Why doesn't the United States just take over the whole world?
Burger World domination
I'd rather not deal with shitskins any more than I absolutely have to. Isolationism is the way to go.
Then you would have to actually govern the whole world. And that would be hard. So instead, you simply open McDonalds and WalMart all over the whole world.
Because it can't nor would the public support such an action in your own country. Not only would you be fighting every army on Earth in a unified state you'd be fighting the entirety of their populations including those from within your own country. Hubris has been the fall of many nations.
because you can't you fatass you couldn't even beat fucking Vietnam
We don't want to be a country of savages.
Couldn't even take over Cuba let alone the whole world lmao.
Because most of the world is shit.
tfw part of you wants to be isolationist, but the other part wants to engage in total war on the whole of Europe to rid them of all of their leftists, the EU, all of their jews, all of their Africans, and all of their Muslims.
You're too expensive to maintain. Better to leave you to perish in your commie shitholes.
You pretty much already have
Because it's impossible to manage such a large land mass and population. It's best to keep the state small.
Americans got BTFO in every war where they didn't have other doing most of job
yes we could. Vietnam had no objective, there was no end game when we went there. So what happened was we went in, destroyed their whole country, burned it to the ground, and left.
it wasn't really an invasion, we werent trying to secure any areas, we were just there to kill people
you're trying, you're losing
It's the Jews stupid.
9/11 was an inside JEWISH job - a pretext to go to war and destabilize Israel's neighbors. It's all for the establishment of 'Greater Israel' and the Jew World Order.
Because ruskies have satan 2 nukes
Why would you even want to take over the world?
Just chill, trade and live happy lives, Explore space
Because the world is already owned by those who have no loyalty to a nation.
We already did.
The English and Romans both proved it's more trouble than it's worth and everyone always would rather shit on you than thank you for the good you did.
US is huge, we have all the resources we ever need, we have every climate except rain forest.
We don't need other places
Vietnamese people love Americans now so I'd say we won. Plus I get to eat delicious Viet food
Trump is a Puppet for the Jewish Elite
Donald Trump on Israeli Relations
cause they cant even bomb yugoslavia without losing a $100mil+ """stealth""" jet
what chances do they have against countries as advanced as them, instead of some 2nd worlders using 20year old unguided Russian rockets and mathematical equations
Beat the NVC is 8 months flat
That's because we just armed Cubans instead of doing it ourselves
>m-muh K/D ratio
friendly reminder Soviets did better in Afghanistan against a far tougher opponent
>Implying a foreman who instructs brutes doesn't increase their efficiency
The toliets and that dress are french designs.
why are jews so obsessed with the cradle? that entire region highlighted in the map should be turned into a museum.
Because nukes and m.a.d.
Damnit, we can't keep you OUT if everything is IN
You couldn't even take over Vietnam or keep Iraq under control.
JEWS have always banded together as a tribe, infiltrated governments, monopolized financial systems of nations, instigated wars, and intentionally created chaos in societies. The Jews have mass murdered hundreds of millions of non-Jews over the centuries but they've seized control of the media so you'll never find out.
That's a joke of a statement.
The SAS is the best!!
Aside from Russia, China, Iran and few other countries they literally already have
holy shit
Far tougher opponent...
Compare the Vietnam landscape to Afghanistan
Those were not full scale wars. They were conflicts. No country on this planet would win a full on war with the US.
We would bomb your entire country for 3 months or more before we even sent in forces to conquer your weak and dying country.
>tfw America rule the world and Russia rule America
Could Sweden even mount a military operation in the 20th century?
The only solution is worldwide simultaneous removal of Jewry from our banks, governments, news media, entertainment, etc.
Did you vikings save most of the world in WW2? No, then talk when you have. LOL you guys end up being neutral everywhere.
Mutual assured destruction keeps the fatties at bay.
Hahaha, assfuck , except the Spetznaz all Soviet forces got their asses handed to them in Afghanistan.
The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem
By Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company
"The International Jew" by auto magnate Henry Ford, is comprised of newspaper articles printed in 'The Dearborn Independent" during the 1920's.
At the apex of his business career Henry Ford sensed that a terrific effort was being made to take his business from him and manipulate it into the hands of the money-changers. Henry Ford, who had the impression that these manipulators were being engineered by powerful Jewish financiers, called to his office the most intelligent research men within his acquaintance. He commissioned them to make a thorough study of the International Jew and publish their findings in "The Dearborn Independent," which at that time was the official organ of the Ford Motor Company. No expense was spared, and it is estimated that literally millions of dollars were spent by Mr. Ford on this project.
The original articles were carried first in "The Dearborn Independent," and then published in book form. This book, "The International Jew," provides a hard-hitting, easy-to-read introduction to what the renowned American automaker and industrialist called "the world's foremost problem." This influential and much-discussed collection of essays, packed with facts and insights, is an eye-opening survey of the enduringly vexing "Jewish question."
- - - -
Henry Ford's Resistance to Jewish Power
Defending your country is sexist and racist.
Guess who rules you?
We basically already have user. We have bases all over the world. JSOC is also kicking in doors and murdering people all over the world. Also all the bombs.
because it has already.
it might not seem like it from within the US, since it's so culturally isolated, and your taxes basically all go abroad, and not toward domestic social well being.
showing up late and sending soldiers into fortified strongholds to die isn't winning also don't forget that it was a soviet flag hanging over the reichstag
JSOC is awesome, go Delta Force and DEVGRU!!
A World War 2 era cartoon from Lustige Blätter, a weekly German magazine...
Jewish tentacles around China, Russia, England, and the United States
nobody wants your degeneracy tbqh
Concentrate on Europe - get fucked in Asia.
Concentrate on Asia - get fucked in Europe.
I mean you've failed to take over Vietnam, Cuba, Korea, Afghanistan and Iraq.
So maybe try walking before you can run
Because you suck at winning wars.
LOL, we bailed you out after the 2nd world war , remember? Even your former colonies don't respect you anymore.
>Couldn't even take Cuba
>Soviet Union
1. Read about the fucking bay of pigs JFK wouldn't send air support
2. The soviet union is destroyed because of us
3. Our military is far larger than any other in any time in history
Stop cuck posting
>not available in your country
You're basically in denial of the US military dominance. Ito almost impossible to fully occupy a country when the civilian population is fighting you. In that case you would have to deliberately kill the entire civilian population. Which of course would be unethical.
>take over
this isn't the 1800s anymore, Grandpa.
Nobody colonizes third world shitholes.
Instead, we install puppet leaders who will give us favorable trade deals for next to nothing.
this way, the plebs think they still have their freedom, and we don't have to deal with pesky revolutions that put enough strain on your empire to cause it to collapse.
Exactly these idiots don't know shit about asymmetric warfare.
Actually the Russians did. You just sweeped in near the end of the war to clean up what was left and claim victory for yourselves.
Unblock any YouTube video in your country now.
You hate us cuz you ain't us.
In the words of Tywin Lannister "It's one thing to conquer, but quite another to rule"
>I mean you've failed to take over Vietnam
Puppet government beholden to USA.
(delicious cheap textiles)
Neutered and kept in 1950s level technology.
Puppet government beholden to USA.
(delicious slave labor animators and electronics)
Puppet government beholden to USA.
(delicious opium)
Puppet government beholden to USA.
(delicious cheap oil)
We don't take over countries, we make them into trade slaves.
All of these countries except cuba trade more with the USA than any other nation in the world, and they have free trade agreements with them.
We let them keep a semblance of freedom so they WILLINGLY sell us their natural resources for less than the costs of an occupation.
this, serfdom is far easier and more profitable than occupation.
why do you think the british empire was so successful?
I watched some documentary where this journalist was talking to some US backed Somali warlord. He asked him something along the lines of "why do you do what the US asks" and the war lord replied "they are the masters of war. I have no place to say". Shit gave me chills. I worry about the future of the world. It will probably come to an end by the hand of my countrymen
oh well, maybe the us will bankrupt itself making enemies
We came to America to escape foreigners, not join them.
Because as the Romans found out, you can't give that many shitskins voting rights.
We can't even give beaners voting rights and they live next door. That's why we don't just invade and annex Mexico.
They are you fucking retard, you can't be outright with it or you will end up like Nazi Germany. They create proxy states and proxy wars.
Shut your trap, leaf. Your kind will be the first ones to go.
Detailed Timeline: History of the Jewish War Against the World
Because we couldn't legitimately hold that much territory. We're already destroying the US by inches garrisoning foreign nations + multiple wars. You can't project sufficient force that far in any case.
We could kill off the entire world, but we couldn't reasonably hold it.
No one country won the war. Russians supplied lives (and cold) and the US Supplied goods. US manufacturing and FOOD kept the UK afloat and was a significant help to the USSR. Comrade Zhukov even stated that the goods provided by the US were vital.
Opening more fronts allowed USSR to push deep into germany, but russian meatgrinders helped break the german back. Allied strategic bombing also played a contributing factor in reducing goods provided to the Eastern front. We dropped a shit ton of bombs in Europe.
On the other hand, the US was the major power in dealing with Japan. USSR vs. Japan was a shitshow as I recall, but the experience helped Zhukov prepare for and deal with the fight against Germany.
The US cleared out SE Asia and "beat" Japan. Our navy took a hell of a beating doing it.
But WW2 wasn't just vs. germany, or vs. japan. (or Italy lololol), it was a world war involving many countries and many fronts.
We are but we wanna do it with as much finesse as we can, we know there will be inevitable conflict but we dont want to use nukes and hurt as few innocents as possible. Without getting too deep into semantics It is really is coming down to breaking the minds of two of the three Abrahamic religions and their allies which sadly we have kinda ruined trust with from the past three decade of conflict in the mid east and we've hit a wall where we are stagnant and are trying to find cohesive element to implement propaganda in an ostensible way.
usa could have taken over half the world or more after ww2 if and only if you had taken out the ussr at once, which you should have. the worst mistake usa did was let the ussr live
How can you be proud of your country Amerilard?
>hurt as few innocent people as possible
That's hilarious
Never talk shit about our pet niggers.
They are basically slaves. Niggers go to prison and work in factories. Then they spend all their fucking money on dumb shit like Jordan's and McDonald's
Because none of those are attempting to conquer an area, which is the problem.
The only real way to do that is to nearly eradicate the native population with overwhelming force, then move in.
Any other option will eventually mean the country in question reverts to independence, as they'll simply outbreed you. We did it right making America- natives were decimated and driven into reservations where they were guaranteed to be outbred by the current American population.
What kills Europe and America is not realizing that admitting a large enough population into your own culture will kill it by literally fucking the country to death under a horde of the new "immigrant" occupants.
Right wing death squads when?
>what was the entire process of making America
Really activates my almonds.
Our Jews are better. We've already taken over the world.
Who controls America?
You think this is a surprise to anyone?
Look how many jews are in government.
Of course their foreign policy will be to jew everyone except israel.
>The only real way to do that is to nearly eradicate the native population with overwhelming force, then move in
It's good for the economy too!
why do they hate us?