Can Sup Forums explain to me what is about those vegetarians and vegans all around EUA and the likes?
>Why are they so dogmatic over meat?
>Why are there so many of them?
>What causes a subject to think that killing an animal is wrong when killing a plant is murder either way?
Well Sup Forums?
Redpill me over vegetarians
Other urls found in this thread:
only people on the left are vegans
Id like to see a fight between this goblin and that destiny goblin people keep posting.
What about Hitler
i said vegan and not vegetarian
>>Why are there so many of them?
The trend is already starting to die here. Thank God.
Allied propaganda.
>no muscles
>gay tattoos
thats what eating lettuce all your life will get you
he had stomach problems. he couldn't eat meat or he would get serious burnt booty disorder
I cant tell but is that pic photoshoped?
Opium syrups and shit fucked a lot of people up in the day.
Ulcers super common from that shit, so bland low acidic foods
They want attention i guess
I don't eat much meat because i don't like how the animals in the meat production are treated. But i still enjoy eating meat 2 or 3 days a weak, it's how man used to eat for millions of years so why fight it?
Low T cucks. Grass eater = livestock, herd animals, prey, good goys.
Good goy. You chewed the propaganda well and swallowed everything.
Hitler's favorte foods were liver dumpling soup and trout meunière.
Hes not a vegan, hes just a faggot.
johnny righini
Vegetarian is to "moderate" Islam while Vegan is to jihadist
Pic related is proof that mankind's downfall is near
i'm just using the pic as an example, but do tell.
The pro-choice. So full of shit.
No reason to unless you have digestive issues like Uncle Adolf. The bible calls the vegetarian a weak man. It is also a sign of the times.
But I thought most stores in Germany sold halal meat, Ahmed?
>Complaining about what over people eat
You should see the garbage people eat where I'm from.
Sup Forums needs to grow up and worry about shit that DIRECTLY effects them. No one is forcing you to eat carrots and eggplants.
>But I thought most stores in Germany sold halal meat, Ahmed?
No, that's France and the UK, actually. The US is close behind (all their Thanksgiving tukeys are butchered halal, for example). In Germany, you can still buy haram meat and it's a lot better.
It´s just another way to feel superior over "meat-eating savages".
Eating meat is literally almost as bad as being a white male.
really looks healthy
Vegetarians still eat fish/insects because they are barely sentient and only refuse to eat mammals due to them being slightly more sentient and able to think. Vegans are just batshit idiots who refuse to eat anything that moves.
-Meat is murder and clogs your arteries, m'kay
-Dietary choices mean lower body count than fatty meat-eaters
-Plants don't feel pain (and neither do eggs, kek)
Your social betters are all vegetarians, why aren't you, OP?
>using the Bible as a source
Ahahaha get a load of this good goy
Its a FtM trans
Their instagram is vomit inducing
>Why are they so dogmatic over meat?
Could be health, ethical, or they just don't like the taste. Health, too much of anything is bad (except for vegetables or plant-based food). Ethical, for some reason they wish to extend "rights" to whatever we will end up killing anyways. Don't like taste, then they are just a faggot.
>Why are there so many of them?
Meme generation. There are a ton of health and vegetarian documentaries on Netflix for example, many of them actually very good. Plus I think people in general are also becoming more aware of the increasing cost of healthcare so they are taking the power into their own hands, which is objectively good for themselves and the system.
>What causes a subject to think that killing an animal is wrong when killing a plant is murder either way?
Animals have a nervous system and feel pain. For example, in Vietnam, workers simply break the chickens neck by hand and then chop it off. In America, they are stunned (by electrical or controlled atmosphere) and then, from there, killed. This, for some reason, is more humane even though they will simply be slaughtered anyways kek.
That being said, I drink a veggie shake every morning of spinach and kale, etc. and generally eat healthy the rest of the day including meat (mostly chicken).
I think the ethical ones don't have a brain to really examine ethics, the healthy ones have a point, and the anti-taste ones are just faggots.
Check out this cool video of vegans:
They are fucking mental.
>-Meat is murder and clogs your arteries, m'kay
Citation needed on the clogging.
Vegetarian and environmental major here. Some of us just don't want to consume meat because of the environmental damage it causes. It's 440 gallons of water for one pound of beef.
Others are vegetarians because of suffering of sentient beings. Some are a mixture. Others just try not to over consume. Paying 99 cents for 2 hamburgers is just not sustainable.
t. Vegetarian, former Marine, Pace University student.
Halal meat animals suffer just as bad as non Halal. Watch a factory Halal slaughter such as "earthlings"
>women literally ruining veganism once again with their attention-whoring
Still wonder what causes such a Dogma then, Their ethical behavior seems alien to me.
>environmental damage
kek, you realize that enterprises have to kill the animals on a quota in other for the distribution of the product to be in order right?
Eating meat or not there's a fixed number of animals being slaughtered everyday in order to sell it fresh everyday.
Movement started by fags who didn't wanted to have fecal matter in their colon, therefore purge it with fibers.
Some Zen/hindu cow lovers idiots copied it and it became a fashion among hippies. then normies copied it from hippies, because..stupid boring people thought hippies are cool.
And now cultural Marxists noticed that no animal protein and lots of phytoestrogens from SOY turn normies into cucks and fags by lowering testosterone.
Loved meat, especially organ meat. At some point he developed IBS and was treated by Dr. (((Bloch))) who slowly killed him with a vegetarian diet and quack (((medicine))).
Liberals are fucking lunatics. That video link I posted shows that. It's a combination of low IQ, being adult children with no responsibilities, and probably just being allotted a certain personality type that has feels. We're all XNTX on Sup Forums, so nothing anyone does outside of this site makes sense.
Sitting in your mom's basement all day clogs your arteries.
Wouldn't killing of 90% of the human population fix all of your environmental concerns?
cholesterol is IMPORTANT in testosterone creation. Animal Fat -> testosterone.
Red Meat = B vitamins -> protein synthesis
Forget about the myth that will clog your arteries. SUGAR is the culprit, not cholesterol.
What makes you say that?
Cholesterol is also important for proper brain function and repair. Vegans are literally mentally retarded.
This guy gets it. Also, the human brain is made of saturated animal fats. Checkmate vegans.
Pic unrelated
veganism is one of the most important redpills
Humans have an in-built ability to care for living things, at least the things that look cute. Once you remove humans from having to live naturally and replace hunting and gathering with supermarkets, you lose connection with reality. You are then susceptible to marketing messages that appeal to your in-built ability to care for cute things.
Highly emotional people, and those with high estrogen will fall for this marketing message more easily then other people.
The brain is normally composed of around 25% cholesterol.
Also, EVERY cell membrane depends on cholesterol
"Without cholesterol, cell membranes would be too fluid, not firm enough, and too permeable to some molecules."
water is important too. doesn't mean it's healthy to drink 10 litres instead of 2 or 3
FAG spotted.
Told you above:
no meat + leafy greens + lots of water = HOW THE FAGS KEEP THEIR POOP SHOOT ALWAYS READY
>No, You Do Not Have to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day
what are you trying to say? i said you don't have to consume too much of sth just because the body needs a certain amount. it wasn't about the amount of water people should drink.
Soooo...That makes it right?
>hue in charge of meat production
>tfw no rainforests left
Fucking Sup Forums. Muh genocide. Planet not sustainable in 100 years, everyone dies anyway.
It's called THIRST. Your body will ask for it when will need it.
Going around with your baby bottle and sucking it every 5min IS RETARDED.
Real question is why is this dudes face so fucking fat still and when will someone memeify this fuck
Over and Out.
Just drink water when you feel thirsty your body literally tells you how much water to drink in a day how complicated do people need to make it lol
Let's stop. It was never about water.
Just because you need a certain amount of x doesn't mean it's healthy to consume any amount of x.
So basically you're agreeing. We don't need to drink huge amounts of water and we don't need dietary cholesterol.
how can his head be so fat but he has the body of a 10 year old
are you retarded?
If every person in the world was a vegan you would need another planet earth just to make muh veggies for everyone to eat something.
Think about what that'll do to the soil, and the fucking cost for making all of them growing. and then you'll talk about muh genocide you fucking potato.
I want enough content to make people outside of Sup Forums to realize their shit, so more would be better.
Disney fables.
How can someone so malnourished have a double chin?
I'm vegetarian because it just feels right to me, and isn't nearly as difficult to do healthily as some people claim (not that I'm remotely 100% responsible with my diet). It's up to everyone to discover their own path though.
As a bonus, you don't have to worry about what's in that sausage on your pizza
I was vegetarian from the age of 4 until i was 19/20.
When i tasted meat for the first time again I was in ecstasy, my workouts left me with a better body and much happier.
However i had a fucked up stomach for about 2 weeks
You're right in that, there isn't enough room/soil for everyone to be a vegan. I never said everyone should be veg/veg, but we over consume meat, leading to polluted/over use if water, methane emissions. If course we have to harvest more crude oil to sustain this...Global warming etc.
Unless you are paying $50 /lb of beef or $25/chicken, you are robbing from the environment.
I'm not a vegetarian preechy faggot, but reducing consumption is beneficial. Just like reducing consumption of electronics, or consumer goods is a good thing. inb4 muh GDP. It won't matter when Manhattan, LA, and SF are under water. inb4 good riddance.
its an anorexic ftm tranny
>muh bible