WHY is the FBI investigating Trump?!!

WHY is the FBI investigating Trump?!!

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because the NSA, CIA, FBI and the federal government all hate each other.

Because you saved a thumb nail

Because you're a faggot.

Because they're trying to Impeach him. No one is helping Trump. Say goodbye to America.


Trump needs to unleash the night of long knives and purge these faggots.

>[X]Defeated Hofer easily
>[X]Blocked cabinet appointments for months
>[X]Blocked first Muslim Ban
>[X]Removed Flynn
>[X]Revealed Sessions ties to Russia
>[X]Forced Sessions recusal
>[X]Blocked Trumpcare
>[X]Baited Trump into tweeting lies about President Obama without proof
>[X]Blocked second Muslim Ban
>[X]Defeated Wilders easily
>[X]Blocked wall funding
>[X]Trump caught lying about Obama wiretap
>[ ]Comey unveils wide ranging investigation into Russian/Trump collusion
>[ ]Easily defeat LePen
>[ ]Remove Bannon
>[ ]Remove Sessions
>[ ]Block Gorsuch Nomination
>[ ]Block tax cuts for the rich
>[ ]Block third Muslim Ban
>[ ]Full tax returns released
>[ ]BiPartisan support for impeachment
>[ ]Impeached
>[ ]Tried for Treason
>[ ]Imprisoned
>[ ]Dies alone, poor, and disgraced in Prison
>[ ]America lives happily ever after

The tribe. It's always the tribe.

This is the only acceptable timeline.

God forbid they investigate something useful. Reminder that the FBI investigated BALCO and Barry Bonds for juicing.

Because he's corrupt. Face it. He won't turn his holdings over to a blind trust which means there's no way he can do his duties without conflicts of interest, he gives donors quid pro quo and even cabinet level positions (I thought he was going to rein wall street in, not fill his cabinet with Goldman Sachs, so much for draining the swamp). At least one of his advisors was a confirmed Foreign Agent and may have also been on the take from Russia as well.

So yeah, FBI needs to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

The FBI has alot of pro-Trump ppl but at the top they are either blackmailed or scum
Comey is playing along with the charade investigation probably because they've threatened his family
Their whole game seems to be keeping Trump under attack so he can't move against the deep state as easily, they are scared.
The FBI can read 30000 hillary emails in a day, but it takes months to figure out if Trump phoned Putin and what was said? cmon....
it's all smoke and mirrors
Clinton sold Russia americas uranium
Podestas did lobbying for Russian banks
Some russians bought condos from Trump......

ITT: shills dogpile and respond to each other's shitposts

The shills are out in full force today because of the muslim, immigrant, terrorist attack

> Crew-Sample-04

come on

To make the left happy and shut them up

Seriously, this has been going on since October and they STILL haven't found anything, there can literally be no other explanation

same reason that hillary was found innocent despite mountains of evidence against her

> "True Pundit" kek, a shill for Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller "journalism"
Very Fake News

Hillary Clinton lapdogs.
Who gives a single fuck.

The amount of shills here is staggering. They don't even attempt to be subtle, either.

>fucking libshit go die

Distraction. Muslim Brotherhood spies employed by DNC still employed by DNC.


The real question is why Comey hasn't recused himself. He is under suspicion of wiretapping a presidential candidate for what appears to be no valid investigatory reasons.

Have a gift

>FBI is Hillary Clinton's lapdogs
>after investigating the fuck out of her, then REOPENING the investigation 2 weeks before the election, probably costing her the election.

Because Trump is a cuck



You're not going to get an actual answer to this because this is Sup Forums, where Trump could not possibly do anything wrong and "muh right wing" emotions kicks logic out the window.

>after investigating the fuck out of her.

Please men don't go for that path.

The fbi has an obligation to the american people and they hardly fulfill it.

Not only does american military have been involved in terrorism, kiling of journalists, lap-dancing and prostitution of minors, but also they bombarded an airport and also a hospital. all that so killary can say "I KILL GIDAFFY GUYZZ"

Hillary will never go to jail, after all is a friend of the president of usa.

Mostly not to seem partisan. Investigating doesn't intrensically mean anything.