Ok, so a gif is now an assult weapon because of guy in pic related. This actually pisses me off. What can we do?
Shit's fucked
Other urls found in this thread:
What a fucking (((cuck)))
that guy is literally a pedophile
>gets caught with CP
>oh it was for 'research'
>was actually running a CP server
he sued his own mom for not enough inheritance when his dad died
Cannot be repeated enough. Kikenwald is scum.
You pole faggots are pathetic.
Jew Goldstein is an American hero and should be immediately released from jail.
not an argument
This thread gave me a seizure. Reported.
We should be more concerned with how they got to jew Goldstein. Was he behind a proxy? If so how did they find him? If he wasn't and proxies still work, then why not send him more?
He got caught because he signed up for Twitter under his phone number and from his home computer. Proxys still work.
where did you hear this
kikenwald didn't win any case yet, did he?
gif attacker should be able to blow kikenwald the fuck out in court, if necessary go up to the supreme court, to finally settle the question if a gif is equal to an automatic assault rifle
Somebody email Fox News and get Tucker to have him back on about the GIF charges and then ambush him about the CP and suing his mother.
>Kurt, since we last had you on, the so-called "internet hate machine" has taken to calling you "Kikenbald"...
>You know, since your name is "K. Eichenwald," and you're jewish, and you have no hair
>CP merchant starts rambling incoherantly and breaks out his folder of "Tucker Carlson's Falsehoods"
>All the pages fall out, they're all empty
>But I didn't invite you on to talk about internet nicknames
>So, our research team here did some digging and came up with some pretty interesting, some might say shocking, facts about you Kurt
>Proceeds to absolutely destroy him
>Kurt melts down and storms off the stage
There's no way that the guy who sent the gif gets convicted of anything. This is just a dog and pony show for a bootyblasted pedo kike
Soon it will be illegal to deny that Nazi gif chambers existed.
Amerifats think they have the right to criticise our nanny state
How can we meme Trump into pardoning him?
If you're asked to stop saying those things because it's seizure inducing then what is the problem?
perfect men don't exi-
If Kikenwald clicked the "I accept" button when he agreed to view videos twitter hes fucked and will have to pay Jew_Goldsteins lawyer bills.
Reminder to donate to this combat vet marine to fight this rich jew and protect our freedom of speech.
Can any medfags confirm this?
>What can we do?
i hear he likes flashy GIFs
the guy who he dealt with was 18. not supporting him but read the article.
you all know this sis BS and no one is going to do a fucking thing about it because everyone wants to play capture the cuck with ladoof
God damn Sup Forums is depressing sometimes
He was 14 in the porn and Eichenwald viewed it multiple times
/r/ new version of the donald trump losing the first primary copypasta with kurt's trial subbed in. Anyone know what I am talking about?
We have to make sure that info reachess Jew Goldstein's lawyer
Go look up literally anything to do with the case. He was 14 at the time when filmed.
Why, it's not relevant
send this guy thousand of emails and tweets with the .gif? I mean he can't possibly sue thousands of them simultaniously, can he?
Wow, I knew Kikenwald was a lying scumbag, but this really goes above and beyond my expectations.
Yes the gov will start issuing seizure cards that legitimize the right of a weakling to suddenly whip out and tell people to clam up cause its triggering them into possibly a seizure.
What else could you expect from the child porn watching, mother suing rat that is Eichenbald
1.you're chasing ghosts.
2.the copypasta simmered into my unconscious mind and now came out during the kikenwald trials
the gif shoa
>What can we do?
You know exactly what we can do and what should be done but no one wants to do it.
There hasn't been a ruling yet.
You really think Jew Goldstein is going to win?
>Memes are now literal assault weapons.
best timeline.