How can we focus on accepting Shariah law and westernizing it?

How can we focus on accepting Shariah law and westernizing it?

You could try eating shit and dying. That might work.

Kill all liberals. You solve the Islam problem. And pretty much all other problem. Liberalism is like AIDS. It destroys your defence system. So even little colds (Islam) can come and destroy you over time. When it can be easily dealt with couple of tylenol and some rest. Sounds comfy.


By going to heaven and asking Allah for help. Pic related is a quick and easy way to get there.

Islamic Japan get it.

Check'd. Kek approves!


Muslim here
Sharia is not exactly a part of Islam. I prefer a secular society.

You might as well try to westernize saudi arabia, mate.


I see you have put your ultimate weapon Muhammed. SHARIA LAW! But i too have a trick up my sleeve! I will counter attack with DAY OF THE ROPE!

promote it to MGTOW and NEETs

By not accepting it at all and killing everyone who does believe in it.

We're working on it

You are not a real Muslim then.

There is no "true" Muslim anyway. Neither is there any compulsion that Muslims must live under Sharia law.

Fuck off shill. Sharia is not compatible with the west. Religious law should not exist under the Constitution, because by definition it discriminates against other religions.


Brother, in that case let me invite you to Islam. Let me invite you to enlightenment.

>Sharia is not exactly a part of Islam
Nigga plz.. taqiyya elsewhere.

Not taqqiya brother. Anyway, you are from Bangladesh. Are you Muslim or non-Muslim?

Neck yourself op

>Not taqqiya
So you're ignorant. Sharia means law. It refers to Islamic law. "Sharia is not part of Islam" is quite possibly the dumbest thing on can say. It's like saying oxygen is not part of breathing.

I am saying that a Muslim is not obligated to live under Sharia Law.