Terrorist took over a bus, run over people, run from the bus and stabbed policeman inside parliament area
He stabbed the officer outside Westminster building in old palace yard
So just like France, UK isn't safe enough to visit? I always wanted to see London museums. Perhaps this summer. Of course the chances of dying in a terrorist attack are minuscule but the fact that there's a civilized country when it's a possibility is weird as fuck.
UK is fine, send more refugees
Good, now british people will go out in the streets and beats poles for no reason because they are not men enough to fight against muslims.
Do we know his ethnicity yet?
How do you know?
Whatcha doing rabbi?
he ran people over in a black SUV
Sup Forums btfo
Who was the suspect?
I'm guessing white IRA member
Holy war NOW
tanned englisman
shit nigga why couldn't it be france so we can make fun of them again fuckfuckfuck
I'm guessing Turkroach.
It is because Muslims fight back
People are scared that they attacking them will cause more attacks like today
In this madness nobody sees that if they fight back and not apologize then we shouldn't stop attacking them, but double or triple the efforts
RT been covering it for half an hour
Sky just picked it up
Reports are is was not with a bus but an attacker in a 4x4
oh wait you guys literally already did that
Ethnicity doesn't matter all muslims are shit
Someone should buy a bunch of chopsticks and go around filling all those bins with chopsticks.
It was nothing. Just a simple gas leak. Nothing that doesn't happen in every other country.
Bin your cars
Why are they so weak?
You should probably go during the Ramadan. The sandniggers will be to busy fasting and starving themselves to death and won't be as inclined to terrorism as they usually are.
Was in a Hyundai
Mounted pavement
Ran people over
Crashed into parliament gates
Climbed gates?
Stabbed coppa
Shot by coppas
CSTFO on scene searching parliament
PM evacuated
London eye locked down
One confirmed dead, the woman under the bus was probably thrown under bus
No more info yet, Scotland Yard to speak soon
Why are civilian cars so lethal? We need to ban these horrid weapons of mass murder. Or at the very least we need to impose severe restrictions on their use.
> Woman dies
What a sexist headline. Shouldn't it be "Person dies" ?
New liberal policy:
I thought this was just a meme but this literally just happened to me a few minutes ago
>hear about this shit
>wew lad
>hit up my german friend, I love him but he's a pussy bitch liberal
>hey did you hear there was a fucking attack in london!
>I didn't even say terrorist attack, just an attack
>I especially didn't say muslim
>he responds 'how do you even know it was a muslim? it was probably just some crazy lunatic'
Actually, they're worse during Ramadan. Nothing makes you want to jihad like being hangry.
There is no reason to own a vehicle. That's what the police are for.
what's that last image from?
Top kek
nothing will change.
thousands will still be let in to live here.
>the woman under the bus was probably thrown under bus
the country is being thrown under the bus mate.
time for the brown purge.
Shows how much you know, every year on Ramadhan there are attacks because they are told that it magnifies their good deeds, including that of jihad
You guys really need some knife control legislation. Fuck.
Does this look like a white man too you...they are trying so hard not to tell the truth
I thought it was a silver Jaguar. that's what I heard on Sky News radio.
you really think you can get in a commercial bus and instantly know how to drive its 12 speeds ?
>golden mosque
Get ready kike.
Killing kuffars during ramadan is more holy to these mudshits. Attacks here always increased during their hunger games.
I think you're thinking about the month of the Hajj which is a legit no-violence-allowed time for them that all Muslim terrorist organisations adhere to.
Exclusive footage of the incident:
>English people
Even the actual English people in that shit hole of a city don't consider themselves English.
London is a fucking SHITHOLE. It reminded me EXACTLY of New York City. Everyone was incredibly rude, ill-mannered, and the few actual British people I saw were either young people clearly in university, out-of-city families coming in to visit their capital, businessmen, or Leftist filth.
That city is a fucking shithole.
silly britcunt thats not how you ride the bus
Not to mention that fasting actually makes people stronger and more awake.
Bongs keep describing him as "asian". Is this double speak. Or is that how they describe Arabs?
We need the uncensored picture.
I'm sure by the end of the day this will be "Trump's Fault".
Is the officer okay?
Were those darn buddhists again?
Afghanistan and pakistan is asia
Nice ass.
I'm pretty sure that's how they describe pakistanis.
Especially not a dangerous assault car.
Yes, it's their code word for "middle eastern".
Religion of Peace Guys...............
It's standard fare, look up the Rotherham child abuse cases for example.
>A man, believed to be the attacker, is put on the stretcher and wheeled into an ambulance inside the grounds of Parliament
I wonder what could possibly be the cause of such actions?
"Asian" is how they describe people from the sub indian continent, so he's was most likely a paki
why is he naked?
Totally looks Chinese to me.
>not regulating the maximum kinetic energy allowed for civilian use
they were asking for it tbqh
I personally find all cities to be shitholes. When that many people live in close quarters it is much more likely to cause friction and people have a much higher rate of bumping into scum.
If people want to experience Britain it has to be done outside of the cities. This advice pretty much holds true for any country. Go to the traditional and conservative areas that haven't been tainted by modern filth and corruption.
>le kebab snackbar beard
really makes me ponder
Family problems, drug abuse and easily accessible assault buses
Nobody beats Poles, white Brits don't hate Europeans, stop swallowing HuffPo level jizz
Probably just a lone gunman. No political or religious ties.
Completely isolated incident.
just doing my part, helping the media
and of course here go again with the "notallmuslim" shit
the bluepilled retards seem to change it for "we're bombing their country so"
How else would you rape a european woman?
Must be shitty to be paramedic and have the must to keep this shit alive.
This is the first time something like this has happened in around 12 years, first time was a bus exploding so i'd say we've made some good progress on damage control.
They prefer to be called "Sandfrican Americans"
>fat white male
Typical Drumpf supporter
Because of the commonwealth many immigrants came from india and pakistan after the second world war. You can't broadly call them Indians or pakistanis because they hate each other, can't call them middle eastern because they're not quite middle eastern. They get called Asian. There aren't that many east Asian people in UK
That could never happen in Texas.
Too many good people who carry to allow such foolishness.
England should be called Cuckland.
pure white aryan
some sources say he is the great grandson of hitler himself. he shouted "i'm so white i piss milk" while stabbing the officer. now go to bed, you must be tired.
I have gone over the happenings of today and I can say that it is sadly nothing of relevance.
checking his gender. They need to confirm that it was a man
So, in an effort to prevent more attacks and insult the religion of peace they choose to be cowards and lump Muslims in with the most underrepresented minorities, ASIANS? WTF BRITAIN???!??
Wtf islamic terrorist donĀ“t even have a fucking gun?
Is that a Kimono or suicide vest Asian?
Because it's Wednesday.
Why are his pants down? Was he about to rape too?
probably started getting undressed for the virgins
>"i'm so white I piss milk"
White men want to see what non whites have got that make their wives and daughters so attracted to refugees
A peaceful paki man takes over a bus with his accustomed religious ceremony and then intolerant white British pedestrians refuse to move out of way! Even throwing themselves at the bus in traffic! Then a couple policemen show up and this same peaceful guy was just cleaning a couple cooking knives for dinner later that night. He starts to practice chopping and slicing vegetables (he's a vegan) in the air in front of him and the cops claim he tried to stab them! Then they shoot him DEAD!
2017, year of the racist.
Seems like she got thrown under the bus.