>Go to campus
>see this
This is getting ridiculous
>Go to campus
>see this
This is getting ridiculous
Forgive me for my phone faggotry
>Falling for irl bait
Idk man. It's surrounded by other flyers saying stop profiling Muslims and such. Fucking why is my Organic Chem recitation in the social justice building?
to think with memetics you no longer need to ever see the SJWs to trigger them.
how beautiful.
The flyer has a phone number. Text Pepes please.
>traps are gay
based Jesus
I have over 1500 pepes on my phone, they do not wish to anger me.
my phone never seems photos right but I'll try
Can we get a basic gestalt of some of your pepes 9
>Pepe is now symbol for alt right
>Alt right is political
>posting Pepe's is now on topic for pol
What a time to be alive.
liberals hate frogs now?
The pepe will become a weapon and will appear like an invasive species at places where the enemy notices it the most. Should i upload my whole collection to pol tonight and we kick start the irl shitposting?
ohiostate crybabies
This is at OSU isn't it.
And just think about this; they pay 50k a semester and their grammar skills are worse than a high schoolers.
Holy Shit! .Zip please?
>not .rar
fucking deutschfags
They forgot the closing quotation mark.
In the words of Chancellor Palpatine....
...so they're saying that traps aren't gay or what
>americans get lifelong debt to pay for this
Yeah, this is at OSU. I live within bus distance of the campus.
I know what I must do now.
I recognize that gay meme!
Indeed, University Hall
I'm thinking of some sort of Pepe activity for OSU, maybe just running around campus with a Pepe mask on.
does Sup Forums have like a 2 day memory? This shit happened at the beginning of the month, FOH with that shit.
Your collection will be worth more if it all was saved on a computer.
These people are fucking nuts.
Let me guess, this covers both MtF and FtM trannies, for some reason. Feminism has imploded.
>Jewish Voice for Peace
How is Sup Forums ALWAYS right? It's uncanny!
Do it.
Messenger is hot chick, to the left is filthy anime kys fag leaf
>Dear Diary, today op was less of a fag than usual.
Is the Short North still a hive of degeneracy? I graduated in 07 and haven't been back to CBUS since I left in 2011.
>nothing to defend the campus community from bigots
It's not the "bigots" that are violently attacking anyone with a different opinion!
Okay so I'm just gonna walk around campus on Friday with a Pepe flag flying high with me. Any risk of lawbreaking with that or could I just do the whole "muh protest" bs they do?