Why is Sup Forums so desperate for a racewar?
Why is Sup Forums so desperate for a racewar?
It would be really funny and generally a good time
Whiteys would win.
sometimes the only way to really fix things are when in a crisis
never let a tragedy go to waste
Because we know who would win
Cause they know they're too autistic and physically out of shape to get drafted.
because they want to kill you nigger
Sup Forums is a board of peace and underwater horse polo
If the race war don't break out, we're done for.
Only an ethnic conflict could bring us together.
If not, we will die out over a couple of hundred years due to race mixing and low birth rates.
If you race mix then you don't die out, you simply are subsumed into a greater whole.
I want to kill subhumans.
White people? The minority?
If all muslims are ticking time bombs who can't wait to murder every white person and all the jews hate everyone who isn't a jew and the blacks are barely containable sources of murder
The status of things now is what it is, you want 'LOL MUH RACEWAR'?
I'm bored, basically.
The world has forgotten.
Because it will finally objectively prove once and for all that whites are the master race, no more "WE WUZ KANGZ" or "everyone is equal" bullshit. Also, it will get rid of subhumans like niggers, towelheads and spics so we won't have to waste any more of our taxpayer money on them.
>racewar starts
>people start warring in the streets
>police step on witht he help of the national guard and multiple "coexistance" organisations
>the fighting stops within a matter of days
>all the retards are dead in the streets
The world becomes a better place after all the "kill all minorities!"
"die whitey"
I can live with that.
idiots are gone.
You live in sweden.
you live in one of the countries where whites would lose the fight so badly it could be considered genocide.
you're outnumbered 10 to 1 out there, but yea sure, racewar now.
Because The Turner Diaries is a fucking hilarious book.
Call it what you want.
I'm just telling the truth.
anyone that says niggers sandniggers spics or "die whitey, muh, or cis" is an idiot, and life would be better without them.
The flood cometh. The coming European civil wars will make Syria look like a dress rehearsal.
Give a crack at any world history textbook ever published in the history of time.
Whitey would win.
>racist white people vs everyone else (including other white people)
woow dude you're like really above us all. what a intellectual gentlemen you are.
Do you really doubt us?
>Because it will finally objectively prove once and for all that whites are the master race
Doesn't this sound a little bit like Hitler's rhetoric before he got his shit kicked in?
No one looks down on you because you're white, user... loads of people love pale skin.
Should I count all the cases of white people killing white people?
Should we factor in that not all white people are going to fight non-whites?
Should we talk about Vietnam?
I mean keep jerking off to your pathetic childish fantasies of racial genocide dude. Keep telling yourself that you're not the real problem.
Real life isn't a Sup Forums meme. We're not outnumbered at all. Only about 14% of the population come from another country and half of them are from Finland. The biggest problem in Sweden isn't the Muslims, it's the cucked Swedes who don't do anything about them and let them get away with anything in the name of multiculturalism.
here's your (you) happy?
>Should I count all the cases of white people killing white people?
>Should we factor in that not all white people are going to fight non-whites?
>Should we talk about Vietnam?
Should? You can.
>I mean keep jerking off to your pathetic childish fantasies of racial genocide dude.
Alright :)
>Keep telling yourself that you're not the real problem.
Yeah, you will be thrown into an internment camp, nigger. Just keeping it real.
Whitey would win.
But why is it so important that you beat nonwhites at all? Why can't you just try and be tolerant?
>automatically assuming I'm black because I disagree with you
>Why can't you just try and be tolerant?
You don't have to be black to be a nigger, nigger.
But Hitler was against Europeans, this time it is Europeans vs the world and your kind will be taken the fuck out. Any based non-Whites can remain in their homelands soundly.
>another ungrateful non-White
Maybe this time when it kicks off you won't have Hank holding your hand and you will have to fend for yourself and even cucked Whites will find their primal urge to fight come back. That is when you will lose.
I understand your arrogance because you're a pampered little bitch, but we Whites know ourselves better than anyone.
This. Once the food and electricity are no longer there and the gibs are gone, it's over.
You're right, let me explain that better.
When I say you're outnumbered 10 to 1, I mean the number of people that would join you vs the number of people that would want to stop you.
about 5% of your population, plus the cucks (we'll say another 5 percent)
plus the police and your own military who will most definitely be against you (another 15% or so? thats 25% of your nation against you vs... how many do you honestly think would support a race war?
and this is before the average person sees the carnage and learned what its about. because I feel like the average human would side with whatever side wants to stop the fighting. (which isn't your side.)
so statement stands, you're outnumbered 10:1
I am not sure if I should respond to a Brit, because frankly it's difficult to tell whether ethnic Britons are actually white?
I don't speak for everyone but in my case i don't even need to win i just want to be one of those who slammed the door on their way out of the race towards the abyss.
Pic related
>Why can't you just try and be tolerant?
We already tried that (and still are) and it failed miserably (and still is).
Perhaps it is just your living conditions which are making you miserable, rather than the inconsistent skincolor of the people around you?
Kill yourselves
Edgy stuff my nazi friend. Make sure you wear your ss uniform if the race war ever comes. Gotta know whos on which team and all
Nu, read a history book! Everyone wants to kill the muslims and the blacks REEEEEEE
LOL no. Why? I don't want to. Why should I?
Go fuck yourself, nigger.
If you're going against the world's three most powerful nations at once, then no shit you're going to lose. It has nothing to do with being weak, you can be the strongest man in the world, but you'll still get your ass kicked if 50 people all unite and attack you at the same time. Germany would have won if it was one-on-one. Besides, Hitler fought and lost to other white people so your argument makes no sense.
>No one looks down on you because you're white, user... loads of people love pale skin.
Tell that to the SJW feminists who hate and want to kill me for being a white heterosexual cis privileged male.
LOL desu because you should you fucking mudslime desu
If you think the result of inaction is going to be dogshit why would you want to remain inactive?
I want a religious war,
I want to war with Muslims
Everything you said about the nazis can be applied to today's nazis equally as well if not moreso. Because now you are not only dealing with the other half of the white race, but the vast majority of humanity.
>Tell that to the SJW feminists who hate and want to kill me for being a white heterosexual cis privileged male.
calm down pajeet, we wouldn't even be even to tell you and them apart half the time.
because I'm tired of all the innocent men, women and children who've already died in vain over some mudslime's sexual emergency.
We'll be wearing saffron
>a greater whole
To see your country crash and burn only to be reborn from the ashes.
No, I live in an upper class neighborhood, so my living conditions can't get much better. In fact, no Muslim lives anywhere near me because it's too expensive, or affects me directly aside from the fact that I have to pay a few kronor extra each month for his welfare. What I'm angry about is how they're ruining the lives of people who aren't as lucky as me. The people who can't get a doctor's appointment because refugees took all the times, the people who are forced to live in warehouses or become homeless because they can't find a place to live in due to the housing crisis immigrants caused, the women and children who live in shitty neighborhoods like Bredäng or Vårby gång and live under a constant fear of rape or getting killing because of the Muslims living there. It has nothing to do with skin color, I don't give a fuck if you're brown, yellow, blue or green, what I care about is if you're ruining people's lives or not.
Detroit doesn't count.
Whites would win is my best guess
I dont want a race war but I assume thats why a large portion of Sup Forums does
Well obviously to have a race war, you must first have your own race be on your side. That's the basic assumption. I never said Sweden would be willing to start a race war, but if it did, it wouldn't have any problem getting the undesirables out of our country whatsoever since they're only about 5% of the population. The only thing stopping us is ourselves.
>why is Sup Forums one person?
These dumb shits on Sup Forums don't get that most blacks that live among whites have adopted white culture, including Christianity.
This shit just isn't happening.
lmao white bois think they can beat us black men..... while you sit on an image borad being a racist virgin loser we fuck your women with our 12 inch bbc and make beautiful mixed babies. stay mad white bois :)
Because we know we'll win.
You're white.
Shit. Meant to say Vårby gård. Sorry.
Just because they look different than you doesn't mean they're inferior. Have you ever considered that maybe the reason some blacks blame white people for everything is because they think you look weird?
Wow, that's really poetic. But what about the millions of Muslims whose lives have been ruined by Western imperialism?
You have a mismatch between "us" and "Sweden." To be more clear, you speak for your race, even though you yourself admit your race does not entirely agree with you.
>A bunch of pussies hunched up posting on Sup Forums all day will win against an entire race and a significant portion of white people
Tell me again how the left is delusional.
It's the only way to bring light to facts when liberals plug their ears
virgin neets with nothing to do
I'd also be in for a religious war.
A religious war to end all religions.
>Wow, that's really poetic. But what about the millions of Muslims whose lives have been ruined by Western imperialism?
What about them? They're not my concern, responsibility or my problem. I care about Sweden's problems because I live here, I don't live in the Middle East (although sometimes it's hard to tell). Sweden isn't responsible for any of the shit in the Middle East, so why is it okay for us to suffer just because some other people somewhere else in the world have it bad? That makes no sense.
>You have a mismatch between "us" and "Sweden." To be more clear, you speak for your race, even though you yourself admit your race does not entirely agree with you.
What difference does it make? If all Swedes got red-pilled and started chucking refugees out, we'd still be able to do so even if other white nations disagreed with us.
Listen up bitch, if the day the race war comes the white non racists are with us or used as chemical warfare tools against ghetto niggers.
children of peace don't know war
just let the collectivists kill eachother no matter if they are left or right
We just want to die in an epic manner, having done something for our people.
Hey - it's win or die if you're white. Might as well die winning.
>Sweden isn't responsible for any of the shit in the Middle East, so why is it okay for us to suffer just because some other people somewhere else in the world have it bad?
Well, because Europe is one of the largest beneficiaries of international trade on the planet. Why is it their responsibility to feed and clothe you?
Not to mention, I'm pretty sure by "Sweden" you really mean "the white race", specifically, "the American MIC", which is in fact responsible for what happens in the Middle East. Unless you really want to live in autarky... I just don't think Sweden has that much material wealth...
>What difference does it make? If all Swedes got red-pilled and started chucking refugees out, we'd still be able to do so even if other white nations disagreed with us.
If it really is about just Sweden and not the white race, why are you here talking about it in English?
Are you sure starting a war is the best way to ensure your longevity?
Hahaha amazing, i love you man.
Because the majority of Sup Forums are either NEETs, unemployed or soon to be unemployed due to automation cucks. Sup Forums are basically people that are obsolete to society
The only thing they really have left in life is their nationality and race which they cling on to and thus fall for populist slogans and initiatives such as brexit or the whole of trump's campaign.
Yep, you really have Sup Forums nailed
Calm down Eugene
because barbarians think violence is always the answer.
Don't you have an appointment to go be stabbed to attend?
You know how many white people have the ability and weaponry to pick off niggers 100yards away with ease while they flap their gums about how they run dis sheit with their pants down waving around their pathetic nigger 9 hi-point. If 0.1% of white men decided to do it it would be more of a comedy show than a race war.
Because blacks and latinos are the most unintelligent species on the earth and wwhites breeding with them endangers our survival.
The blacks and latinos can't clear a test and then take to NYT to whine about it .
>About 28,000 students took the multiple-choice test required for admission, and 5,078 did well enough to secure a place.
This system, while it might seem meritocratic, in fact leads to a shocking inequity. Even though black and Latino students make up nearly 70 percent of public high school students in the city, they routinely represent only 10 percent of those offered admission to the specialized high schools. This year the city offered admission to only 524 black and Latino students.
>The numbers are even lower at some of the most desired schools, such as Stuyvesant, which has space for nearly 1,000 freshmen and offered admission to only 13 black students.
MASSIVE butthurt over pic related
For some Sup Forumsacks get extremely mad when they see white women with black men, even though they would proably never met these women, they still get mad. It's pretty pathetic honestly, makes them look like betas that can't get laid so they blame niggers for their lack of love life.
Woah. You got us
>Well, because Europe is one of the largest beneficiaries of international trade on the planet. Why is it their responsibility to feed and clothe you?
It's not their responsibility, when did I ever say that? And no one feeds and clothes me, I pay for food and clothes with the money that I've earned myself. Again, Europe isn't Sweden. How are Swedish citizens responsible for something France or Germany decides to do?
>Not to mention, I'm pretty sure by "Sweden" you really mean "the white race", specifically, "the American MIC", which is in fact responsible for what happens in the Middle East. Unless you really want to live in autarky... I just don't think Sweden has that much material wealth...
So the entire white race is responsible and deserves to get fucked by Muslims because the US fucked up the Middle East?
>If it really is about just Sweden and not the white race, why are you here talking about it in English?
I didn't come here to talk about Sweden's problems. I just answered OP's question and then other anons brought up Sweden and asked why I care about Muslims so much. And it's not just Sweden, the entire white race has the same problems that Sweden does, that's not the point, the question was why do average Swedish citizens deserve to suffer because some other white countries fucked up the Middle East.
>Because it will finally objectively prove once and for all that whites are the master race, no more "WE WUZ KANGZ" or "everyone is equal" bullshit. Also, it will get rid of subhumans like niggers, towelheads and spics so we won't have to waste any more of our taxpayer money on them.
This is what you said above. Sweden was not mentioned.
>I pay for food and clothes with the money that I've earned myself
An opportunity unfairly given to you because of white supremacism. Or should I say, an opportunity unfairly taken away from billions of nonwhites because of white supremacism.
>So the entire white race is responsible and deserves to get fucked by Muslims because the US fucked up the Middle East?
Well... since you materially benefit from the US fucking up the Middle East, the least you can do is show some charity for the victims. After all, it's not like the horrific traumas you are going through in Sweden are anything compared to the suffering of Middle Easterners to maintain the white supremacist world order.
You seem to display a curiously expanded sympathy for hundreds of millions of people you have never met, simply because they share your genes, and a deep antipathy towards billions of people you have never met, because they do not share your genes. Have you ever considered that this may be an irrational, harmful line of thought?
Yes, because not wanting your country and people to be destroyed is "clinging on to nationality and race". Are you actually retarded? I guess soldiers fighting off invasions are NEET losers obsessed with nationality too then by your logic.
this honestly
>implying that 1billion white wouldnt completely destroy the planet with ease
Poor little nigger you
you believe that all posters are mainly neets. the silenct majority of them are overwhelming software engineers. there were recent polls about it.
Because I dream about humanity among the stars.
We will either survive for the next 100 years and get flooded by black waves or we will get rid of petty morality and rightfully lead worthy to the stars.
But who am I kidding? There will be no war. No screams.
Only wisphers and my tears. Humanity is doomed and I weep for everything that could have happened but won't happen.