If you hate Muslims you're spiritually Jewish

It took me a long time to reach this conclusion but the more I examine what passes for the "right" these days the more it become apparent.

Anti-Jihadists are nothing more than useful idiots to the Zionists.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why are Lebanese people in australia retarded, Sup Forums?

Stormcucks have been saying the same things for years.

You are either a white cuck to brown people or you are a Muslim pretending to be a stormcuck, either way you have to go away.

Well, they're Lebanese.

>imagining the proportion of their DNA that is the result of inbreeding

One day science will tell us.

Not at all, actually.
The Jew and the Muslim are old friends, who play like they're enemies, and occasionally have rows.
They always band together against a common enemy.
In this case, Europeans.
This video perfectly explains the Jewish Question, while also shedding some valuable light on the Jews and their hidden relationship with Islam.

Both need to be gassed.
Just nuke the middle east.

No my friend, being brainwashed by Jews into serving their anti-Islam agenda and hating 1.5 billion people makes you the ultimate cuck.

The cultural and religious legacy of the semitic people is cancer.

Little feverish prophets attacking free people with stories.

I sort of agree. You can definitely see how Israel benefits from stirring up anti-islamic sentiment, by moving them and their threat to the West. That doesn't mean that Islam isn't a problem or should be encouraged in Western nations but if you think they're the end threat then I can't help but feel you're being a useful idiot.

>declaring war against 1.6 billion people is cuck behavior

Get a load of this guy.

Not sure if muslim or jewish op.

Rubbish. All the wars of the 21st century have been caused by Zionist controlled western governments doing the bidding if Israel and destabilizing their Muslim neighbors.

Millions of lives lost and nations destroyed so little Kike Israel can feel a little safer.

Yeah fighting someone else's war for them makes you a cuck. What part of that don't you understand?

I'm not buying it, Muslim scum.
We'll kill you, along with the Jews.
The moment your worthless people set foot on European soil, is the moment that all Muslims sealed their fate.
I can't wait for the upcoming war.

White guilt, displacement and subversion of christian traditional culture

White guilt, "social justice", decline of family, disentegration of society, low birthrates, identity politics, DnC

Refugee crisis, prozelitysm, subjugation and humiliation, ethnical and culture dispacement


I don't think you know what cucking is. Cucking is when one refuses to make a distinction between "I" and "You", when one tries to mix and match because one is unable to maintain his own self of self, especially in the face of an entity with perceived greater power.

Hence "my" wife become "your" wife will still being "mine" even though "you" are fucking her. Since "I" allow it it is as if "I" was giving pleasure. Likewise, borders, under this view, are allegedly useless since there is no distinction between the "I" that is within the border and the "you" that is without.

From this we see that an act of self definition and active rejection and exclusion is the anti thesis of cucking. Ownership, border, differentiation, are the negation the attempt to merge the "You" and the "I" that is at the root of cuck behavior. Cucking is a submission that does not sees itself.

I don't give a shit about Israel and I don't have to receive a lesson in "fighting someone else's war" from a devote of a guy who gave himself 11 wives, one of them a child, by urging other people to go kill themselves so he could rule over some lump of land.

I know who's fighting someone else's war. A dead guy's war.

Actually my idea of subversive would be trying to resurrect Christianity from it's deathbed and promote it as some kind of last hope for western mankind. A religion that literally worships a rabbi on a cross is going to save us!

Mixed semites with niggers and inbred on top of that.

I aint no goddamn Jew, and I aint no goddamn sandnigger either, kill all them jihad goatfuckers


Muslims in the west are merely welfare parasites while the Jews are your rulers. And yet people on the right would rather wine all day about Muslims when the real problem is the Jews at the top. White people who focus on Muslims are dangerously stupid and are the reason we are in this mess.

See that's what I'm talking about. You're being dumb.
>Dumb goy hates muzzies, thinks they fuck goats.

Jews are AIDS. moslems, Asians and nogs are irrelevant subhuman garbage they try to destroy the European organism with

Fuck learning about geopolitics and all that shit, it makes my brain hurt. I would rather rage about "sand niggers" and "Goat fuckers"

Israel? What's that? Oh yeah Trump likes Israel they are great!

Why can't we focus on both of you??
Curious how, of all the places in the world for the Jews to settle Israel (and they had several other options), they picked right in the middle-east.
Right next to the Muslims.
And, while the Jews and Muslims go on and on publicly about how much they despise one another, it's been relatively peaceful between the Jews and the Islamic countries neighboring them.
Save for a few show skirmishes, from time to time, it seems like they make decent scheming neighbors.
You'd think, if the Muslims hated the Jews so much, they would have long ago taken their billions of people, and just overwhelmed Israel, with sheer numbers.
You're not fooling anyone.
We know you and the Jews can play nice when you're working against the Europeans and the Asians.

Sure thing Ahmed.

There are 16 million Jews and 1.6 billion muslims in the world.
You're damn right I support Jews.

Kill yourself Stormcuck. Muslims and Jews are both bad.

>hating 1.5 billion people

Stereotypes exist for a reason you moron, Muslims have the reputation they do because they are barbaric scum that take away innocent people's lives and stop their own progress. They also hate women to a sickening degree.

And you propose to promote Islam as some kind of last hope for western mankind? A religion that literally promote an illeterate merchant in the deserts as a prophet of Creator? Surely it will work fine!

the whole proxy-war thing is true, but also consider that zionists culturally enrich us by having us accept rapefugees. they are taking care of 2 birds with one stone. so do not let this lower your guard to jihadists or the other useful idiots concocted by ((them))

>They also hate women to a sickening degree
muh women's rights

You're one of those racist liberals I've been hearing about.

Why? Muslim are just low IQ jew.

I dont hate muslims, i hate semitic shitskin scum and islam is but their invention together with judaism and christianity

I'm a Jew and I support Islam rather than the Jewish religion.
Why? Because I want all the Jews on earth to be beheaded.

It's amazing how maintaining a sense of self and difference is being here portrayed as cucked behavior. As if the cuck was characterized by his willingness to reject 1.6 billion people in the name of his own Self.

A cuck will share everything he owns, including his wife. Thus a non cuck rejects, excludes.

What is this supposed to prove exactly? There are niggers of every race and culture, I am well aware of that.

I'm not a fan of everything women do, doesn't mean I want to throw acid in their faces and cover them up and mutilate their vaginas. Nobody can defend that sort of treatment against women.

>You're one of those racist liberals I've been hearing about.

Kill yourself before you suck more brown cock you autistic stormcuck.

Stormcucks have always worshiped Islam and Muslims. It wouldn't surprise me though if many of them were brown people in real life. Nobody can defend something as much as they do without having some personal attachment/investment to it.

They picked the location because it was the place in their religious texts. They don't have to fight their neighbors because they have installed many puppet governments and get their bitch (USA) to destroy any country they do not control directly with a puppet government (Iraq & Afghanistan)

Well, that doesn't explain the countless generations where the Jews were heavily outnumbered by Islam, and yet were allowed to live among them.
A downright mutually beneficial relationship.
No one's going to believe such blatant Islam shilling, you dumb faggot.

this. based Russkies

You attitude about Muslims is exactly 100% the same as filthy warmongering Kikes like David Horowitz, Richard Perl, Paul Wolfowitz and other evil neo-cons.

Doesn't that make you pause and think?

>What is this supposed to prove exactly? There are niggers of every race and culture
Umm, you shouldn't say such things about main islamic prophet, you know...

As for picture, it proves that your religion doesn't save your peoples and cultures from at least one kind of degeneracy, probably even promote it.
So why should westerners abandon one religion that doesn't even fully properly fell under simultaneous pressure of communism, socialism, atheism, judaism, islamism. feminism and corruption of its leaders for another that can't even keep its flock under pain of death?

I think people on Sup Forums need to accept the fact that, in the west, we do things with women differently, and stop fucking apologizing for it. We don't hate women. We don't hate them so much that we allow them to have choices, and we even allow them to make bad ones, choices which may put the respect we have for any individual woman in jeopardy.

That's okay, since we need honest signal to discriminate between the good and the bad ones. (The problem in a society in which women are externally homogenized is that you'll find how how crazy she is only after marrying her.)

But we also understand that tradition man / woman role were in part of result of the conditions in which these roles were defined. Namely, in an economic universe in which elementary biological differences between men and women dictated to a great degree the kind of occupation a man and a woman could take. Women couldn't be (and still can't, really) be soldiers, or miners, or toil in the field, especially if they had to take care of the fucking children. Hence a certain view of man and woman.

But, in the west, we don't do it like this anymore, and anybody seeking to change that from the outside, to impose a foreign system on us, need to be have a knee cap in the fucking mouth. Simple.

Let's maintain a sense of Self.

(We can always renegotiate what it means to be a man and a woman, and certainly the biological sciences inform us more and more in this respect every day.)

Tell me, do you think Bush 43 was a good president? Do you thin Afghanistan and Iraq invasions was a good idea?

Why would it make us pause? We know why WE don't want Muslims in our home. We do not, like the neo con, believe in the universal validity of the west, nor do we believe Muslims capable or willing to handle the kind of society we have built here.

Our concerns are local, not global. Hence we are not neo-cons.

I don't hate Muslims, I just want them to get the fuck out of my country. If they do that, I don't give a fuck.

This, the problem is in the genes. All the children of Shem must be gassed

I don't know about Russia but in the west Christianity has totally 100% failed to stand up to degeneracy and moral decline. In fact it actively promotes it now and has just morphed into some kind of progressive propaganda.

Christianity is useless and needs to die.


But you accept Christian niggers? You're happy for blacks to fuck your women as long as they are not Muslims lol

The question is WHY do you not want Muslims? Because they are brown? or because you are brainwashed about their religion?

This is not about immigration, this is about hating a religion for no other reason that believing Jewish lies and propaganda.


I believe racially homogeneous polities are stronger than diverse ones because it precludes the possibility of inter ethnic conflict. This has some self evident consequences concerning the issue the race mixing and the possibility of its occurrence.

Islam, on the other hand, is a universalist system that does not recognize the possibility of several people and ways of life differing in any substantive degree. Hence it denies the validity of nationalism. This is a logical consequence of the fact that it preaches the existence of some universal human nature for which a single moral system is optimal. Therefore, substantive differences between various people -- i.e. the possibility of nationalism -- is not accounted for.

This is the basic surface rationalization for systematic Islamic aggression and encroachment on every people of the earth. The end result must be, has to be, race mixing and general panmixia, as it must be in every universal system.

I can hate Muslims without being a neo-con like those other figureheads you autistic stormcuck.

See and You are either an autistic basement dwelling Stormcuck from (((Stormfront))) or a brown Achmed trying to get the white man to approve of you.

Either way, you have to go back.

>a universalist system that does not recognize the possibility of several people and ways of life differing in any substantive degree. Hence it denies the validity of nationalism

That is the very definition Christianity in a nutshell

>Christianity is useless and needs to die.
And you propose probably the only religion that promotes or overlooks almost every kind of degeneracy there is, as a replacement?

No. Do you honestly think those mainline oldschool good ol' boy Republican Fox news watching gun owner types even go on Sup Forums? The ones that supported Bush were a specific breed. As were the ones that supported say, Cruz.

I say the best policy is to block Muslims from the west, don't give them ANY aid, and let them destroy each other. Why should I let Muslims come in here and spread their religion in my land? Fuck OFF stormcuck.

I'm white and my personal ideology most closely resembles national socialism.

I can always tell who is under 30 online because they all spew this moronic anti-Islam shit. Brainwashed by the neocon's "war on terror".


>The question is WHY do you not want Muslims?

I just fucking hate it for what it preaches and for the stupidity of its premises.

At least with Christianity the miraculous nature of the origin story is plain to see. Jesus performs miracle in public, comes back to life in public, and so on. So at least the story, if believed, contains something "internally miraculous".

In Islam, there's a single guy who claim to hear and see an angel, but always privately, and when pressed on the matter simply says: "Well God chose only to show it to me."

This same God then orders him to marry so and so, either for his personal taste or for political reasons (neither of which bodes well for women generally) and provides him with marriage counseling, which somehow ends up being a "universal revelation". It furthermore establishes (maybe) juridical rules relating to witnesses that are extremely ties to the personal situation of Muhammad and the issue of him having potentially been cucked by Aisha.

All of this strikes me not as the eternal revelation of a God but the private delusion of a religiously inspired man. Perhaps he was sincere, but certainly he was deluded. Many, many, many such delusions have happened in the past, all of which had an equal degree of probability. Even if the story is to be believed, it gives one no reason to think that there's anything divine about it.

There's furthermore the fact that I like my life as it is. That I have experienced a non Islamic system and found it good, that I therefore do not need an Islamic system in my life, that I know exactly what kind of society I want for myself and my people, and that Islam and its asinine arbitrariness certainly isn't it.



>That is the very definition Christianity in a nutshell

Well I'm no fucking Christian.

But the Bible seems to be rather clear about:

(1) The fact that any attempt to bring the kingdom of God unto earth is a sin.

(2) Babelian globalism is arrogance.

>picking a constant side in Semite fights as a matter of ideology

Why? They can both fuck off for all I care.

>definition of the epitome of the sum of the entirety of Christianity in a nutshell

Probably why there isn't one unified Christian church, famalam.

Sorry but the only way to return to nationalism is to remove the Jewish control over the west. This has nothing to do with Muslims. Muslims are a symptom of Jews running your nation and the Jews are the disease. You will get nowhere attacking the symptoms.

Better Jewish than a goat fucker

>muzzies yanking stormcuck chain in hope of mutual loathing.
If you think of religion as a disease of the collective mind of humanity, then Judaism is a chronic condition such as athritis or diabetes, which needs to be treated over time using science and brain power. An irritant and a nuisance (however severe) which can nonetheless be born with dignity.
Islam however, is a malignant cancer which has already metastasized throughout the host body, and needs to be cut out with a knife before it's too late.
Get the fuck off my board, Achmed.

kek wills it, get fucked MuhamuMAD

you can want both gone

in fact that's the only thing that makes sense

Basically it boils down to this:
>The current system is killing us
>Islam threatens to overthrow the current system

And this is terrible? This is what those on the right get most worked up about? I'll risk Islam rather than a guaranteed slow death via secular humanism.

Kek wills it

Go kill yourself Stormcuck. You have defended Muslims and Islam this entire thread and you argued with another guy about not wanting Muslims here.

I know about the JEWISH problem but Stormcucks like you seem to think that kissing Muslim ASS is a good way to counter the Jews. It isn't.

Stop betraying the white people.

based on these, I can also assume Kek says they are both bad, Islam is worse.

Sup Forums is now a zionist board

why muslims like to fuck animals?

I am 100% a kekist now.

Islam isn't worse, it's just more straightforward.

Islam in White countries is a result of Jews.

They don't. It is the most juvenile of all possible schoolyard insults.

>that flag
>not a muzzombie

Here is one source on the subject:


Thats the funny thing. This isnt even a baseless insult like calling OP a faggot (he is), but an actual course of events and statements in the Quran that perpetuate the stereotype.

They are victims of Jewish fuckery just like whites. Humanity has a common enemy, can you not see that? It's not whites vs non-white its humanity vs Jews.

goatfuckers btfo!!


wtf i love muslims now?

rare stalin


The level of signs of kek in this thread is unheard of, Outside statistical probability.

I hate everyone who isn't a white Christian

Sure you do jewboy.

Goddamn, even green cartoon frog have more sense and reason behind it.

Nothin but strawmen, what a surprise

The funny thing is that 99% of the Internet's bestiality comes from Europe and America and you fuckers would rather throw stones in your glass house and use baseless accusations bestiality and homosexuality! against people who are more devout and spiritual than 9 out of 10 western Christians.

I mean what mental gymnastics do you have to perform when you live in a nation that literally marries homosexuals and is in the process of normalizing pedophilia, and then attack Muslims on the basis of being fags who are into boys?

I ain't no kaffir.

>I mean what mental gymnastics do you have to perform when you live in a nation that literally marries homosexuals and is in the process of normalizing pedophilia, and then attack Muslims on the basis of being fags who are into boys?
So we need to replace one degeneracy with another, even more deadly?

> normalizing pedophilla
> Muhammad was a pedophile

Islam will not conquer the world. It will be destroyed and every knee bend. Kek is god.

What if I hate both?

Gays fucking each other is hardly on the same level as replacing your whole civilizational system on the command of a deluded dead pedophile held to be a perfect example of a man.

That's a problem I'm starting to identify with the people of Sup Forums. A belief that our particular ills and falling are somehow so bad, so horrendous, so unparalleled in history, that the premise of a need for radical change has to be acknowledged in the face of every alternative system.

And yet we grew up in this place and it is our home and we like it very much.


sure thing buddy

Surely the west is so horrible and degenerate no one would wish to come here.

I mean, it's just too horrible to bear. Except for us whites of course. It's our cross, our burden.

Looks like even some states of US make zoophilia Haram. Too bad Sharia doesn't.

Sup Forums doesn't hate jews anymore. Sup Forums has realized that jews are infinitely preferable to sand niggers/muslims. and they are right.

It depends.

Some of them actually actively support a mixing of Western people into anything and everything, including Islam, but I've never been convinced that hating Jews was actually something worthy of doing, or of the role of Jewishness per se in the drive for diversity. I know that some Jew are extremely prominent in that movement and tie their own Jewishness to the project, and I even understand the group evol perspective, and yet none of this manages to elicit any kind of anger in me.