Abu Izzadeen, also known as Trevor Brooks, is now suspected of being the terrorist behind the cowardly terror attack in London this afternoon, according to reports.
Izzadeen was a spokesman for Al Ghurabaa, an organisation banned by the British government under the terrorism act for the glorication of terrorism.
He was convicted on charges of terrorist fundraising and inciting terrorism overseas in 2007.
Wyatt Gutierrez
Non-nonce-Kike thread.
Leave and pay a real tribute to Brit citizens.
Luke Johnson
nice get exodiaposter
Joshua Hall
>attacking loud and crashing your car in the front of the building
Joseph Gonzalez
why does Britain allow this to happen? just jail their leaders for life or send some assassins
Noah Evans
Schoolchildren from France were the target of today's terrorist attack, the police just released a photo of the suspect from his phone
Luke Perry
Chase Davis
Makes me want to join the marines so I can shoot some of these assholes.
Jeremiah Gonzalez
>a test of confidence and resilliance
yeah by this we all know it means "tolerance" and not being openly racist
The French government won't do anything, the French people won't hunt them and blow their mosques up. So they'll just carry on.
John Harris
Because it's one of those awkward things that straddles the line being a fetish and not being a fetish.
It's a subculture 90% dominated by fetishists because that's how market forces blow the winds. Since there's one or two people outside the venn diagram the two can't be synonymous.
Or something. Really I'm not sure I want to go down this track, I love to rant but furry takes consumerism to a level that makes that fat cunt with the crusty legs seem like a Buddhist monk.
Asher Wilson
what the fuck is wrong with these autsits? Take your pills and chill
Jacob Parker
I'm a bit indifferent to all this
Is this the Black pill?
Caleb Myers
They can't. Autistic NEET losers are way too obsessed with int/tier flag role-play
Reminder that we had the guy in jail and let him go Reminder that we had the guy in jail and let him go Reminder that we had the guy in jail and let him go
Skip to the end
Elijah Taylor
Gavin Lopez
Camden Turner
Lucas Allen
bet you look a right plonker now mate
Isaiah Hughes
So who got killed?
Nolan Reed
I wouldn't trust his solicitor
I'll wait for the Met to say something, maybe they can hurry the fuck up on this
Kayden Butler
someone put a booby hat on this bint
Henry Morales
How many are dead, is it still 4? Will it stay that way?
Tyler Gomez
Always wait for BBC, they have to be extremely careful so you can always guarantee somethings legit once they say so.
Oliver Diaz
*Bobby FFS
Juan Harris
A copper, two civilians and one of the islamist spastics.
Evan Garcia
He said he's been asked to report to his base, I suspect the military will be deployed around strategic infrastructure similar to France e.g. airports, major railway stations etc. to help support the police.
Blake Green
Kek, unlucky lad
Hunter Ortiz
Dylan Smith
So of the 4 dead, we know that 1 was the stabbed cop 1 was the muslim scumbag 1 was the woman under the bus.
Who was the 4th? The guy who jumped off the side of the bridge with the broken leg or the guy just down the road from the bus woman?
Sebastian Stewart
Spent the last hour and a half walking round Westminster. Regret doing it really, because I saw fuck all except for lots of police and media, and my legs are fairly tired now
Lincoln Jones
To be fair, they were the ones telling us there were 2 suspects
Ethan Morales
Had he been released?
Camden Perez
Head toLiverpool Street station lad
There's a bus on fire
Juan Gonzalez
Jeb you cheeky sod
Ryan Reyes
The women who jumped in the water survived. I heard there were two bridge victims, then the officer and terrorist himself.
Alexander Rivera
Another report.
Cameron Powell
Nothing will happen after this
Maybe a few more laws to crack down on the evil far-right though
Nathaniel Bennett
Wots goin' on ere, wharra ya sayin' like, you lookin' at our bras, i'll 'av ya know these are top quality brassiers we're wearin'
John Hall
He injured over 20 people, could be someone we haven't seen.
Austin Gray
Brody Lewis
Why would you attack London
They're already muslims lol
Ian Brooks
oh shit the independent confirm it's him too
i feel much more safe in posting him in my groupchat now
if its not i'll just say the independent and C4 news led me astray
Jonathan Sullivan
Simply can't be arsed, home now so I'll probably just cook some dinner and watch the footy.
Carson Bailey
Julian Morris
Who else here can't wait to see what pops up in The Guardian's opinion section?
Colton Howard
We need a new non-Jewish troll Brit/pol/ thread, lads.
Matthew Gutierrez
>Keep doing Islam's bidding for them Is this a causal 'all Muslims are terrorists'?
John Williams
>Ackbars >Braincells lol.
Jonathan Jenkins
gas the mudslimes
Matthew Bennett
>if you followed statistical trends you're LITERALLY worse than ISIS
ha what
Charles Perry
>if you expected the attacker to be muslim you are literally worse than ISIS
this has to be a fake i know reddit is cucked but 2000 upvoted? has to be a fake