curfew like fucking children, also the progressive lefties congregate in masses here, every media outlet is already subverted, also 1 in 3 people have some form of mental health condition, 1 in fucking 3, I wasn't even born here
>when 33% of your nation is legally retarded
So are replies that contribute nothing to the thread.
I don't. I just hate some of the people in it.
Panic disorder, I'm better now but at my worst I was getting 10+ panic attacks every day.
I am almost a NEET, I study from home.
90k/year starting? so what, 20k after taxes? lol
That's because we have the second biggest population of niggers out of all non African countries.
I don't
I love living here
>Because it's a young culture-less nation filled with 50 shades of shitskin whose childish and irresponsible behavior has forced the state to implement a curfew like fucking children, also the progressive lefties congregate in masses here
I expected an american flag
I'm surprised.
eyyy based nip hates (((chinese cartoons)))
good man
It'll go down to like £68k/year but keep in mind that is only a starting salary at 23 you goon
Somebody PLEASE nuke our shit
most specifically Rio de JaNegro where i live
Come to Brazil we've lots of Japanese people here, and they are pretty normal too me.
Its just super boring. No habbenings in here. The College im in right now is trash. The town I live in is basically farmer trash. Im pretty sure we are the most technologically advanced in the town. The people are all hicks and the women are fuck ugly. I wanna move to NYC but I cant because money.
It's obvious what you to have. You have too little social interactions in your daily lives. Spending too much time alone fucks with your brain and you become an SJW wet dream; a fucking victim.
Why on earth you like posting on autistic Sup Forums is beyond me... Oh, wait.
lol cuck
and all that money is going to your displacement, while you can't even defend yourself from it
Because it is plagued by Social Justice Warriors and it feels like everyone born since the 80's is a commie.
Enjoy 50k of that going straight to the government to pay for some fat slag's gender studies degree, as well as Mohammed and Fatima's healthcare for them and their three little abduls.
Hope the meager amount you keep was worth watching that fat cunt sturgeon push you guys to leave the union so you can go back to being in a shittier one that wants you all replaced with mudslimes in the next 50 years.
Do me one favor and accept your extinction gracefully. Don't try to flee over here and shit the USA up even worse than it already is. We might just turn this ship around if we don't accept any more minorities of white cucks.
Just embrace being a nigroid servant cuck
It's full of brainwashed quasi-gendered liberals
Its full of niggers.
Hows switserland In regards to the fucking refugees? Seems like a beautiful country.
t. Delusional retard
Norway has always been my top choice when i finish uni and finally leave this shithole, Norway still seems like the small bastion of light in Eurewp
as far as i see it
>amazing natural reserves and wilderness
>cold and comfy
>gorgeous women
>rich history
>stable economy
don't ruin this for me
t. jealous Englishman
t. jealous American
Common aspect of you guys is that you both have fluoride in your water supply lmao
>just look at my flag....
any country is decent as long as you have money.
french people
seriously everything wrong with canada that you make fun of us for can all be traced to them
Shitskins and marxists everywhere.
It taxed my time.
If I can, I will tax its time.
Its the netherlands my man. And australia seems so chilled out. I like that I might just move to australia.
I can't think of a single thing.
>studying some shit at uni
>going to earn 90k straight out of uni
Keep dreaming you delusional faggot. Nobody does that. That's not how the real world works. You'll find that out soon enough.
You don't need a psychiatrist. You need Jesus. Start reading the New Testament and find a church.
I prefer Orthodoxy, solid and makes the most sense to me, but salvation is from God, not a denomination.
>this whole thread
Lol, it's always funny watching 1st worlders bitching about their hard live. Try to make it in Russia.
>jealous of paying for human trash and being replaced by it
Nah Scotty boy, I think I'm pretty comfy since we elected the first person in decades who actually wants to clean up our trash problem.
we are doomed since the coup of 1822 anão
>inb4 muh republic
Your date stamp is wrong. Why?
Literally been offered that after the sandwich placement I went to for a summer
So fucking much degeneracy. In all people.
The music teens start listening around 12 y/o is all about sex and drugs. Yes you heard it right. 12 year old girls are dancing and bouncing their butts to songs that sing "suck the uber driver's cock". That's the main thing I hate and fear about the current and next generation.
Aye alright make, have fun with paying a shit tonne for education and healthcare when I get mine for free with basically the same taxes :^)
They're just depressed because they couldnt beat us at baseball bro
>it is turkey
do i need to say more?
I will come make it to your russian women, how do you like that ruski
Yeah doing what? Because I really don't believe you.
So OP was such a weeb that he decided to go full retard and become a citizen of nippon teikoku? That's literally the dumbest thing a gaijin can do.
Shitty governement and everyone seems to want more of it
This. At least some of them are literate, more than in the States.
Network security officer for UoG
please be bullshitting about Espana... was planning on visiting there soon... back to the homeland.
I don't hate this country but i hate the lowclass trash that is destroying the civilised nation we had.
Pakistanis, Afghans, Bangladeshis, Syrians and iraqis. Essentially Muslims everything they touch is reduced to the lowest quality of shit, they are retarded because of centuries of inbreeding. They care not for the law or courtesy only what saves them effort or money. Fuck Muslims and fuck rich mill owners for importing them.
I wholeheartedly and unironically support the gassing of all Muslims everywhere from here until the very last pedoworshipping cousin fucking retarded subhuman is eradicated from the face of this earth.
80% of people are bogan morons whose entire life centers solely around MUH FOOTY.
Other 20% are leftie cucks.
Australians have no vision, little critical thought and even the right wingers are so fucking stupid they get blinded by the most obvious bait and switch tactics from cuckservative corporate overlords because "Atleast its not labor hurrr."
I've probably met a grand total of 6 people in my 40+ years in this country with an actual vision and hope for something beyond themselves, regardless of political affiliation.
To be fair this is probably a perrenial problem the world over. But fuck me we are so wasteful considering all that we have.
Oops, wrong book about Japanese culture. This is the one that redpills you about weebs becoming Japanese citizens.
They're commies
Fuck you leaf. I learned how to make meth from reading off the internet.
>Can't get mental help, queues are too long
>Somalia Avg. IQ: 68.
>IQ below 70: Mentally Retarded
if your "education" is so valuable, how come ALL of the best companies are U.S.?
>I fucking love Scotland mate
Don't worry I've got enough hate for the both of us. And who are you calling cucks? Mate I could conceive of a more cucked country than Scotland.
>get conquered by English
>do nothing about it because cucked
>only whine like a little bitch for 3 centuries
>england gets sick of you and gives you referendum
>vote to stay
You are the national embodiment of a sub.
>inb4 chink
I'm English.
It's full of gypsies here and 90% of them are assholes.
Our culture is corrupt and thus our politics is corrupt
We are Catholic but we have too many gays
We call ourselves patriotic but most people want to leave the country and i barely see the national flag in random places unlike Israel, US, Turkey and UK
Its so godamn traffic
If we get a few seconds of international recognition we will milk that shit for months
We want quick answers all the time so we voted in a president that fights crime by killing
We dont get enough anime movies
5% muslim population yet they commit all the bombings and southern philippines is recognized as commie terrorist region
Most expensive yet slowest internet in the region
Aye, I'm exactly who you're describing there, I was involved in literally everything you're saying mate
Got me there
Also, why does England and Scotland pay the same in taxes yet Scotland gets free prescriptions and university?
Niggers, shitskins and jews tbqhf.
Shouldn't you be in class you braindead faggot
I paid 23k total for my trade degree and have full health insurance through my job.
I can see a doctor same day if I need one, and if I ever need a surgery I'll get it asap since my insurance will cover it.
Enjoy your muslims.