Can somebody in an anglo country (mainly Canada or UK) tell me how much your healthcare costs per payment?
Do you pay it via a tax from every check?
Do people that make more pay more?
Enlighten me pls, no bully
Can somebody in an anglo country (mainly Canada or UK) tell me how much your healthcare costs per payment?
Do you pay it via a tax from every check?
Do people that make more pay more?
Enlighten me pls, no bully
I grew up as
>a fucking leaf
and when I got sick I just went to a hospital and then they treated me and then some magic socialized money-fairy's flew down and paid the bill.
Adopt socialism, goy!
Bump need info
I'm just wondering that in my tax bracket would it cost me more or less than what I currently pay to insurance companies
>get sick
>go to clinic
>get treatment
Really is that simple, but yeah we pay high taxes for it.
Yeah but is it more than I pay a private company?
why are you here when you can easily look this information up you stupid fuck
healthcare is taken federal general revenue.
that means its payed out of your income tax but you dont see how much specifically goes to healthcare.
when you go to the doctor or hospital everything is "free".
But I make 70k a year and pay 30% income tax, which is quite a bit.
we have much lower costs per capita than the USA.
the reasons for it are complicated, some of it might be due to america spends more on research and innovation. and you have a fat fuck unhealthy population. but some of it is also probably due to how convoluted and fucked up your system is (single payer is much more efficient)
>coming to Sup Forums for international taxation and personal finance advice
Sort yourself out, user
Taxes are minimal, it's essentially free.
It's easier to ask fellow autists than try to read some grad students dissertation
It would depend on your income.
Though, Canada actually has lower tax rates than the U.S.
That being said, unless you're too rich to be posting on Sup Forums, it's almost certainly less. If you actually get treatment, it's definitely way way less.
Insurance salesman pls I said no bully
Then why am I paying a private company every pay and then they end up making me pay a deductible if I need to use what I've been paying for?
I'm starting to see the light of socialized medicine
Not too familiar with it, i dont go to the doctor that much, but its $112 per month atleast in my province and free if you're poor as shit. It covers basic checkups and helps subsidize non emergency shit and surgeries. Extremely shitty, imo.
It ends up being 8-10% of my wage every week for me, for reference I make a negligible amount over minimum wage.
>Pay 30 percent income tax and 15 percent sales tax
>Hospital visits, stays and surgeries are free, the ambulance is run by a non profit and will passive aggressively ask for a donation. There are waiting lists for non essential surgeries eg hip replacements, you can still get insurance and go private.
>Doctor is like $35 per visit, cheaper if you have a community services card (If you're poor or crippled or have too many kids) Doctor visits are free for children now.
>Dentist is free for children (under 18) everyone alse pays
>Medication is $5 per script, if your medicines are funded by the system, which most but not all are.
Why do you even care?
>stomach hurts
>go to clinic
>tell me they don't know what's wrong
>make an appointment 6 months
>stomach still hurts
>appointment to do surgery 5 months to look around
>don't find anything
>stomach still hurts
doesnt sound too bad desu.
Sorry I forgot you when mentioning anglos
That's actually fairly common here too.
>hey let's make a bunch of pointless appointments to try to figure this out cause the doctor wants that $$$$
>six months later they shrug you off to a specialist who will just tell you that they don't know and you'll just have to live with chronic pain
Naw you literally have to wait months to get a CAT scan it or an MRI in England or Canada