Operation ShareBlue: 1st Recon

I know focus is on london happening but as I promised last night I went to the suspected shareblue hq. It didnt go as well as I had hoped but I might have got things of use.

1st post: I filmed the directory. Unfortunately I had know idea the reflective names would come out so terribly in the video. Maybe an autist can clean it up.

video: vid.me/1p0i

Things to note: There were no 5th or 6th floor listings at all. Also on the 3rd floor is Creative Media Matters.

At the end of the video I was attempting to use the elevators when security stopped me

Other urls found in this thread:


after being kicked out I went to the back of the building (21st st) and went in. There was no security or attendant there but each floor of the elevator required a key so I took some photos of the directory

outside photos


Bump for a man who actually went outside.
I'm in the Midwest and miss out on all the fun. Thank you for your service, may kek bless you meme warrior.



Why didn't you open carry an AR-15?


i like my life

not much info
PROTIP: don't use a big ass camera and get some of those glasses with a camera in them next time

"The Children's Aid Society" what a coincidence... any info on them?


Bumping for brave user.

Welcome to the leapfrogs, kid. We'll be in touch.

haha.. 'the narrative group' as well.. some interesting companies in this building, 'gold development, inc' reminds me of david seaman "cornerstone global commodities" seems like they have every thing they need here in this building for a little human trafficking

It's about time we started going on the offensive. We need to take these Shareblue fuckers out.
Shadillay, and may Kek guide us.

Bump. Anyone else researching the businesses in op's pic?

Good job reconanon

You brought Kek with you and David is kill

Knowledgebomb user is going to have a nut if this legit. Bump to get this spread on /pol:

now we've got your face

nice recon, user.

You realize your face is fully visible in those eh?

This unfortunately means Shareblue probably has it too.
I wouldn't be surprised if OP or his family happened to have an unfortunate "accident."

Bump. Not letting them slide this thread.


What does all that even mean?


>"Lifestyle Communications specializing in creative storytelling."
What the fuck is this supposed to mean? The only time somebody uses "creative storytelling" for the purpose of communicating is when they're lying.

bump for recon

Supposedly they control how your brand looks in the eyes of the consumer. If you believe their narrative, kek

Page 6 in under half a minute?
I don't know if they're deliberately trying to slide this thread, but I wouldn't doubt it.

Not sure if this relates, but it is still fishy as fuck

"Reconanon" ... I'm dead. that's hilarious

bumping for recon

bump for kek

Bumping for bump

Kek is enjoying this thread.

Thread isn't moving fast enough to sustain itself. Have one final bump in hopes that we can get some more people to see this. This info could prove useful.

Wow It's nothing Shareblue doesn't exist you think you're hot shit dontcha

bump for a job well done

set up an appointment with the acupuncturist. From there, you'll be allowed to take the elevator. He'll be on the 9th floor (I think) so you have two choices - either security is looking so you go to there and take stairs down. Or just say fuck security and go to ShareBlue floors.

we need to find out when they are hiring new shills and have user to apply and hopefully go to the interview and record it


Mayhew Breen seems to be an infomercial production company. No obvious link


So far what is weird is the few businesses I've looked at have only a couple employees. How can they afford the office space? Filmmakers, real estate and consumer relations dominate so far.

Praise Kek brothers.

A post yesterday indicated that office space in this building is currently for rent at $100,000 per month. Why would a children's charity, or a small production company pay that much?

Kek is already at work: David Brock suffers heart attack


>Goldilocks Films
>1 employee
>grossed $61,000
How in the fuck do they stay in business? The rent probably takes a big chunk of a measly $61,000.


yeah, except the human trafficking i mean children's charity that has almost 2000 combined

not to mention they have been around since 'the beginning of civilization'

May kek guide you

CIA front? We know the CIA pays handsomely for propaganda videos according to info revealed during the election.

The Smith-Mundt Modernization act now allows them to use these methods on U.S. citizens

they don't need an act to do whatever the fuck they want re: wiretapping

Duly Noted. We will win however.


Yeah, I was looking into the smaller ones with wierd names. Goldilocks Films just sounded shady as shit.

Good work m8. Cut your hair now and grow some facial hair just in case. Dye it all too.

hope we don't get tired of winning

>Green Phantom acupuncture
>170,000 gross
>3 employees

No reviews, no website.

"The Narrative Group"




I looked at that one. They 'use storytelling to promote brand awareness' whatever the fuck that is

Uh guys, I had a weird captcha saying something about 'the charred bones of infants' should I be spooped?

Elites are paying good money for 'tiny pricks'

It is as though they never expected anyone to actually look into any of this.

Careful, user, the CIA already has their heart attack gun warmed up and ready to go.

We need more autism in this thread. Being slid bigly

Yeah, that was weird. All I'm doing is looking a public info, don't kill me.

Follow the money for these companies, I am sure it is all shady

Miles End Films
>3 employees
>Very few titles under their belt
>One documentary about Republicans in Hollywood
>twitter feed is a bit SJW cringy

Anyone find it all a bit weird?
The thread mysteriously identifying this building last night.
The news about Brock today.
This thread.

Was Anon5 right?

I realized after I took them and looked them over. Figured fuck it either post 'em or delete em

He gets a lot of criticism, but he is right most of the time.

Creative storytelling is a euphemism for Spinning

So not really lying, just knowing how to present facts to cover your ass

Nice stuff OP, good legwork.

London bridge is falling down

You did good. Some good info can be had from your pics. I just don't understand why more anons aren't in on this.

Well this thread is a result of the one last night. I saw them identify it and said I would go check it out in person

Bc it's being slid like mad. This is the 3rd time I posted it bc the other ones got archived instantly



>Cambria Acupuncture
Business license dissolution 2014

That's actually a great idea. I'm going to take a breather for a while but maybe another nyc native could do this?


Be careful, dude.

All those people get delivery sometime or the other. You'd have to have a legit delivery slip and a photo id, though.
>t. former delivery guy in NYC

Let me let you guys in on some intel as someone who has done work in places that do not officially exist. Most of these are fronts. They will take a building and make 1 or 2 floors related to the namesake outside and the rest of the building will be locked down for black projects and other crap.

They all hide in plain sight.

If you can get photos of the employees, you can forward them over to the FBI and see if they're registered foreign agents.

they are the shills on youtube
they are the positive comments on twitter
they use false ephemeral identities
they are paid to lie


Make sure you livestream with periscope in case you get snatched up and go missing

I mean I'm not offering to do that. Not right now at least. I'd rather spread out operations out between different people.

>Most of these are fronts
Are there legal/tax ramifications for this?

Lat and long ?

Idk but it's 16 west 22nd street ny, ny

It is registered at a different address too. Did they just steal the name of a closed business?

Good job user! We do our part while Kek does his: