Here's the plan boys.

>Secure punk (stick used to light fireworks) to drone
>Tie rag soaked in gas (petrol) to drone such that it is hanging straight down but not touching punk
> Fly drone directly over flag
>Lower drone so the rag gets caught on flag and touches the punk, thus igniting the rag and the flag

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What's there to run from if ur using a drone?
Might aswell strap a bomb to it in my opinion.

Nice try mr. FBI

>trying to incite arson


Lets burn down half of Liverpool for the purpose of making Sharia LaDoof kill himself

Sounds good to me


Do you guys think this cheap shit can lift anything? I'm on my way to Liverpool regardless of that. I'm german and I'm an engineer, I will find a way to take it down.

Read the OP, it's the best plan unless you have any mechanical/electrical engineering experience

It tends to be windy around coastal areas. The accelerated oxidation of the fire would either consume the entire rag, or the drone itself would catch fire before it makes it to its destination

>commit arson to get a flag

What a great fucking plan, FBI.

The fire burns UP

Maybe conducting two trips with drone

>1st to soak flag in gas
>2nd with punk to ignite gas

Best bet would be to cover a drone in a tar-like substance, fly it into the flag, so now the flag is illegible and is just a dangling rag with a drone hanging from it.

Of course, the pay off would be to have the drone carrying a flag or some other symbol that will dangle in its place.

>burning down an entire arts museum just to btfo Shia

Just Sup Forums things

One of the Liverpool anons here

I'm not committing arson. If someone can draw up a decent plan to get the flag without putting myself in too much danger, then i'll go for it.

So close,

Just fucking walk in dressed like a repair man and say you got a call about servicing something on the roof.

Tried a water soaked rag as replacement, it's too heavy. I don't think gas will be any different. Maybe the rag was too big.

How difficult is it to set a flag on fire anyway? Couldn't I just attach a small Storm Lighter to the bottom?

Yeah you could. Storm lighters don't require you to hold the trigger after ignition right?

The buck idea is the best one we have had so far. Nothing illegal and it will still piss him the fuck off and show him he can't hide for our weaponized autism.

Sunny day + Drone whit a magnifier

This one does, but it shouldn't be a problem to think of a solution.

Who cares if it's illegal? They gotta catch you first.

yeah let's not start a fire in an urban area... or anywhere really

Yeah a storm light would work pretty well, I think I would mount the lighter parallel to the drone's horizontal axis and sticking out in front of the drone a bit so the blades don't take all the oxygen from the lighter

Scouse ex-pat user here. If he's planted it in the right part of Liverpool, then the locals might burn it down all on their own.

It's on top of a concrete roof you dumbass
Nothing is gonna burn but the flag

Green lasers catch things on fire from a distance. Also, most real flags have a hard time maintaining a flame

Roll call for future HWDU operations:
In what region do you live?
What can you do to help future HWDU operations?

Get a DJI f550, nigga.

Paintball gun mounted to drone. Or water gun filled with paint mounted to drone.

I will see if the flag is still there tomorrow, maybe I'm actually going to buy a new drone for this. f550 can lift some weight, I guess?

petrol can't melt concrete beams

why not?

Nice try faggot.

We got this guys, someone should do something simple first tho like a speaker playing music to mock shia


Should do.

>Sunny Day


>load drone with flammable materials
>fly drone into flag hitting pole next to it
>flag goes up in flames
>user's repeatedly scream KEK ACKBAR!!!
>have halal certified tendies and a pint of lager for a successful mission

Don't light buildings on fire unless you want to go to jail for arson and attempted/successful murder or manslaughter.

You fucking retards. Just cover it via drone with a PVC tube with Union Jack/Nigel farage stickers all over it.

Glue it. Magnets. Whatever

Are you autistic? The only thing flamable in that vicinity is his flag.

someone suggested using a high-powered laser to burn it

Tape to drone, light, fly