I'm always amused at this, they live in secluded neighborhoods and say we need more immigrants for the economy! Yet we are the ones who suffer, fucking cunts.
Japan YES!
Abe doesn't give a shit, thankfully.
"One option is skilled immigrants," she said, adding "everybody would be happy" if Japan opens its borders more.
"Everybody would get the jobs they need. Everybody would get the care they need. And Japan could shape its own demographic destiny," she said.
"everybody would be happy" if Japan opens its borders more.
Fuck everybody. Japan should look out for Japan.
Da black boyz coming fo' dat pussy. Cant even take white bois little dicks without screaming like cats being strangled imagine them actually taking a real big black cock.
By "Immigrants" it means flooding Japan with niggers and sandniggers
What's the endgame? A kebab shop on every corner in Japan ?
This is the woman who is saying these things. Fucking kek.
>Japan needs more male muslims, not just for women's sake
Automatically disregarded
Well she can't possibly have much influence in Japan when the Japanese are even more nationalist than we are?
Riiight, like japs would even touch that garbage.
You underestimate the power of the (((IMF)))
Japan doesn't accept immigrants because it already has a bad experience. In Okinawa there are thousands of uncultured western trash (US Army) whose only job seems to go around and rape women. There is no difference between the mentality of Americans and ISIS. They would be dumb to accept immigrants after that.
oy vey Japan is too homogenous!
Looks like a tranny arsene wenger.
There was a cave called cave of the black bull. Black american soldier would go there at night and the japanese cucks would take their women to get fucked hard by the bulls because their little asian dongs couldnt satisfy them
Reminder that population reduction is not a bad thing. There is no need for so many people when machines and automation advance labor for you.
People including the IMF see labor purely as a resource so more labor is better, but these models are completely wrong.
Do it, for the economies sake
The American soldiers were killed and their bodies were hidden in the cave.
But, they are already shaping their own demographic destiny, without hordes of Africans.
Anti american propaganda.
>Anti american propaganda.
do you seriously think anyone likes thats not from burgerland ?
Japan can't uncuck themselves anymore, once Abe finishes the deal with the EU regarding being connected to the freemarket, the EU will have alot more power regarding refugees.
>Accept refugees or else
That was propaganda. The war ended recently and they made up stuff.
It was true. It was called the Cave of the Negroes incident.
Fuck you French bitch. Fuck Bilderberg, ungrateful jew (we save during WWII), liberals, EU, and fuck China.
This is Japan.
If anything we'll take white refugees fleeing the EU from the muslim invasion.
I wonder when Abe will snap and tell them he is tired of politely listening to their bullshit
Its fake you dmall dicked chink. They were so butthurt we nuked them they made fairytales. They knew their women wanted real cocks and their small dongs couldnt please them.
*Obese millenial with a cuckbeard visits Japan*
"Where's all the food trucks?! This is so disorienting."
Thats why i was always saying women cant compute politics and should never get voting right.
These whores will do more damage than WW2.
They used to tell us to stop having babies because of world over-population
Now I have to pay tax to pay the welfare for shitskins to create a fucking football team that will sponge off a society they never paid into for the rest of their lives
There's no work for them to do now and with automation there will be less and less for these primitives in the future
This is not about increasing the workforce, paying pension or increased diversity
This is then age old Jew desire to destroy the edcuated middle class and rule over the plebs who do as they are told
Japan, tell them to go fuck themselves, it's a con they keep on trying throughout history, but now they're going after all educated populations in the world
Great, your knowledge and IQ proves that Americans are a bunch of retarded cocksuckers who will believe any hokey pokey stories. Keep believing lol.
She's been charged guilty in a trial recently but avoid sentence because (((IMF))).
That's one of the many things that pissed off french and have an influence on the next election.
t. moor rapebaby
The IMF isn't saying this because they believe it'll help Japan's economy, they're saying it to intentionally destroy Japan just like they're trying to destroy all other developed countries, to eliminate all possible resistance to a future one world government utterly controlled by the globalist elites. But Japan isn't gullible enough to fall for it.
I'm not going to disagree...but Okinawa isn't Japan
I do software development and loathe embedded and robotics, but I'm tempted to work for a robotics company just to speed this shit up so the (((economists))) will shut the fuck up.
We need to push automation now. I'm talking frivolous stuff like screens for ordering at restaurants. Automated cleaners.
I understand that more citizens means more economy but what are they expecting? Everyone will be doing something productive? Especially not in Japan, where all employees just look busy after doing all of their work. I know money systems now are just numbers on a screen, but something will give soon.
There are more chances of you being a stinky morroccan than me a rapebaby.
Japan was a world power in the 30s/40s with a population just over half what it currently has.
Japan is currently overpopulated. Let the population decline naturally and reach some kind of equilibrium - the Japs will start having kids again eventually.
Absolutely no need for incompatible migrants being brought in. We keep hearing about how automation is going to do away with all these jobs that migrants are supposedly needed for anyway.
The disproportionate number of old Japanese will eventually die off leaving their wealth and property to the far smaller younger generations.
>It's time to get vulgar and value money over religion and origin
>atheistic kikes
fucking gas
Japan will never accept more immigrants, if Abe did it he would be voted out instantly. You don't fuck with the land of the rising sun.
731 YES
japs, your ETERNAL JAPO still alive or you are pussy boys now?
the imf has no authority over japan. the brits just want to unload their problem on japan. probably not going to happen
also japan has a deal with china and korea . their people get bumped to the front of the line ahead of every one else. the international community accepts that this is how it will be for many years. maybe even decades
because japan is the only country you cant threaten with any sort of embrago because they threaten to shut down all traffic with the rest of the world and cut trade . they threatened america with that in the 90s
>IMF cheif
Whoa stpp the presses! This just in, Bob from accounting said that Japan should let immigrants in too. Japan should listen to people not from Japan on how to handle their country obviously.
Every. Goddamn. Time.
At this point, I'm beginning to disregard any article written by (((them))).
The only thing Japan needs is to procreate more.
>Skinny Japanese girls vs BBC
Who wins?
>(((IMF chief)))
its odd that Israel has not taken one immigrant yet the jews are telling other countries to take them.
>you can shape your own demographic destiny, goy
>just let us force subhuman dna into your gene pool
embedded computing is my area of interest.
I like that the things I write are as discrete as possible
If you want to really speed it up, IoT is the way to go. These things, while people right now consider them intrusive, will destroy the service industry which is all The US really is at this point. It's the only way to get people here to realize the problem if it directly faces them.
Yeah, man, very odd shit, i think...
one eye on the money
one eye on the BBC
We need to go full on Black Mirror. I hope automated cars take off soon, that will finally disrupt the economy to the point people will understand.
Jesus Christ, we don't need Muslims to kill ourselves we have been killing each other for thousand years even without them
Yeah but women that aren't trash reject black men out of hand, regardless of their dick.
More so the aids.