Karma strikes again, guys!
Only if he dies in an attack
London proved him wrong? is he retarded? They are doing the opposite of what Trump "wants". If anything it proves him right, do this people even use their brains?
You need to realize 100% of what liberals type is reflective of their own inwards subconscious.
Just read this again, but this time with the liberal in place.
>My ignorant views of Islam could make both our countries less safe. It risks alienating mainstream Muslims. London has proved me wrong
It can literally be applied to any statement in which I firmly believe should be labeled some sort of scientific method.
>Not so fast Sukdik.
didnt he also say terrorism just comes with living in a city?
can someone edit this and JUST FUCK HIS WHOLE SHIT UP
>if we offend muslims they might become violent
>but terrorism has nothing to do with islam
Terrorist was mad about Trump's muslim ban. Trump's rhetoric turns peaceful muslims into terrorists.
Go brush your teeth before trying to sound smart.
Don't you think he has a point?
As an example, I could espouse a right wing belief and someone could call me a Nazi. From there, I could proceed down two avenues of thinking.
>Whelp, that guy's wrong, I'm no Nazi.
>Whelp, perhaps he's right, and I am a Nazi, but I'm not a bad guy so perhaps the nazis weren't so bad either.
Best case scenario, nothing happens, worst case, you just made a nazi. Same thinking would go for muslims/terrorists as it would right wingers/nazis.
Time to organize a good old-fashioned lynch mob, britbongs
Fuck Trump. It's because of idiots like him that secular Muslims like me are subject to prejudice.
I just told my mom today that the London mayor is Muslim, and she doesn't believe me. Kek
Then I went back into the basement to play more Skyrim, and not even ashamed of it, niggers.
So you're saying that the view that islam breeds terrorism (which it does) will make the so-called moderate muslims (which don't really exist) decide that since they're being called terrorists (they're not being called terrorists as a whole though) that they'll either ignore it or start sympathizing with terrorists?
Hmm, that guy called me a name - maybe these dudes cutting of the heads of children really aren't so bad after all? Fuck off.
Don't you have halal noodles to make Hamad?
If your ideology wasn't violent, sexist and incompatible with western values nobody would have a problem with you.
nice bait
>negative views of Islam might make Muslims kill civilians
So Muslims expect capitulation and if they don't get their way, it's "criticism".
Fuck you, too, Sunshine.
Sure thanks for the psychoanalysis doc
No, you're subject of prejudice because of what Muslims do not because of Trump.
Link to tweet
I don't see it
Fuck off Trudeau. Your backward logic made the West to import mudslimes.
>is he retarded?
>do this people even use their brains?
They are using magnets to make people tolerant!
I thought that was the French PM
Eat some fish and chips, mayor of Muslim faggot.
Trump is about to squeeze the shit out of your pussy!!
>London has proved him wrong
>Islamic terror attacks are just part of living in a big city.
Fucking pottery.
The thing is, Trump's not calling Muslims terrorists, that's an enormous strawman from the left.
What he's actually doing is calling terrorism what it is: radical Islamic, jihad, what have you. He's being completely factual about it instead of trying to tiptoe around the issue. Ironically when you refuse to call it what it is, people aren't hearing that distinction between terrorism and the rest of Islam. They're missing the "radical" and "jihad" part of the message, thus islamophobia and it's repercussions increase.
Obama made Western-Islamic relations worse by refusing to distinguish Islamic terrorism as radical.
>secular Muslims
You mean heretics. Muslim heretics are fine but thay arn't really following what is in the Qur'an. How much reading of the Qur'an have you done? Your book is what gives you a bad name.
>secular Muslims
What the fuck does that even mean?
Responding to verbal criticism or slander with violence or terrorist acts is how an immoral person reacts to those things. These people are in control of their actions, trump being mean doesn't warrant them killing innocents.
If Muslims aren't waging jihad/dawaa then they aren't following the teaching of Muhammed and aren't real Muslims.
Life hack
>mainstream Muslims
Same shit as the extremists.
Its so sad, because in western countries Muslims never have any prejudice towards anyone.
If I were to go to the Middle East, there would be no prejudice against me at all.
Amazing how this cunt still is mayor of London and can freely move around without getting rekt.
London is the concentrated hub of peace on Britain
Did someone tweet at him that he is a fucking retard?
Nazi's were National Socialists, not right wingers. Read a fucking history book you leaf.
>Best case scenario, nothing happens, worst case, you just made a nazi. Same thinking would go for muslims/terrorists as it would right wingers/nazis.
The problem is that all mohammedans are already problems, and they unsurprisingly go from radicals to militants just fine on their own.
EU is collapsing at the rate of knots.
We will never respect you. You might as well go full Muslim because we will NEVER accept you
fuck muslims and fuck islam
We need to mash these together.
I wonder if the left realizes that this point of view of "Muslims become violent because people criticize islam" makes all muslims look like an unhinged group of people willing to indulge in psychotic behavior at the slightest chance of provocation.
If the nazis had control of modern day Germany, i see no problem with banning immigrants from there on that reason alone
Was this part of his plan?
>Islamic terror is just a part of city life, infidel!
>meanwhile, Poland...
>London has proved him wrong.
Is that even proper English? Shouldn't it be proven?
so when is this terrorist sympathizer forced to resign in disgrace?
Yes, it's Trump. Not the 450+ Islamic terror attacks so far this year, that couldn't possibly be it.
london may be saved but it is close to falling, 13% muslims officialy but closer to 30% in real terms including those without citzenship, asylum, illegal, holiday and business visa overstays and european muslims nobody monitors and natural growth in the ghettos.
Unless an external force exerts itself London is lost due to non muslim voter apathy.
You have to go back nigger.
Top kek
You're doing God's work user.
Not really but here's this
>Leftists claim that white males are dangerous and commit more mass shootings than muslims
>this doesn't stop them from accusing white males of being the cause of all the world's problems
Why are they such hypocrites pol? Does this mean I have an excuse to run over an entire crowd of people? I'm feeling marginalized so my violence is justified, right?
This is the best one
i gotchu famalamadingdong
got gif aswell
There is always room for you by Jesus
talking about Karma
>praise KEK
Can't wait for this goat fucker to blame Trump for Achmed's terrorist activity.
>He was a good boy.
>He was about to get his life together.
>He was going to mosque 3 days a week.
>then Trump hurt his feelings so he murdered British citizens.
>Bad Trump.
what the Sup Forums emergency plan too?
creates new memes?
Muslim here, with a message for all the cumskins on this board:
It was you who divided up the land.
It was you who put in the puppet governments.
It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.
It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.
It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.
It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.
It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.
It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.
It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.
It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.
It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.
It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.
It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.
It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.
It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.
It was jouz who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.
You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad.
fuck drump and fuck whitey
Such a brave girl. She really activates my almonds.
Nice proxy mate. Everyone knows Pakis can't into internet. You are talking like a California liberal, and expect me to believe that you are a native pakistani in pakistan.
The original is hot.
Especially cause it looks like the bus crushed her body.
>if any terror attack happens it's Trump's fault
Hmmm neat precedent
you know who you are mentally? you are talking like all the criminals in jail. It never was them, it was always somebody else causing them to do it.
That's how Muslims and Arabs think argue. It's always somebody else made them cut that head off.
You get prejudice because you are visually identified as the member of a group whose certain members deserve prejudice.
You talk like a nigger that complains that white people go to the other side of the street when they walk past him. Completely ignorant to what life experience that white person had.
100% if what anyone says is reflective of their own subconscious