Be honest: how many of you knew about Trump before he ran for office and what were your original thoughts on him?
Be honest: how many of you knew about Trump before he ran for office and what were your original thoughts on him?
He was a faglord then and he's a faglord now
He had a reality tv show for 10 years prior to running. You would have to be a retarded child to not have heard of him.
Who didn't fucking know him? He was even in wwe raw
I was a huge fan of 'The Apprentice'. It was a great show. A tremendous show. Frankly, it was the best.
I've always knew of him, but liked him ever since he called out Obongo on his fake birth certificate.
>before election
Funny guy, watched a few videos of him. No real opinion, I just liked him.
>beginning of election
I thought he was a republican so I hated him
>during the election
Held him up as some sort of saint and savior
>late/after election
Realized that he's only here to subvert any legitimate revolution and to break unity, now he's doing a terrible job as president (but still the best job since Kennedy)
john podesta literally fucks babies desu
>he's only here to subvert
That's you lol
i thought he was a funny asshole back then. now he's /ourfunnyasshole/ as presidnent of the united states
I only knew him from his brand and some TV show headlines I never read. When I followed him I came to the conclusion he's a complete idiot, unfit for office, yet Clapistanis will vote for him anyway and with the given lack of.. personality on stage of Clinton, he'll probably win after 8 years of DEATH PANELS and the sooper sekret Mooslim and such.
And then the world got 4 years of you becoming the laughing stock of the world while he tries to compensate for his lack of everything with a big military dick budget.
I just saw him as an eccentric billionaire.
>big military dick budget
And how big would it be under Hillary who wanted a war with Russia you fucking moron
>new sharia blue tactic
>impinge this isn't just another 'blind follower' data mining shitpost
saged and reported. you fucking losers will never learn
Tea Party Birther Faggot and Reality TV Star. A total piece of shit, still think the same.
I knew about trump from the song the "American Ride". It's weird how that one song unintentionally managed to feature 3 US presidents.
Check out 1:30 onwards
Who cares about Clinton, it's his budget dick now.
Here you go sweetie
From NYC, almost everyone here universally liked him before the campaign.
Even in gangsta rap circles he was seen as an icon.
I've always looked up to him. He was the inspiration that made me filthy rich.
-> liverpool
for accurate weather/wind etc. data
>liked him
>was seen
Are you saying.. HE WUZ?
Germans really need to commit mass suicide.
Germany was great when it was spending money on it's military inventing things as opposed to on refugees.
Spending money on the military is always a good thing, the military's research has led to technological innovations like the internet, gps, radar, helicopters, jet planes, assault rifles, and first aid technology and rockets. What other form of government spending causes so much influence and importance in the world?
Knew about him years before the election. I thought that he'd make a good president and I'm glad he decided to run.
>Be honest
The Russian propaganda machine that makes up 3/4 of this board will never do that.
>original thoughts
Shill for (((them)))
>current thoughts
Shill for (((them))) and near bottomless meme-mine.
some goy must link me art of the deal pdf
>What other form of government spending causes so much influence and importance in the world?
(Higher) Education. Something your current president doesn't give a shit about so it wasn't even a topic in the runup to his presidency.
Forgot pic :^)
>Russian propaganda machine that makes up 3/4 of this board
Good morning comrade
All forms of government spending are detrimental. The only reason why they want to spend on military budget is because they can externalise the costs of expansionism. The reason why they can afford that is because of all the wealth the free market has produced.
This. The highest quality, which is what everyone expects, right?
Original Thoughts: He's a clown
Current Thoughts: He's a talented clown
Born in the late 70s. Trump seemed to be an American icon of wealth. I really started to like him when he was on the Howard Stern show regularly. Never watched the Apprentice.
Also. He build 2 tall condo buildings where I live and called them Trump Towers. They were later sold and the new owner wanted to rename them. Trump said that's the stupidest thing you could do... they are still called Trump Towers today.
t. Born and raised in Palm Beach County
>be me around 12
>hear on TV people bitching that he puts his name on everything he owns
>don't get whats wrong with it
Seven years later
>read Atlas Shrugged
>Hank Rearden puts his name on things he owns
>cucks in the book bitch and complain.
>remember Trump
>think it's pretty cool that Trump doesn't give a shit about cucks bitching
A few years later
>Trump announces run for presidency
>Says wants to stop mudshit influx, build wall
>decide to vote for him
From the NY metro area and knew of Trump well before The Apprentice and always thought he was a walking joke. Still is desu
I knew about his many great tweets before he ran and enjoyed them bigly. Also The Apprentice.
Pic related is the best one
I watched a few seasons of The Apprentice and he's business savvy. Knew him from pop culture growing up. He's just always been around. Even knew he leaned left some.
When I heard he was running I pretty much just accepted he was a Hillary plant and would never make it into office. What I wild ride it's been since I thought like that.
Why not educate the net then? Why hide it behind paywalls?
My first impression of him was a con man that started a venture, got a bunch of suckers to invest in him, short changed the project, and then walked off as the business crashed and burned.
Meanwhile, Ahmed is fondling your girlfriend.
smaller, actually. Hillary had actually worked in Obama's cabinet so she knows we outspend Russia massively.
Hell, we could take on Russia and China simultaneously at their current military spending.
I received "Trump: The Game" as a gift back in '04 (still have it to this day), saw his brief cameos in The Little Rascals and Home Alone 2, and saw the vid of him roasting Rosie (which I respected him for, and still do).
Didn't really know a whole lot about him, otherwise. It wasn't until after he announced his presidential bid that I found that there was more to him than meets the eye.
Proud to have him be the first """politician""" I've ever voted for.
>what were your original thoughts on him?
I didn't have any. I knew of him as that guy from the apprentice. Thought he was just a typical celebrity.
Then I looked into his background during the election and watched his moves.
Frankly I just see the whole election as a big distraction from the REAL issues in the world. Such as elites causing mayhem around the world.
>while he tries to compensate for his lack of everything with a big military dick budget
That is the stupidest comment I have ever read.
Good bait.
I heard from him on one of those liberal talk shows, like the Daily Show or Colbert or something.
I only heard a line or two of him speaking but he seemed respectable enough. Just like before I knew who Ron Paul was, heard a line or two from him on one of those shows too.
This was around the time I started reading the news for myself and getting educated on the process.
Needless to say, I don't watch liberal talk shows that deliver snarky one-liners for ignorant stooges.
check 8/pol/s pdf board
>blew up Lybia
>toppled middle eastern rulers starting the refugee crisis
>actually wants war with Russia
>smaller, actually
Just fucking shoot yourself, failed abortion
He has been doing the "run for President" scam for years and making bank off of it. I guess the "what's the worst that could happen" outcome occurred and he won.
This is also probably the only worthwhile article Buzzfeed has ever written and it is from back in 2014:
Take a peek at the world before it got Trumped.
My friends liked wrestling and I wanted to be like them so I watched a little (it wasn't good) and I saw him from WWE.
That's the only time I ever saw him. And he lost a lot of money in 2009 because when people lose their homes and stocks they tend to gamble less.
Because that's absolutely a non-garbage fake news trash
pretty much just "the guy who wants to stop Scotland from using wind farms for their shitty green energy, making the scenery look like shit for his golf course"
If you have an interest in the way Trump works, if you love him or hate him, give the article a read or archive it and check it out.
It's fucking interesting.
Jokes on you, I don't have my qt brown gf anymore!
I barely thought about him and knew that he was a really weird blend of pop culture, reality TV brazenly arrogant troll like Piers Morgan or Kanye West or something. I never bothered to stop and think too much about him because I had cognitive dissonance trying to understand how so seemingly idiotic a man could be so successful. But when he started running and I started watching his rallies I began to try and figure him out.
heard about him when he hosted the american apprentice and thought it was funny, seemed kinda crappy compared to alan sugar on the original seeing as its daddy's money not something he earned, took the piss out of him at the time mainly because he looks ridiculous
also trump means fart in britbong
czechfag here, when i got into a finance highschool we worshipped him, my class read every of his books
You have to be 18 to use this site. Putyour phone away before the teacher sees it out.
I only knew him from when I was watching Home Alone 2 and my mum mentioned that he's a rich person who puts his name on everything and that he's probably in the movie because he owns the hotel. I was pretty young and didn't form an opinion.
I think I've seen him a couple of time on the internet and that's it.
Researched back 30 years or so. Watched his old Oprah appearances and his old hearings as an expert witness. He is almost always right. Speaks goofy but so do I so I don't care. I can't be bothered to package my shit all nicely so that fucking morons can understand what I mean.
>how many of you heard of one of the most famous people in the world before last year?
OP confirmed for underage
>before election
Funny guy, watched a few videos of him. No real opinion, I just liked him.
>beginning of election
I thought he was a republican so I hated him
>during the election
Held him up as some sort of saint and savior
>late/after election
Realized I'd made a terrible mistake and that we can't let t his guy get the nuclear codes
>pop culture king
>nice guy
>before election
Funny guy, watched a few videos of him. No real opinion, I just liked him.
>beginning of election
I thought he was a republican so I hated him
>during the election
Held him up as some sort of saint and savior
>late/after election
Drumpf is a clown. Russians control him. It was her turn.
Dad owns a business insurance company so he met him a few times I met him once and he seemed alright.
>thoughts now?
buffon who says a lot of true things that other people don't
still better than you and you wife's son
and here we can witness the spiritual heirs of Honecker and Ulbricht. fucking cultural marxist scum.
from reading 80s comics. they actually had him as president and building a wall 30 years ago. look it up.
I first heard of him about 14 years ago. I must have been in sixth grade. He was on a radio show and said something like "A million dollars is not a lot of money". I thought he was insane.
I'm pretty much poor and even I think that $1 million is not much when you put things in a business perspective.
personally, I thought we was kinda funny and knew he was pretty smart cause he's a hugely successful businessman. politically though, I thought the man was fucking retard before two months before the election and now my mouth is constantly on his cock
title nigger
Of course I knew who he was
He's been famous since the 80s, he had the Apprentice, he was in Wrestling, he had a MTV Roast, he's been famous as a birther since the Obama presidency.
I remember I liked the 2011 correspondence dinner where Obama made fun of him, I also liked the video "Top 10 Crazy Donald Trump Moments" from watchmojo in 2013
I thought he was a clownish narcissist back then, I still think he's a narcissist but he's the God-Emperor so he's allowed to have a big ego
I knew who he was and thought he was a ridiculous billionaire who made tacky buildings.
Now I would take a bullet for him but his buildings are still tacky.
I just knew him as the guy who hosted that one tv show. I never knew he was some actual big shot businessman. Also found out that the media was always out against him even before he ran for president
This is how I figured many people who dislike him and claim Trump is JUST a celebrity are millennials who grew up in the 90s and saw him on the Apprentice. People born before that know him as a successful businessman first and foremost.
Knew him from the first season of The Apprentice.
Back then, he was pretty much a washed-up joke, articles about him all said he was big in the 80s, then lost it all, and that hosting The Apprentice was his way of getting back on top. Not many people actually thought he was a great businessman, IIRC. A good businessman wouldn't end up on The Apprentice like some has-been actor.
i didnt know anything about him. For some reason I thought he was the 2nd richest man in the world. I thought he was worth 50bil
I knew him only as that Apprentice Reality Tv guy.
Never watched his show. Thought it sounded lame.
I support him 100% now.
I first learned about him in a commercial, my dad explained who he was to me because that info was necessary due the joke in the commercial. I've known for awhile and have always considered him a business man before a celebrity.
What was the commercial user?
This is actually the best piece of journalism I've seen from buzzfeed. 99% of that site is 3rd wave feminism journalistic trash but this is gold
I always thought the apprentice was awesome. He was kind of a dick in it but it made me want to become a rich entrepreneur
Knew he was a shiesty conman before. Has been confirmed now. Trump had ripped off the family of one of my childhood friends on a Taj Mahal painting contract, tanked their modest business.
Look up your Constitution
A president is not a dictator.
Many Cuckservatives in House and Senate
>He was a faglord then and he's a faglord now