the ayrian menace is real!

only germany could destroy europe time after time,be forgiven for the debt and then demand others pay when they leave the eu.even though the uk wiped 60% off what they owed us

fuck! even greece forgave ww2 debt from germany and look how germany treats them!

explain yourself hans!

post yfw you realize that germany is trying to conquer europe again.


You better watch out, or else they will send the EU army after you to collect.

>Massive brain drain
>Massive liberal propaganda
>Missing Nazi gold probably in bank of London

Thanks, I suppose?


Thx bro

Here we have a package for you guys too.

Please, leave the banner to countries that matter.


please leaf the banter to countries that actually have english as an official language.

1812 all over again


I got you senpai,

looks like your amazon order just arrived.

You deserved far worse

Pro Tip:
If Germany tries to bully you as a country,
make alliances with other countries who also fucking hate Germany (should be easy to find, mostly neighbors)
works everytime

Have some Croat paste courtesy of Serbia

Only the USA and (((they))) got rich from WW2. You lost the war and still expect gibs, pathetic



what debt you slimey rats
thanks to you we are still paying HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS and your ugly queen IS A GERMAN
keep drowning yourselves in paki semen you vicious two-faced anglo monkeys and LEAVE MY EU

Fuck white people am I right my

>failed to pay ww1 reparations
>failed to pay ww2 reparations
>"pay vor ze brexzit schweinhund!"
Fucking germans man

u mad
yeah you mad

Yeah that ended up really well last time

I'm not advocating for full-on genocide but most of the british isles should be given back to the sea

It was a mistake to not finish off germany after 1918.

When do you pay for Dresden? Reparations for the victims? Pensions for the widows, orphans? Money to rebuilt the city you annihilated simply for the lulz. Never? Okay. Then fuck off kindly.

and Germany has long been given away many moons ago.
you're going to wish it was to the sea

Well, the only thing a France man will finish off is Jamals cock, Pierre.

The next time we firebomb your cities nothing will grow back.

.t double WW loser

>We don't expect anything from you but to leave us alone. Reparations have been paid by us.
Also a shitton of imported resources, and military and financial protection.

I think your bill would be bigger

t. Lost the war before it even started.

Germany is a giant paper tiger. Don't pay those queers anything.

pay up fritz, your worse than poncing greeks

You don't protect us but american interest in Europe.

>Losing the war
>Still wins in the end
>Meanwhile Germany is cut in half enjoying US & commie cock
>Literally cucks before it was fun

>writing off WWII debt

Today on, "Things that didn't happen".

>implying you wouldn't do us a favour with that nowadays
You could announce to firebomb my position a day in advance, and i wouldn't move one inch.

lol fucking bongs you made your bed now lie in it you fucks

You didn't win shit you colossal faggot. US and Brits saved your smelly ass. Also you are a part of Europe so you are our cuck.

bingo. they have an ethnically divided country and let their women fight in combat units. Time to rule the waves once more, britannia. Use the chaos to do some spring cleaning while you're at it if you know what I mean.

>Also you are a part of Europe so you are our cuck
You still don't realize that it's part of the plan to get the entire world to hate Germany for the third time.

You'll never recover

Why bother? just tell them to remember what 1000 Lancasters sound like.


>Hate Germany
Who cares? I couldn't give less of a fuck if some nigger in France hates me.
Geopolitically speaking there are no friends only temporary partnerships.

>Missing Nazi gold probably in bank of London
>Steal Jewish gold
>Pretend it's yours
Not so fast Germany

The eternal anglo untermensch strikes again.
You better pay your bill you dirty island dwellers or your economy will suffer


Nazi-guilt only applies to minorities.

Hitler saw the Brits as a part of the Volk, that's why you didn't got bombed at all.

German domination of the EU means it has conquered without war, and signing up to the EU is signing up to the Fourth Reich. Germany is at the geographic heart of the EU. It is also at least for the next two decades likely to remain the continent’s largest economy and most populous country.
Ask the Greeks if you think I exaggerate: Germany runs Europe without firing a shot. It forces far weaker partners to stay in a currency zone that is crippling them, and uses its economic muscle to dictate immigration and other key policies.
We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying europe again with our influence and economic power.
What did you expect?
A friendly germany? A germany that got no influence anymore? On nothing?
Great products with the stamp "made in germany" are superior to your inferior products.
We hold europe, if germany gets destroyed it will influence all other states around the world. We won this war.
What our soldiers couldn't achieve is what our ruthless economics achieved.
Destroying germany means destroying every other state in europe immediately and others in the longer run.

>Brits didn't got bombed at all

>Hitler saw the Brits as a part of the Volk
Actions and words are very different things.
>that's why you didn't got bombed at all.

This. the globalists were the enemy, chamberlain was /ourguy/ and churchill was the most shabbos goy to ever walk the earth.

Any other bullshit is kike D&C

Commies don't give silly. They take.

Nice fictional movie. Look up some of the misportrayals in der untergang. it has the long nose of the sweaty jew all through it.

So true, so much this, we spared you brits, be grateful

Germany is the Turkey of Europe

To add to this, think about how you learnt in school that chamberlain was weak willed and indecisive and that's why he had to go and let churchill slaughterer of whites and destroyer of the white world replace him. If that doesn't sound like clear kike propaganda then there's no hope for you.

Invasion of the Isles was more or less an impossibility, you didn't spare anyone.

>Germanic """Humor"""

Expect g36 caches showing up in scotland/ n.ireland soon.
t. insider


They might declare Jihad again.

>didn't get bombed

Chamberlain was cheered by great crowds, people thought him a hero for avoiding another unnecessary slaughter. Hitler could of achieved his goals without war with England and America.

They were both terrible strategists desu.

that is false

you can love another nation as if its your own..

Quads speak truth.

you bombed the shit out of us and we laughed in your faces m8

Leave already and ruin this shit union, drone strike merkel as you wish but stop whining already. At least you are out.


Germany needs to pay it's debt to humanity.

Kek. Oh my god please britbongs tell the (((EU))) to kick rocks

Shut up you debt slave.

Yeah, your wife can love your best friend more then you.

desu all germans should be gassed and burned in the oven back then