>where were you when Sup Forums was kill
Other urls found in this thread:
Erdogan is /ourguy/ confirmed
Shit like this is posted daily
guess I'll say bye to Sup Forums
With that level of specificity? I don't think so, user.
False flag.
>journalism is just a slow version of shotposting
>Sup Forums predicts muslim will kill random innocent white people
Damn...we must be geniuses...what an unthinkable event to happen...
only confirms MI6 is browsing Sup Forums
act cool
While everyone is out to blame Sup Forums for the attack, I'd like to thank all the anons who are doctors, nurses, engineers etc. That help us every day. #notallautists
literally week by week, more normie media just copies Sup Forums shitposts and calls it news
It was only a matter of time before some troll posting a hoax accidentally got it right.
I bet the dude who made that thread is shitting his pants right now.
eheh. They really believe it is a north Vietnamese basket weaving enthusiast boards structure they need to (((integrate))).
Trump was right, one doesn't get tired of winning
Sounds like complete bullshit. I was on a lot yesterday and never say it. Then again, with all of the spamming from people who are paid to do it, it's easy to miss boards.
Even if this is true, who's to say it wasn't planted here to make us look bad? Calling us racists/phobics (whatever) didn't work. Clearly the relentless spam hasn't phased us. What's the next step here, boys? "TEHY IS TURRISTS AVOID DOZ BORDS."
>mfw they try to bury the image of the sandnigger and pin the attack on "alt-right white supremacists from Sup Forums"
Nobody says that last year at the same fucking date a terrorist attack happened in Brussels.
Sup Forums being framed.
eh, there are chilling notes posted here every day. one is barely proof of anything. besides, this is a Guatemalan yak milking forum of peace.
Shut up shill.
did they give any kind of proof which was not just 2 guns with a Sup Forums note next to it
Some of You Guys are Alright, Don’t go to WBC finals
this board literally does this every day though
>that pic
pretty much exactly how it happened to me
Kek, Sup Forums is becoming mainstream. Moot changed the world.
terrorists aren't going to announce their attacks with a fucking ARG, jesus christ independent
>If someone posts bon jovi I'm going to blow up a fucking building
But terror attacks on us usually hit London, and the vicinity of Parliament is an obvious target that's impossible to lock down due to being surrounded by major roads. It's likely it was just a troll making a "lucky" guess, who will now get to enjoy intense questioning by police in a windowless room for the next day or so.
no fucking way kek
We Mexican warlocks now
A classic case of 'mememagick gone wrong'
T. Expert on memetic cyberwarfare
Some of you guys are alright, don't go to Sup Forums tomorrow
The guns were a repost from an old thread.
I'd prefer to be an intellectual.
Oh no, a broken clock is still correct twice a day.
It's quite obvious that London is one of the major targets for terror attacks.
no they like to flood the board with normies and their ideas and views on the world in hope to disrupt what they think is a danger to (((their))) plan to get more shekel and the energy from cheese pizza.
Didn't really hear about anybody being shot though. Unless he stabbed them with the guns.
is there at least a screencap of the post?
>new media is aware of some 4chinz post with 4 replies that 404'd
Why does the writing look like it was done with shitty mouse?
Like we aren't already under constant observation.
i dindu nuffin. I was a good boi
Such a shitty shop on the paper lmao
Moot movie when????
Yeah, okay... I'm a shill. How original!
Seriously, this is total bullshit. "Sup Forums user makes ominous post before terrorist attack." This had better not turn into some bullshit excuse for the FBI to start digging around here. They've already used the bullshit "mah Russia" excuse to go digging around InfoWars and Breitbart.
Pol is a board of peace!
Timestap is clearly shooped.
The morse code and the pastebin are with the message about big ben are probably just a coincidence, could be something to it, but that timestamp is fake as fuck. Also the image was from a thread back in 2009.
>Hello, Mr Lawman.
>the real problem isn't Islamic terror, it's that white males predicted it would happen
>inb4 Sup Forums is banned in UK because it helps terrorist to communicate in secret codes
To be fair, I did see an all caps post about how this guy was going to an hero and shit, and take down some motherfuckers with him or some such. Anyway, going through the archives now to find it.
I admittedly brushed it off.
best timeline
Some of you user are all right
Don't go to papercraft and origami tomorrow
Poor dude, i hope he's not from uk
But you are alt-right white supremacists / racists. They are simply calling you what you are.
Goddamned shill gtfo.
Some faggot posted a cap on reddit.
As always reddit is cancer and the faggots who cross post need to be eradicated.
>thinking Sup Forums is the source of our memetic think tank.
so close, and yet so far.
You are an idiot if you think intelligence agencies weren't present here already 10 years ago - let alone now.
>Implying that people can't read trends
Seriously, we just see patterns and make predictions based off of them meshing with the current trends to project a potential future, it's not too fucking hard to do.
Lol predict, it was a certainty and it will continue to happen.
This place is extremely public now, mostly Bc faggots from Reddit probably take screenshots of posts like the related post and post them on Reddit with autistic intentions to determine what it all means
I'd just like to point out that at least in the preliminary reports no firearms were used by the terrorists. Just knives and a bus.
>for the FBI to start digging around here
The FBI has been literally embedded on this board since chanology.
011000101 01001111011111 01110 1110101001100 100011001110 00101111000 0101001010011010010100101001
Mossad has a mole who posts on /pol.
S/he will probably return this week.
No way mudslimes are hip to this board.
Something something... ghost posting.
you miswrote piss
Of all the words that were ever said, the saddest are "Sup Forums was right again."
>not all autists
>No way mudslimes are hip to this boa-
Yea but we didn't do the attack
i wonder (((who))) want to frame Sup Forums
>nightmare alternate reality
The "nightmare" is that we see (an approximation of) actual reality, unlike normie NPCs who choose to believe whatever makes them feel good. E.g. they're posting #NotAllMuslims right now, we know that yes it fucking is.
Thank you for reminding outsiders that Sup Forums is a board of peace.
so wheres the Sup Forums post?
Who here prepared for dawn raids?
ffs, are these people payed to do this?
Hands up, who's the dickhead
white male confirmed
it was knife and car attack the police shot him lol
the exact coordinates were predicted.
>nightmare alternate reality
It's been nothing but smiles for me.
There will be another terrorist attack in Europe in 2017 ... mark my words Independent
>post guns
>attacker used no guns
really makes me think
Attacker didn't use guns. It's nothing more than a coincidence.
Guess the gig is up.
It was me. I planned the entire thing, start to finished.
I am the Sup Forums.
I'd guess even before that when this place was child porn central.
True. I guess what I'm really more concerned about is the "shutting down a dangerous terrorist threat" angle. You know they hate us.
>mudlims kill frequently
>make shitpost about mudlime killing
>it happens
>alt right
You mean that catch all label the left came up with to describe a phenomenon they couldn't explain?
the news media have spies in the discord server and shit