What's going on, lads? I'm seeing tweets from people in the area saying "multiple people" are lying, dead or injured, outside parliament, and armed police are everywhere.
Stay safe, London /k/omrades.
What's going on, lads? I'm seeing tweets from people in the area saying "multiple people" are lying, dead or injured, outside parliament, and armed police are everywhere.
Stay safe, London /k/omrades.
Mass stabbing by a newly immigrated "software engineer" from Somalia?
But I though assault guns were illegal in the UK?
Religion of peace
News I'm listening to are reporting multiple hits by car maybe a dozen, cop is knife stabbed, 2 suspect shot. Cops everywhere. Parliament on lockdown.
According to Sky live some bloke with a knife got given the good news by old bill, possible shit going down on some bridge.
Probably them turrurists.
>Whut going on?
Why, cultural enrichment, boy!
Good. Fuck Britbongs and their holier than thou
>hurrr we never have gun violence in our country
I was going to write something sarcastic but instead I'll just get a glass and fill it. People are dying and only based Czechs are looking into personal protection. Gods of the Green Card, please pick me and mine, we just want to live free and raise our families in peace.
Friendly Reminder
/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.
Discussions about politics or current events belong on Sup Forums.
News says its a guy with a knife, who got shot by brit police. So far, they didn't mention the guy having a gun
Is it bad that I immediately thought that a guy I worked with - a muslim chef who got fired recently - would end up being the guy responsible?
>claimed to have worked as a getaway driver for a gang, back in Algeria
>constantly going on about how much he hates England
>never responds to you, because he has his headphones in, listening to Islamic preachers on YouTube
>obsesses over how sharp his knives are
>50% of everything he said was how much he hates the Jews, and the British government.
We only worked 5 minutes from here, too.
The attacker ran over a few people, crashed, rushed a policeman then got shot. So far only the attacker is dead.
*facepalms* of course. It's one year on the day since the big attack in France.
Why does the news insist on offering free tactical recon of foreign incidents?
Fuck off
>Stay safe
Choose one m8
wtf are you talking about hippie
was it a shitskin, mpossibly even one of the muhammadan persuasion??
No one knows yet.
>Get a loife
>Bin dat knoife
What the hell are you smoking junkie? This will just be used as political fodder to further deny people across the EU access to firearms. Brussels and Paris were great for the socialist populist parties here. Fuck you.
Never forget that the left will GLADLY give these fucking terrorists control of our countries when they become the majority
"White Flight" was blacks running whites out of cities that they built, and the liberals call whites racist for it.
if the civil war in SA really kicks off, it will be the catalyst for HELTER SKELTER in the EU too. that's why there is a gun grab. while maybe the women EUrocrats really don't get guns there are EUrocrats who know why they are doing what they are doing. there is method to the madness.
>be a peaceful muhammadian
>driving through the enriched streets of Londonistan in my car paid for by my monthly tugboat
>stop at a hardware store to buy a set of kitchen knives for my home
>good thing I remembered my 12 forms of ID, my knife license, and my Afghan passport
>lose control of my car as I drive back across the bridge, and accidentally hit some whiteies
>leap out of the car, knives under my arm, to inspect the damage
>the police turn up
>sprint towards them, trying to remember the English words to explain that it was an accident
>get fucking shot
>as my eyes cloud over, I see a copper lean over me, and pull the kitchenware set out of my hands
>the last sound I hear is his voice in my ear
>"get a loife. bin that knoif."
The cop that was stabbed is now confirmed KIA.
They stopped efforts to save one person, they didn't confirm who
>The cop that was stabbed is now confirmed KIA.
Good. He probably supported the system and enabled it. ACAB.
Well fuck, the 'confirmation' was just recalled. Now it is the attacker who is KIA.
wednesday. Oh wait, no one was decapitated?
maybe you should tell the police about that guy even if it wasnt him
>modern reporting
It's funny, I only tend to visit /k/ every few months. The last two or three times you guys have honestly surprised me a bit with how pants on head retarded some of you have gotten recently. At no point would I ever have expected this thread to be full of sympathetic messages of support for anyone involved in this but fuck me. Some of you guys need to dull those edges or head back to Sup Forums.
Nah. He got caught pissing in a kitchen sink, fired, and last I heard, he went back to his family in Algeria, the other week.
>people get hurt in a terrorist attack
>"g-good. Those dumb anti-gun motherfuckers."
>most of them probably had no strong opinions on guns, and just happened to be born in a country with strict gun control
Tragic isolated incident?
Those sympathetic messages won't help the children of the policemen who lost their fathers and mothers today. We're apathetic, cynical and weary of this bullshit.
At first they said it was a shooting, now they say the cops were doing the shooting as he was stabbing a police officer trying to get inside parliament building.
It'seems not even funny it's just shitty and petty. Especially if you consider the numerous of noguns around here.
>just happened to be born in a country with strict gun control
This applies to me and yet I went out of my way to aquire guns and vote against multiculturalism. If I can do it, so could they have.
No, it was a terrorist from the IRA.
His brownish skin, and hair tones were clear giveaways.
>It's not mohammad's fault he hit those people with his car, it was because his car was made by a capitalist coorporation and was therefor inherrently evil. Poor Mohammad just ended up being the one inside of it
>He stabbed those people in self defence, they were probably raping him with their white supremacy
>The Police officer that shot him should be prosecuted for muder and being a racist statist He was infringing on the right of expression of freedom. He should have known stabbing innocent people is part of the life of a practicing muslim
*Unless the assailant is white then it was planned hate crime by the extreme right
That's beside the point, the clear implication is that we need stricter gun control laws.
I am happy to say that the latest casualty list update is
- 1 dead attacker
- 1 knifed but living cop
- up to a dozen wounded after a car hit them
Obviously the death numbers could climb yet.
Heh. Gallows humour.
Also watch the fact that he was using a knife be used as fuel to promote the gun-grab agenda.
Remember that you don't live in the USA, no matter how much you wish you did. Whathe you have is a hobby - not a right to bear arms. Calm down before somebody steps on your snek.
I pray that the wounded will survive and the horror of this day won't haunt them for the rest of their lives. But there'll be the next attack and the next one after that. We'll have politicians and community leaders sternly condemning the attack while calculating how this will affect their voter base in the next elections, especially in this post-Brexit reality.
Supposedly from today.
My sources say it was a Hindu.
Another pic. Looking for cop pics because of /k/
There has been undermining attemps for month by Sup Forums now, mostly using the middle east thread as a bridgehead, overly it is a bit uncanny how often you get a bunch of 3-5 posters magically poping up when you critize some Sup Forums behaviour or opinions, while at other times there is literally just the butthurt of the guy making it. It simply doesnt feel very natural and the autistic screeching of the "random" guys poping up when you mention it, doesnt make it a bit better, for ultimate butthurt mention them something about meeting in IRC or something, the reaction almost ever is like you hit a nerve.
Cops are enablers of ZOG.
If they happened to get killed by their pet mudslimes and nigs, it is of their own doing.
One more. Must be a warm March in London. I take it these are the SWAT guys.
>obsesses over how sharp his knives are
Yeah that's pretty normal for cooks though. My brother did it too. Gotta keep your tools in good shape.
thank God it wasn't guns though!
I was about 0 at dawn this morning, but Londongs is probably hotter. It's certainly more polluted and disgusting.
Those guys are probably subscribed to the "be bold, start cold" dress state, probably got some deadbird jackets in their van.
SWAT equivalent would be CO19 for London.
These guys are CTSFO - specialist anti-terror.
I know right, it was just one of those banned knifes.
Oh, for sure. I know it wasn't him, but he always had a kinda negative air around him. I think it was more of an OCD thing with the guy I used to work with - dude wasn't 100% all there.
I remember a time when cops' MP5s looked like space-age weaponry. Now, if I see a copper with one, I immediately feel bad for him not being part of the units adopting AR15s.
when do you think the brits will start banning cars? You know they totally will if enough ramming incidents happen
They are reporting 1 dead female civilian from the car attack now. Still 10-12 wounded, of whom several are in critical condition.
I hope you get culturally enriched by Somalian software technicians, you pinko fuck.
Fag. Shut up.
London police have tacticool ARs
Bullshit he did, unless he was officially deported, he's probably holed up at a Mosque collecting welfare.
Well of course if you go around screaming "get back to Sup Forums" to every poster on /k/ regardless of content then people will get fed up and talk back
We try to keep them out of white neighborhoods and their violence and drugs confined to their ghettos. But of course junkies and retards will go in there willingly to buy drugs, pick up whores, etc.
But of course you're right. I forgot the course in the academy about the vast jewish conspiracy and the oaths we took to uphold it. You really have broken the conditioning. Great work anons.
Wow /k/
Having better politics threads than Sup Forums
Fuck this trashy board. I want good mods
>all these ayys
Why is everyone in this thread an ayylmao?
Theres a lot of board overlap tbqh. The less shitty Sup Forums users (and some of the shitty ones to be fair) come on /k/ and vice versa.
Im keking right now xD
whats wit these ayylemaos
>being this new
It's a thread that was moved from another board.
I for one welcome our new /k/ ayy lmao friends
4 hours before:
>Europeans across the world will not be able to walk the streets safely if they keep up their current attitude towards Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned.
Dat timing...
Praise Kek
Welcome /k/
UK needs to BAN GUNS NOW
Thread was originally posted in /k/. When it was moved over here they had to add a flag.
Source=I'm not a fucking newfag.
>seriously dickfaces, lurk until someone else asks
I wish they wouldn't do this crap. Keep these people away from Sup Forums and Sup Forums will stay away from these people.
ayyyy lmaos got firearms, everyone hit the deck
lol idk if you realize this new friend, but many people browse multiple boards.
They were talking politics related shit on a board about guns, not politics.
Mods were just doing their jobs
>for free
Lurkmoar faggot
Because this thread was transferred from /k/ to Sup Forums
Thread got moved for /k/
same here
what was this
Appparently they were playing this when running people over:
pls someone tell me how we (UK) benefits from west-asian migration
also, where's the flags gone?
There is only one (((group))) the benefits
Why can't I fucking post? Mods didn't move this shit, they killed it.
i think that shit contributes to people being fed up
Two confirmed dead now.
>pavement driver
>invader of parliament with knife
>dead people and injured everywhere
"the motive remains unclear"
wtf, you PC fuckwit. Just say Islam, you fucking cuck!! SAY IT, you coward!!