he is whiter than the average daughter fucker lmao

Are we seriously trying to work out the ethnicitity of a man, by his belly? Is this the world we live in?

you're next, leaf

$100 says it's a T*rk

This is well after the event and clearly some moron who's gone somewhere he wasn't supposed to go

nah here in canada we're not retarded.
We have a good program to know who can and can't come in.
But cucks like you and euro, go kill innocent people in poor places, then invite them in.
Its like I kill your mom and tell you to come live in my house.

BurgerFag and EuroBong you guys are literally stupid.

Looks like they typical stomach size of a burger.

Nonsense. It's just a tanned German.

>>We have a good program to know who can and can't come in.

Trudeau Castro is the cuck king famalam.

I fucking hope so after all the fucking stupid shit erogan has been saying to his roach expats

>pointing gun at man
>finger off the trigger
>only one hand on the gun
>gun not pointed at man

>tanned German

We're seriously living in a country where our own government-funded news sites/papers taunt us by claiming the country will be over 50% non-white by 2036 but cucks claim we have a good immigration policy

They took him alive so we will know soon

ok but why would a mudslime attack the (((Parliament)))? Politicians and shitskins are on the same side.
I think there is an ulterior motive we don't know yet.

>Erdogan says Europeans won't be safe in the streets
>This happens

Definitely a muzzie. The Modus Operandi of using a vehicle to run over pedestrians and ram the gate ans "Coulter's Law" of not revealing the description of the suspect proves it

So far it is confirmed one Jew, one woman, a policeman and a group of French schoolchildren were victims in the attack...

Are muslims actually /ourguys/?

your police hats are cringe
we don't have the pickelaube anymore either

He had already been shot, he aint going anywhere.

Tbh u cant tell by skin color so it could very well be a tanned German, u need to see shit like hair or bone structure to actually tell

He is jewish, digit confirm

Strangely restrictive shoes to wear during a happening

deleting posts to slightly edit them is cringe, besides the hats are a tradition now, sorry you were cucked out of yours.

That is because you are faggots.

Only shitskins wear Clarks

That actually looks pretty white though.

This is the uniform as sir robert peel wanted. I'm sorry your country has no great statesmen you are allowed to honour.


>attacker referred to as asian
>no mugshot of white guy plastered all over MSM
it's been pretty obvious for a while now
>anniversary of brussels attack



wtf they having sex with him?

Current report: Terror nigger killed at least two people.

I like them, better than the boring shit you get in most other countries.


Definitely not white.

>Hallo, wanna destroy Europa togezher?
>Sure do, kuffar!
it was always meant to be

here you go then faggot:

right how did you do that ?

Oh fug!!!!

Also those shoes look too comfy for a terrorist.

shitskin with ashy knees, imagine my shock

>Not checking a terrorist for bombs

Just a slightly tanned man. Probably a jeordie! Probably drumpf with all his fake tan ahahaha!! Europe is fine!!!

fuck white people

>deleting posts to slightly edit them is cringe
had internet problems, so I closed the tab while it went 100%, also the current version is much more polite

Prime BBC there

Paki confirmed

What agency do you work for?

so what will the UK do about the moslem problem now that they're attacking parliament with guns? why do they need to take his pants off?

penis inspection?

literally this.

Canada's politicians are cucked but even they know it's retarted to let in the amount of uneducated muzzies Europe is letting in.

In fact, the only "refugees" here I've seen are full on families who can speak English and have actual career paths. It's bullshit the amount of money the government gives them despite the fact that they probably earn more than most people living here.

Unfair for the sake of diversity, but at least we aren't getting run over and stabbed on a weekly basis

Police in the UK often publicly rape suspects when they catch them as a deterrent

>yfw London is so enriched, britbongs are the statistically least unlikely victims of random attacks

>nah here in canada we're not retarded.

stopped reading there


I can't wait for CNN to turn the saturation to maximum.

Why are you mentioning Muslims? The perpetrator of this attack was a tanned Englishman.


Glad to see he's going to get looked after by the NHS.

fake attack
not real
Sup Forums run by intelligence

Go get a DNA sample then, achmed.

Tell me about the bong police
Why do they wear the ridiculous hat?

>saying this even though far more germans have died in terror attacks by pakis

Strip search for bombs or weapons


It's called heritage you uncultured frog


>he's a darkie

top fukken kek

Makes them stand out

What the fuck you racists, don't call out Islam over this we don't even know the motive yet, it's just a crazy lone wolf tanned Brit.



Thank god for gun control or this shitskin would have wiped out all of europe. Only people who are afraid need firearms. What do europeans have to fear?

come again?

I get off work in 30 minutes

Any American TV stations reporting this live?

I'll try and get an interview in my Trump shirt

me too. people in this country are smug as fuck and eat their own shit

200% non-white

Common mate this attack would almost certainly have been worse if the terrorist had a gun.

why are they declothing that beautiful sweet innocent soul? mah allah strike these western devils down!

yeah because actual Germans still live in Berlin

For sure not white. That is Achmed brand skin.

Aren't your girls getting rotherhammed at their school dances? And the one 30 year old high school basketball player...

It's penis inspection day.

>Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting for violating Global 3 - Garbage Outside of Sup Forums. This block will expire in 6 minutes.

Get fucked, Janitor, my IP is dynamic.

That sig mpx and bravo company vert grip. /k/ as fuck

>Thank god for gun control or this shitskin would have wiped out all of europe

This is the main reason why US gun laws would not work here now . could have 50 years ago but not now

Cucks like you are why I had to leave glorious homeland of Quebec.

Are any US TV Stations reporting this live?

I can go down there in 30 minutes in my Trump shirt and give an interview.

hes not wrong

He's getting ready for his 72 virgins


Range-IP ban on all the Brasil incoming
>Won't be sad desu

HE IS WHITE YOU RACIST PRICKS. Here is an unedited photo.

anglo confirmed

CNN was talking about it until it was revealed he was "religion of peace", they didn't show his skin color, edited a photo then dropped the news story like a sack of potatoes and went to extended commercial.