Risk Thread

Risk Thread.

OP is a faggot who play himself edition.


To join and Mention your allies,nukes and NAPs in your name.

>Rashidun Caliphate

Caliphate of Córdoba

Fascist Serbia
Dark red

Two more players and we can begin.

Ah Fuck it.

Fill Arabia
Alliance in the name of Allah?

>Russian Empire

Why did you put me in Russia, Paki

fill iberia

Alliance my Orthodox brother?

Isn't that Siberia?

Fuck! roll this turn and ill include both and move you to Siberia

Its the country I live in, in the Balkans...

Green is taken

>Gay Sweden


South Korea


Light Red then

Fixed it

Gray Fascists


Put me in Finland. Roll to expand


>17th Reich
If roll blitzkrieg Poland


Great, death to Communism, death to Capitalism, death to Liberalism.

Not Available

then any color

Norway is filled by Gay Sweden

Gray, or any available

Can I change location to India?

Colour and name?

Black isnt available


changed my name from Maine to Kingdom of Finland. Pick any color for me.

Ty based OP. These Pajeets are Fascist poos.

Roll to annex Bosnia

Mupdate 2

Fill Arabia and spill north

Expand South into India

Fascist Serbs and Reich, we should consider an Axis given our ideologies :D

Fill Ukraine and the Baltics. Spills fill my East.

Insert penis and infect Finland with AIDS
>Attack Finland

you forgot me, goat fucker.

shit map anyway

Fill north Korea,spill Japan

Expand north

fill iberia

added.your roll this turn will be counted.



Mupdate 3

Gay Sweden has attacked Finland and has made gains. Raping the men and sparing the women.

Expand North

Fill the rest of India and teach the Savages the idea of THE IRON LOO

fill iberia

We will not have any non slaves

Rub the penis on the rest of Finland and expand south

expand northeastwards along the coast

use spills to fill northwest Russia

You will pay, gaylord.

No Spill. You Managed to get only ten tiles because the Faggot got 20

But we're expanding in different directions, OP. He went south, I went northeast...


I was attacking you first

He's attacking you .

then you're a shit player, homo, and the fires of hell will roast you forever

Expand north
Never with Muslims

Nice proxy loser.

Was gonna be Poland but area was already kinda full when I joined.

t. Expat




Alliance with a fellow POO IN LOO?

the pink homo is ripe for the pillaging while he's busy trying to infect me with AIDS

I am allies with Serbia so it might complicate things but I'll agree to a NAP for now to see how things play out up North.

No, It's fine i was looking for an Ally.

Thanks for the offer.

I don't want to have to pick sides if u war :'(

That's why I didn't agree to the NAP

Fill Crime and Estonia, then move North

Mupdate 4

Finland has regained its lands and avenged the rapine by mass castrations and Trap Fuckathons.

fill england, spill into france

Fill Mesopotamia and spill into Turkey

fill iberia, spill marocco

spill algeria, tunis, france

What about the rest?

Fill South to the tip n Sri Lanka any Spill Nort East

Go into Greece, spill into Turkey

Aids has no cure

Attack Finland



You could've had Britain by now if you understood tactics.

Expand into the far north of Russia


nap? lets wipe out pink together

I will follow you until one of us dies

Mupdate 5

Finland has expanded in Russia while the Homosexual Soldiers have taken back All of Scandinavia and enslaving nearly the whole Nordic Race's men.

Forgot the pic

fill britain, spill into ireland defend from possible pink attack

Finland have move to Russia

Hit Finland with Dildos

Who tf is India????


fill britain

north korea/korea

Why do I always get the spergs as neighbors?

that works.

Attack gay Sweden

I WILL CLAIM SULTENATE!!! No spam 4chinz

Same fagging

Attack? if not what about the rest?

so? idiot its just a game.
korea will rule the world and we will then adopt japanese culture. startup a new new religion called japan and then become a minority and slowly eat up their society