Get rekt britbongs you caused this... Tony Blair and you were the first one to blame and bomb us for removing Islam from europe now enjoy your multicultural progressive liberal hellhole... Not even Farage can save you now....
Get rekt britbongs you caused this... Tony Blair and you were the first one to blame and bomb us for removing Islam from europe now enjoy your multicultural progressive liberal hellhole... Not even Farage can save you now....
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Maybe, killing orthodox is still a nice thing
Are you that retarded to say that? multicutural progressive liberal shithole? fuck off
You have worse in your country anyways and Tony Blair was just an idiot Scotcuck, no one I know likes/liked him ever.
why are balkan slavs so mad against us? what did we even do
Still rather live here than be a nigger Slav
On one hand I hate Communists, and on the other hand, Muslims...
we should've just let them duke it out and kill the winner. A shame they didn't have gopro's back then...
Because you got in the way of removing Kebab
Serbs were onto something. Frankly it only is a matter of time before a new Karadzic emerges out of the angry populace.
Stop whining and drinking and fix your country instead of blaming other peoples.
Yugoslavia was one of the most thriving commie countries so if you look at what the civil wars, nato bombing campaigns and economic sanctions did to the country it's pretty revolting
You had your chance and threw it away
Lots of salty blue pilled fags ITT. Did your bulls bully you today?
What's your favorite brand of humus guys?
don't show your power level brat,you should just stop complaining and just watch in silence and laugh at these Western cucks.I can't even put down my smille how cucked they are
>stop blaming me for your problems, I'm just bombing you back to stone age along with 18 other countries, the most powerful military alliance in the world
>lol why u mad tho?
I hope your country is next, faggot.
>Ћyти и глyми дa cи pro EU
Why are serbs meming WE WUZ FIGHITNG MUSLIM EXTREMISM N SHIEET when you just wanted to keep us in failing yugoslavia?
No, we wanted to keep Serbs from Croatia and BiH in Yugoslavia.
You faggots were free to go to hell.
The problem arose when Croats and Muslims didn't allow Serbs to secede, even though that is hypocrisy, since they just seceded from Yugoslavia.
>britbongs lobbied to whole world to bomb us in 90's
Clinton started the campaign
we just sucked his dick
But there was no muslim extremism in ex yu,there isn't any muslim extremism now its all just a meme brate.Pls dont meme "BOSNIA IS TEHERAN" in this timeline or else people will think it's actually like that
Take your feeling and multiply it times one hundred and you know how I feel about the (((USA))).
Are you baiting? You have ISIS training camps and the highest number of ISIS converts per capita, dude.
Didn't you get rekt by Soviets?
USA kind of "saved" you.
Though I can see why you hate them, since you still occupied and shit.
What? Did the (((cnn))) tell you that?
Most of the "extreme" muslims here are ex junkies and alcoholics that went to mosques cause they couldn't afford actual rehab.Everyone hates them and frowns upon them.They live in small villages but are constantly raided and arrested by the police.
Dont worry hans we are keeping our stuff under control!
No, we got destroyed in a two front war and the Soviet Union couldn't have won without the insane amount of gear they received from (((them))). It also goes back to WW1 actually. The entire anglo world loves to fight with commies for Jews (and later Mudslimes) to kill white Europeans. Same goes for you.
Most recent proof is the current mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, and the alternative would have been a literal Rothschild.
There are plenty of more you muslim piece of shit! You brought mujahideens from Middle East, Checnya and god knows more from where... Those mujahideens were there just to kill Serbian and Croatian Christians... Those same people have citizenships now and they live in Sharia controlled villages that are ISIS recruitment and training camps... Fucking filth just a reminder that your family are ex Croats, Serbs that converted from Christianity to Islam just so they could live with privileges and food... Cowards! You even bombed your people just so you could blame MUH EVIL SERBS...
>Most of the "extreme" muslims here are ex junkies and alcoholics that went to mosques cause they couldn't afford actual rehab.
I think the same goes for that guy who did the truck of peace attack in Nice. They lead a life of degeneracy with easy sluts and booze, some day the realize they are a failure and snap: Oh shit, nigguh! I'm a Muslim and will go to hell (I fucked up in life). "QUICK! Let's do radical jihad, so I can go instant to heaven (suicide with style)!" Just because they are degenerate does not mean, they will not kill, if a religion offers them to go straight to Valhalla if they kill in the name of Islam.
Ill just enjoy these 1st world cozy conditions while you guys stick to rubble and rags
>4 dead
>not even farage can save you now
i'm fucking quaking
Sure miloše sure
Yep sadly is like that but we have never had any terrorist attack here.They should just an hero in their home
It could've been a lot worse
I'm all for the political upper class getting murdered in the UK, they're totalitarian assholes who hate the UK.
Yup, tony Blair had to beg Clinton for months to get NATO involved.
I'm sorry.
Yes,yes we get you Nigel but it's time for you to prep the bull,Jamal won't prep him self.
>made a few posts saying this
>nobody responds
>Ive come to realise that nobody on pol actually remember the troubles
>nobody on pol is older than 15 other than me and you
Is this one German poster being a huge faggot all day long or are all Germans like this?
IRA just grew to be irrelevant,they dont do edgy stuff anymore
>Yugoslavia was one of the most thriving commie countries
Nope. The leftists wanted to believe this, but it's bullshit.
I heard a story about a guy visiting for business and when he took out a cigarette a woman offered to prostitute herself for it. When he just gave her the whole pack for nothing she broke down in tears.
Commies also wanted to believe Tito was a "good" communist leader but the civil wars are pretty much all his fault.
Chill with the hate, war happeed 25 years ago, let it go mate
We don't run NATO
>invade neutral Belgium
>we dindu nuffin the evil eternal anglo keeping us down
>I'm sorry.
Some of you Americans are alright.
Don't interfere when we start removing kebab again.
Yep agreed,tito was only good at keeping peace
Hi Serb, why did you remove Muslim in the late 90s? Was there some reason? Anything happening?
I remember the Brits bombing you. Why actually did they bomb you?
>be Britain
>get offered to ally with leader who advocated his love for the British, whom he, objectively, considered closest to the German people, from day one
>ally with literal Stalin for World Jewry to destroy Reich
>lose entire Empire and kill the world leading role of Europe for good
Who the fuck cares about a non-country like Belgium anyway???
we literally have a fraction of kebabs as you cabbagenigger
I'll join you, next time.
>pic related
why do they love accordions so much, gypsies
NATO bombed us because Milosevic cared about Serbs and Serbia and we were also Russias ally.
Serbs from Serbia didn't kill any muslims but Serbs from Bosnia did all the killing since the war started when some Muslim killed 5 Serbs at a wedding
>I heard a story about a guy visiting for business and when he took out a cigarette a woman offered to prostitute herself for it. When he just gave her the whole pack for nothing she broke down in tears.
If you believe that, you'll believe anything.
Still, fuck communism.
This, it's kind of unrelated to why you dislike them but if every "person" on that god-forsaken island dropped dead tomorrow it would make my day. Then add every "person" from North America and it would make my life.
Serbs, how about we stop our Christian sectarian hate and finally purge all Balkans of Islamic disease?
Anyone who uses ellipses like OP should be fucking shot
Hej Antune we're on your side
well at least we blw in jesus
Go on ahead
Kuffars BTFO
>I'm on your side, trust me my infidel friend, don't mind this knife I'm about to stick into your back
>I heard a story
Wow good argument. I heard a story Americans are leftophobic rednecks.
>we literally have a fraction of kebabs as you cabbagenigger
fucking kek
you have sharia zones you mong,whille we have Muslims who drink alcohol,eat pork and basicly are Serbs just with diffrent faith
Kosovo is Se...
When the removal starts i'll be right there with you Serb bro
>Just let us Anschluss senpai-tachi I promise we only want our people back together
>Just give us Czechoslovakia we won't take any more than that I promise
We luv jesus crobro...oh vukovar? eeeh ignore that hehe fucc muzzies!!1!
Wtf I love karma now
>let me tell you about your countrie's history while bombing it for Stalin and Jews
what the fuck
Same reason you will too in future... You let them in from their shitholes give them free gibs (house,electricity,food,water,education) they start breeding like rabbits and start to be violent in few decades killing natives wanting to be independent and when country fights back and muslims get BTFO'd then they cry and beg for NATO Help... LOOK AMERIKA PLJEAZ HELJP HELJP EBIL SERBOZ KILJ KILJ CHILJDREN HELJP NATO...
>muh clay
bosnians and croatians are more like each other than you brotherkillers will ever be, backstabbing turks with self-hate complexes (serbs proven to have the most turk/arabic genes among all Balkan people, also the reason they hate Brits and Ameribros)
Sorry Serbia bro. :(
The british were also always were anti-white african. They are paying their dues the eternal cucks.
No worries there mate let us know so we can get the popcorn
>a muslim Serb is calling Serbs Turks
>Croats and Bosnians are closer to each other
I don't think so Ahmed:
>Principal component analysis of Y-chromosomal haplogroup frequencies among the three ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbs, Croats, and Bosniacs, showed that Serbs and Bosniacs are genetically closer to each other than either of them is to Croats.
Literally the first result that comes up on google.
Get rekt, muslim Serb.
You werent removing islam you were bombing children over a shitty fucking hill in the north.
Wanting to genicide your european neighbors because they were forced by the turks to be muslim or pay taxes is retarded, especially considering your shithole pinko country was owned by turks for like 500 years too.
Hurr remove kebab serb stronk
kek, oh so true youtube.com
That's what you get for fighting with communists for (((them)))
I wish foerigncucks could understand this the most redbilled speech ever. No other speech comes as close.
Man, minute 2 of first video is impressive.
Then translate it into English.
its 18 minutes long, maybe some day
My family is genetically serbian, my grandfather came here to America after ww2. My uncle fought the Serbs for the US army and he had to use a fake last name so the Muslims would trust him. His son, my cousin and I are very close. We got in a fight the other day cause I was drunk and told him I have no respect for his dad and what he did, and that I think he is basically a scum bag for fighting the serbs.
In the end, all these conflicts just come down to one thing: the West had it all! And squandered it, by in-fighting and treachery! If the Chinks ever take over, it will be what will bring them down, too, in the end. Their bickering and local division and hate and rivalries with Japan, Vietnam and all the rest.
Why don't you translate it?
>my uncle fought the Serbs
Disgusting. You should all disown the scumbag.
The same thing that happened with your uncle, where he chose to be American and disregard his roots and even fight Serbs, happened with the ancestors of what we today call Croats and Bosniaks.
They, for whatever reason, converted to Catholicism and Islam, respectably, and became Croats and Bosniaks centuries ago.
There is a saying in Serbia: Poturica je gori od Turaka (Converted Serb aka Bosniak is worse than a Turk), because they always strive to prove themselves to their adopted nationality.
In this way, we Serbs are our own greatest enemy.
Remember your roots, even if you're thousands of miles away.
This is the ESSENCE of the German people.
The essence Hitler tried to bring back, that's the only thing he did wrong.
10/10 post
thank you OP
so by that logic the final race war will break out in ca 2060
f-far too late
>Remember your roots
Lmao Burgercucks brag about killing Germans in WW2, now look at Europe.
7-1, anti-German faggot
Catholic Germany is the only respectable Germany.
All other Germanies are literal shit.
Joke's on you, I was a catholic. And the Catholic church today is anything but respectable. They also fought the Nazis.
Today only proves they were right
Poland and Belgium probably disagree.
We wouldn't have had to end you if you acted like white brothers. Instead you allied the soulless slant eye, supported pearl Harbor, then declared war upping my nation. Get fucked faggot.
Nearly every American has German heritage, the people live on.
Again a fucking non-country
set up by the eternal Anglo
>Eternal Serb
>lecturing others about terrorism
>They also fought the Nazis.
did they?
And you forced Japan into war with your embargos, your president knew of the attack long before and let it happen as a casus belli. Also:
>killing commies
>ever wrong
And you yourself never acted like white brothers. Ever. More like the whore of babylon and capitol to the Synagogue of Satan.
Same today with your wars on Gadaffi:
opened the flood gates to Europe.
Wars on Saddam and Assad:
created the refugees in the first place
Support for Saudi Arabia and Israel: cucks the entire world to radical Islam - wahhabism
The (((liberal world order))) is also your creation.
And still occupying my country to this day, using it as a foreward carrier and spy central - spying on my entire nation 24/7 aswell.
We need to learn necromancy
>Refugees vs Germans
Burgers can't handle all of those facts.