We have to get Kek to help us capture the evil Barack Hussein Obama, the Anti-Christ. He cannnot be allowed to get away. He must suffer the fate that he allowed Brother Leader Gandalfi to undergo. Traitors must face the music and must die.
Re: Getting Obama the AntiChrist
Uncle Jimmy? Is that you?
It's not going to happen. He's still President of this country's commie elites.
Nothing the President does while President is illegal. Obama will never face justice. Just get over it and move on.
Kek wants justice....Kek hates Nigger-Commie-Kebab-Loving-Terrorists. And Kek will destroy all of his Commie-loving friends in the US government. Praise Kek!
Look up some passages from the Torah regarding justice and say them backwards in the Hebrew language the Kabbalistic way. This is black magic which can be used against the Jews and weaken their power.
With Kek, all things are possible. After International Frog Day yesterday, Kek has decided that he wants Obama now....he needs to be the first criminal to be lynched in public in the 21st century. But not before he's been beaten and tortured after his trial for treason. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Help me find some good verses, and we can chant them together. If weakening Jewish power helps Kek kill the anti-Christ Obama, I'm all for it. I want Obama dead....
obama probably isnt the antichrist, he fits some points, but certainly not all, and he already is too irrelevant
His slogan yes we can backwards means "thank you satan"
Many think the Antichrist will have german roots, since obama apparently comes from kenia, which was a german colony, this kinda fits
The bible says "I saw satan as lightning from heaven" in Hebrew "lightning" means "baraq" and "from heaven" means "o bama" "I saw satan as baraq obama"
The antichrist is said to let it rain fire, and thanks to his drones he could do that nonstop.
He will speak of peace, but bring war, and exactly that was what obama was doing.
According to the Quran the antichrist (Dajjal) will be short (Merkel?)and his legs will be crooked. The hair on his head will be extremely twisted. (This fits Obama again with his niggahair) He will have one eye, while his other eye will be flat. It will be neither deep, nor protruding.’
Also red complexioned (could be Obamas dark skintone or maybe even Trump orange spray tan. Trump also got german roots), fat (Merkel is basically a walking blob of wobbling fat), blind in the right eye which looks like a bulging grape.’
the most distinguishing feature of his face besides the bulging eye will be the Arabic letters Kaaf (k), Faa (f), Raa (r), on his forehead. These letters spell Kufr (disbelief). All believers, regardless of their literacy will decipher these letters. (no idea who this fits onto)
He also is said to be unable to make kids (Merkel doesnt have any as far as i know, and seeing that obongos "wife" has a dick we can assume that his kids arent really his.)
any idea who else these things fit onto?
The last pope is said to be a false prophet, and seeing how pope francis is known as childtrafficer in southamerica, his peacedoves got eaten by the crows, and how he supports the replacement of the natives by savage shitskins are reasons enough for me to believe that
There's a new law in town--the law of Kek and the call of 1488. Kek charges Obama with #WhiteGenocide. Public trial, public torture, and brutal execution of Obama are what Kek DEMANDS.
Also the end is very near.
Even if not the end, this year shit will go down i believe.
We have in the jewish calender the year 5777, with the 7 being the number of god, and look at pic related of the post number where god revealed himself on Sup Forums, its 5777(7777), and 7 times the 7
Biblical events tend to happen in a 50 year cycle (Jubilee) ending on xx17 and xx67 in our calender which again is this year.
There is talk about the Antichrist being supposed to come back at the year 5777 of the jewish calender (would have to look up for a good source on that one)
Then there is this part in the bible
>And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. 2 She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth.
On September 23 this year, there wil be a constillation where jupiter (zeus, which is associated with jesus as jesus for example is a mockname meaning "hail zeus") will stay in virgos (virgin mary) belly for 42 weeks (pregnency) and leaving the constillation (birth) while the constillation of lion, usually consisting of 9 stars now will have 12 "stars" as mecurcy mars and venus will align with it, with the moon the the feet of virgo and the sun next to her head.
This depicts the birth of jesus by virgin mary among the stars and the last time this happened supposedly was around 4000 years ago
In generall a lot of the prophecies of the endtimes already happened in the last 70-80 year, and the bible mentions that when you see the signs that the end will come in a lifetime, probably meaning
The first horserider rider of the apocalypse, the one with the crown and a bow on a white horse. a king, and warrior shining bright. or maybe a führer (crown), that fought in 1 wordlwar (warrior/the bow) and did nothing wrong (white horse).
The second horserider that takes the peace of the earth, WW2, and since then an endless series of proxywars and (((military conflicts)))
The third horserider, the one with the scale, usury. we have constant inflation. ressource are plenty, and yet people starve and die of sickness we have more than enough medicine for.
The next one will be death...
also google is covering shit up
It would seem the anti-Christ is an archetype---it's hard to fit any given leader neatly to the archetype. But I pray to my god Kek everyday, and after International Frog Day Kek is calling on God-Emperor Trump and the American people to find Obama, capture him, put him on trial and then execute him.
Wouldn't it be fun, says Kek, if ALL of the country's globalist Commie elites were to face trials for treason and public execution? Kek WANTS blood...Let the first plague of #BloodinthePotomac (Ex 7:20) begin.
Kek wants George Soros to be arrested for treason, tortured, chained, and then sent to Putin for execution live on RT.
He can't be, can you imagine the uproar across the globe if America's first black president is arrested let alone tried for treason? At some point it became more important to look like you're good than it is to be good and with that the world will crumble
What kind of script exploitation is this?!
Thinking of these globalist politicians, lobbyists, mainstream media assholes et al. all having their blood running in the Potomac....what a beautiful dream. Praise Kek! Kek wants the God-Emperor to slay the enemies of European civilization. May the cup of their blood runneth over.
America grows approximately 45% of the world's food---any country of kebabs or niggers who raises a hackle will have their food supplies cut off. Obama was a traitor to MY PEOPLE. Kek wants 1488. It can't happen til my people are awoken to the fact that the rising tide of color wants to exterminate all white civilization.
no, soros helps us redpilling people by pushing the agenda too hard out in the open. wether its intended or unintended
why is soros always seem to be so happy about the time with the nazis?
Even says its the happiest time of his life
Is he maybe on the nazis side? while rothschild and rockefeller and all the others try to controll the people through the banking system, the bought politicians and creation of laws usually hidden from sight. Soros always finances movements creating an impact in the lifes of people directly visible to everyone. is he trying to draw attention? is he funding such stuff to make us angry about the jews and the degeneracy, to make those more obvious to us in order to redpill people in masses by showing how stupid the political agenda is? Is he still in the sheets with the nazis?
He literally says that the candidate he supported with a billion of dollar will lose the popular vote but will win either way. Why give her the billion dollars then in the first place if its already clear? Why make it so openly that the public generally wont support the candidate you gave your money to. Shouldn't he try to make the whole thing seem legit and fair? Why not keep his mouth shut about it?
He already implies that the election is rigged in Hillaries favor which means she shouldn't need all that money, and that exposing this might lead to Trump gaining more support. unless he didnt want Hillary to win. He may gave her money, but she blow it all on propaganda, CTR and exposing her own corrupt administration and media full speed. Was this the plan? Finance hillary so she can expose herself even faster? he may lost a billion to hillary but I dont think thats much to him, and I bet he had other deals going making sure he will gain from trumps victory too.
Kek wants law and order---and it will be chaos to impose it. But impose it we must, so that white civilization can reawaken and fulfill its Faustian mission and let mankind conquer the stars. Obama didn't fund NASA for 7 of his 8 yrs as President---he denied white European civilization its birthright of reaching for the stars. Instead, he wanted us to be ground into mud as immigration from mud countries were to wipe us out. He's a TRAITOR--and TRAITORS receive the DEATH PENALTY. LAW AND ORDER. The God-Emperor promised law and order, and Kek is working to give God-Emperor Trump the power to restore law and order.
Kek inspired me with a lot of messages since International Frog Day. He got David Rockefeller yesterday---time to get George Soros soon, and of course, Barry Soetoro, er Barack Obama.
The Sword of Kek is coming. Obama and all of his Deep State Commie-Globalist minions are forewarned. Turn yourselves in NOW to the God-Emperor, bow before him, and MAYBE there will be mercy. Kek gives every globalist deep state-Obamaite traitor till April 1st to voluntarily surrender and admit his/her fault; or, their fate will be a bloody death.
kek is just god talking to us through numbers. kek is god but at the same time isnt.
this might interest some people by the way
I have NO idea. There's an obvious coup going on and NO ONE is helping Trump. Where are the fucking White Hats? Investigations that are only on TRUMP. Not Clinton, Obama, Leftwing Judges, IRS, Pedogate, Awans, Crooked ass Democrats....NOTHING. They Are Going to try and Impeach Trump. I know someone on this board knows someone. Find out what the fuck they're doing about it. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.