Never give up
Never give up
Other urls found in this thread:
Bumping to spread the truth.
fucking blaked posters must hang
Oh wait. You ment me?
what is their end game
To make us all cucks
Damn I dont want to be a cuck. These people are pieces of human waste.
Spread the word
Crni Anđeli?
They post nigger female + white male as well
The end result is a nigger baby either way
Same with all the sissy hypno shit on /gif/.
Literal brainwashing.
Stay pure anons, stay safe.
>what is their end game?
Bumping for truth
Fucking heebs
I can't wait to kill all of you
racism and seeing interracial couples is so deep rooted on this website that accepting them will NEVER be normal. As long as I'm alive, I'll see interracial couples, regardles of black male/white female or the reverse as sub human and scum.
Last time I saw a "nigger thread" it made me wanna work out.
I believe it's called predictive programming. I remember reading about it here a while ago. Wish I had saved it, hopefully another user can make up for my failures.
Fuck the mods
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
mods are fucking cancer
You guys aren't really this gullible are you?
>He proved there's a conspiracy to post blacked porn all over Sup Forums by predicting what the next 3 threads would say!!!
More like he created those 3 threads lmao, you are all gullible and retarded
You should see Sup Forums at night. Like fucking clockwork it'll be cuck threads with "how can we compete" spammed over and over. Then it just stops. It's easy to notice because Sup Forums is a very slow board.
Same with Sup Forums
The problem is that mods are in it too.
Just take a look at the catalog.
Found the jew
Wow. Must be some petty revenge for the goys ruining yiddish
helpful bump
half of /gif/ is cuck porn
It's completely different.
Women's reproductive resources are limited, since they need 9 months to have a baby.
Men's reproductive resources are virtually unlimited, you can breed with 100 hundred women in a month.
Breeding with black women prevents black men from breeding with them. The next generation will not have full black, but white-blacks instead. Then white men breed with the white-black females, which in turn makes white-white-black babies and prevents white-black males from reproducing. Over generations, this leads to whitening of the black people.
It doesn't work if the black men breed with white women, though.
I've seen cuck posters with Brazil proxies. Kill yourself you fucking shill.
Too true
this some fucked up shit right here
so the """""""""""""proof""""""""""""" is that someone said three threads would be made, and then they were?
wow, dude, surely the explanation for all of this can't be that the guy made the threads himself to shitpost and then the mods deleted them. nope, has to be a conspiracy. you really activated my almonds, dude. i am now a #/x/missile
There's already one here
Impregnate them and dump them.
Thanks for dumping, user
He's right though
I'm bumping because this pisses me off.
All the contrarian faggots do the shills work for them for free now anyway, they get off on being a useful idiot tool so long as it goes against what is righteous.
>argentinia fag posting a black girl on serbian
o.k! enough Sup Forums for today..
Let me guess. He lives in a 100% white neighborhood. And would probably move immediately if blacks will live there.
It's a psy-op meant to make you feel like everything is already lost. These people want you and your culture dead and if white men and women can't get together they're going to get their wish.
It's a psy-op meant to make you feel like everything is already lost. These people want you and your culture dead and if white men and women can't get together they're going to get their wish.
Keep redpilling. The first step is bringing white women back into the fold. Yes, some are beyond salvation but remember that most white women still voted for Trump.
Never let (( them )) win.
Still better than the "eat a log out of andy sixx" meme Every day
Do jews not see themselves as white? Based on skin tone, they are fucking white as fuck, just not aryan.
Spaniard cock owns nordic boipucci
We are goyim
Redditfags need to leave already. If they actually cared they would stop getting in the way of the professionals.
I accidently left sage on from a previous garbage thread
Truth Shall Be The Victor In This Struggle
>fully integrating subhuman dna into the white gene pool is the most efficient method of removing it
why not just sterilize the niggers instead? are you a kike or just retarded?
"fellow white people"
Reminder that a white woman would still prefer a nigger to you neckbeards
How new are you?